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Everything posted by westhemann

  1. i'm sorry but this is freaking ridiculous!how much can it possibly cost to make this very nice,but very simple guitar?
  2. simple but elegant
  3. i need one of these for my v easy to make too.
  4. i would think glueing on wood would be tough since none of the edges on a stat are planed flat.a strat is kind of round everyway.seems like it would be easier to make a new body to fit the neck and electronics.when you expose the wood you can tell what it is made of if you are familiar with different woods but most strats are alder,poplar,or basswood.(i may be forgetting something)some are plywood in which case i don't reccomend modifying the body as it would be hard to reseal.but that's just my opinion.
  5. yes that is a good price.also i forgot to mention alder is one of the more consistent sounding woods from piece to piece.if it's alder it is a safe bet it will sound like alder.great clean tone and very crisp.
  6. in the control cavity and trem cavity on my revolver i found split wood where they forced in screws without drilling first.we don't have an emoticon that expresses my feelings on that.and you may be right coen but i think you suffer from the same disease.
  7. i do the same thing as guitar ed.the problem with holding it in your teeth is you take in alot of fumes that way.sometimes i have the wife hold a really difficult piece.i also have a mini clamp that i use sometimes(when it fits)
  8. just so you know i built my first solid body with a jigsaw,a file,sandpaper,and a dremel with routing bit.i didn't even have a base for the dremel but of course you need that too.i already had measuring tools.you're looking at around $100 worth of tools to do it the caveman way.some people do it with even less.
  9. i think it would be best for leads and such.consider it like a different instrument altogethr.kind of an electric picking violin.
  10. i chose finishing because that is my weak spot.but i love the woodworking and electronis too. and alex makes a good point about neck building.that is a difficult area and many different view points would help in understanding
  11. it says it has a composite body.what exactly constitutes composite?and did you see the price?that is very steep for a novelty guitar.especially when it is an ltd.some of their japanese guitars are amazing but that one?not my cup of tea i guess. some of you may remember the ltd case i ordered with an f 100 about 3 months before christmas last year?i was complaining about how it was taking too long to get here.well i finally gave up last week and the music store gave me a different case(which i had to modify to get it)the guitar guy(who i have known for a while and is very honest)says he ordered a guitar from them at the same time and it is not in either.he says he once ordered a custom from them and it took OVER A YEAR to get in. this is too bad because i think their japanese guitars are excellent and would love to have a custom made but i can't take that kind of customer service. anyone had a better experience with them or is it always the same story?
  12. yes i am aware of the hypocrasy.or is it irony?anyways my electricity has been off all morning.7 freakin hours!no coffee or computer.i thought i was going to die! it just came back on and now i have keyboard in one hand and cofee in the other.i can feel the calmness washing over me.oooohhhhmmmmm.oooohhhhmmmmm.
  13. just switched all my guitars to dadarrio today.very smooth strings with a nice even tonal response from string to string.and yes they intonate perfectly.i tune by power chord rather than the 5th fret method so this makes a big difference to me.
  14. no accounting for taste i guess
  15. westhemann


    what do ya'll think of this piece of junk?
  16. thought you were going to bed man.can't stay away can you
  17. that's what i thought until b.c. rich made THE BEAST I LOVE THAT GUITAR
  18. it looks better on the cover of the catalog they sent me but i agree the shape sucks.i am just glad they are making a high end series.(the korean models are very poorly made)i have a revolver pro and it has major issues.this one is still way overpriced though.
  19. have any of you guys seen the new american customs?(scroll down)
  20. i was considering doing one of these as my next project.i put it off because i didn't know if it was feasable but now i know
  21. ask him quickly he probably has some fresh from last night.
  22. yeah or stainless steel,purpleheart on ebony,anything really.
  23. once on this forum a guy made a suggestion to cut fret slots as normal but instead of frets put in a piece of different colored wood and sand it flush.i don't remember who made it but i thought it was a cool idea.
  24. i think it would be outstanding for wild leads,but i didn't see any fret markers so you would know your position on the neck.
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