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Everything posted by Maiden69

  1. Yeap, I'm in the ARMY and I was in Geramny on my way to Iraq, my son fell and fractured his femur (2yr old) and the ARMY sent him to a local Hosp (Kinderklinik) there they discovered that he has a tumor on the bone weakening it, and sent all the family to the states (Maryland) in order to go to ARMY hospital. Both my guitars with the exeption of the LP were on our repair van along with my amp(Crate GX-65) and cheap processor (Tone Works AX1). Those are still over there with my personal property... Should get them before NOV or in Feb hopefuly when they get back.
  2. Not necessary, depending on how much paint you shoot with cans, you can color sand the very next day, in order to shoot another coat, I finished my guitar and 2 days later I color sanded and started polishing to only notice that the back sida was marked with the towel I set it over. It's being 1 week and still needs to dry a bit more. Just find a spot that nobody will see and push with your finger tip, hold for a second... then release and look in an angle, if you can see your finger print groves on the paint is not ready ( I don't mean like a smudge mark but like the paint took the for of your prints.) I will say atleast 3 weeks or more depending on weather and humidity...
  3. Post a pic of the neck you are modifying, that way we can give you better advise.
  4. I will be adding a new bridge, this one is from the Explorer, It had the same problem as the RR, it some how shattered in pieces, and the problem was that at the place I was there was nothing to use that will work... But the string radius to the neck is correct and the action is LOW and besides I had 2 other guitars to play with and no Idea of this site, so I had no "impulse" to fix it... Now I want to fix anything I can get my hands on, that's why the Strat got were it is now and this one is going to be worked on this weekend, I will be scalloping the neck, (wish me luck) I don't want to mess up these inlays. Haven't done one of those yet.
  5. Sorry, the one I need will be chrome.
  6. I forget, put a like on their forum to this thread and flame them, the only one that is not recessed is the HF2 holdsworth and SC90S the Tele looking one!
  7. Ok this made me go and pull my Carvin catalog, since I still think about getting it next tax refund, and here is the pic since my scanner is down. Sorry is big but I wanted to made sure it was legible.
  8. Ok, I don't know if to get a new body or just get what ever I can use out of this and go from there... This is a "PLYWOOD" ( that dmn plague is following me) body that I bought from my cousin in 1985, It's being painted 6 times and every paint job has gone mad on the guitar. As you can see from the pics. It has right now a SD SH-10 full shred humbucker at the bridge and the Epi neck pickup from my LP Classic. The tunners are after market, I know they are good, ad was mad that this guitar didn't arrived before the strat because the tunners will have been a great addition to it. Here is the RR in my late Harmony Explorer case On this one you can see the Pups and the "custom" bridge(this was attached when the cast block shattered in pieces. It was replaced if you can see with a piece of aluminum from a tent. Another shot to show the "custom" pickguard, shattered onroute from Iraq. And here you can see my one off aluminum nut from an aluminum piece from an ***** manifold that broke while in a National Trainning Center in California's Dessert. No plastic or anything else was found so I used a hacksaw to cut a piece of the manifolds end, then shaped it and using a set of jewelers files from Craftman and a Gerber tool give the slots and final shape and mounted it with (don't scream" Epoxy since there was no other glue available other than sylicone.
  9. I will be e-mailing Gibson to see if it's compatible with the one I got, I think it will work better with roller saddles.
  10. I can't see the recess on that carved top Carvin but I've never seen one up close to know for sure. That model has only been out a few months. Carvin has been using that low rider TOM for some time to avoid neck angles and routing. Feel free to call Carvin and ask them to confirm it for you. I already did, I was going to order from them last Feb, but I was sent to the States (I was in Germany) because of a family emergency. I had to use the money I had for the trip expenses... On the catalog before the one running it states that the TOM is recessed. in this new one says that the TOM is set in body , the model I was getting was the DC127 with the see thru blueburst on Mah with maple neck. With the options it was going to be $745 with the ABS case...
  11. Has anybody used or have one of this on your guitar that will like to give feedback. I am on my way to cusomize my Epi LP and will like to consider it. It's a stop tailpiece that have adjustable screws like the Floyd Rose, so that you can do fine tunning on the bridge instead of the tunners. I run a search and there is nothing on TP6.
  12. Carvin has been using TOM with out the stop piece for a while and the neck is not angled. They recess the TOM so that it doesn't need the angle. I like this better than the raised one on my LP, I might be doing an SG because of the great neck access on it, and I will be using Carvins neckthru neck... A few people have used it here and I haven't heard a complaint yet... Here is the new CT6M, as you can see the TOM is recessed and it looks awsome.
  13. You should go to his web site, he is an artist in the airbrush department, not to mention his contributions to the painting tutorials... That's awsome LGM, I didn't reply on the first time because I could tell it wasn't done, I can't tell if it is cleared, there is some shine but it looks semi-gloss, not like the other one in your tutorial.
  14. That's exactly it, the Gibson is smooth and it may requiere cleaning, but it's way better than the Epi, I don't know why I had to open the cover to clean the Epi almos every 2-3 months, the Gibson was installed about 2 yrs now, it went from Texas to Germany to MAryland and I haven't had to clean it yet. And is the open type.
  15. I'm bumping you up, whats up with the paint? Cant wait to see it finished...
  16. I like it, it is classy and it reminds me of this one, I just wish that the 164dl was better than it seems.
  17. Normal body blanks are about 21" long, so if you don't want to risk messing up the Mah. you can cut it to 2 24" long boards, then you can take it to get planedor have the cabinet place or wood shop in your area rip it and plane it for a fee. This is the same situatoin I go but the place I will get the wood from have a planner and a nice band saw that I will be using to do the cuts my self... Good luck
  18. Yes they are, that's why I got a Gibson switch on my Epi..
  19. See the quote, IN YOUR INFO... look here this is my info, there is were you should edit or post were you are, that way if you are asking were to buy this, nobody will tell you to go to Home Depot if you are in Germany, Australia, England or where ever...
  20. Out of topic but... Long time no hear from you, by the way love your work... great maple top... how soft is that wood, softer than cedar? I know that people here have used that for body so I guess it will be good, were in Korea are you, 2 of my friends are going to Camp Casey, Tongduchon, Korea and the other to Youngsan, is it near you?
  21. Thanks for clarifying, it's being 15 yrs since I went to electronic school and now all i do is test and replace modules , got to love modernization.
  22. At least you said not to offend, but... I'm from PR, no bright colors, big flags, or anything, just a lowered, (please don't say lowrider, no ugly wire rims sticking out here) fast GMC Jimmy. and to prove the fast thing, here is 128mph limitedd in the A3 from Wurzburg to Frankfurt Autobahn. Unless that maxima is AWD and I don't think so leave it be, save money and get a used WRX. Sorry for the poor quality, but this post made me go outside and get this photos, Don't like when people asume that because of a few boneheads, everybody is the same...
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