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Fresh Fizz

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  1. Hi Neil, How about teemuk's book that's for free? (ssguitar.com) http://www.thatraymo...yttala_v1.0.pdf cheers, FF
  2. Hi McSeem, Nice to see there is a hexaphonic project year 2. Can I already order the dvd for the complete series? If I interpret your question well:"Would guitar players appreciate these type of sounds, would they use them?" The hex-distortion is a winner for sure. If I were in your place I would focus on the distortion before anything else. Get a great distorted sound without effects even when mixed/panned into stereo (or even mono into guitar amp). Combined with the hex-sustainer your rig is already totally unique and the most versatile guitar on the planet. Do you really need separate delays (or other FX) for each string separately? Would hex-sound downmixed into 2 channels used as input for 2 delays not be a reasonable alternative? And then use a stereo poweramp. Even the 2 delays could be panned instead of being hard-left and hard-right, if you know what I mean. If you're interested I have some distortion sounds to be used as reference: cheers FF
  3. The applet is correct as long as you don't use a bottleneck from the bridge side of the string to change the pitch. Or screwdriver in a Sonic Youth fashion For ease of use you should 'detune' a bit, use 125 Hz instead of 110 Hz. cheers FF
  4. The best thing is to try out the uglyface for yourself. But I think you're able to achieve much better results with the dod280. A. The distorted sound of the uglyface gets blended with the sound of the sustaining guitar string. The string serves as some kind of reverb spring for the distorted overtones that's emitted by the driver. But the frequency response is not flat, which is demonstrated in Tillman's applet . Move the pickup towards the bridge and you lose the lows, fizzy fuzz on top of the original clean sound is the result. B. A compressor (limiter) with a slow release time acts less aggressive than a distortion box. A distortion wants to sustain immediately but a compressor sags during the attack and needs to recover. When you use a lot of compression you need a long release time. You want to limit the available headroom and let the lm386 clip the signal? I don't see what's so magical about an overdriven lm386. Wouldn't a clipping device and a master volume before the lm386 work just the same? But if you want to go crazy experimenting I have something for you. Like a power soak, place a small resistor (4 - 8 ohms/1W?) in series with the driver. Or like a tube rectifier, place a resistor (47 - 100 ohms/1W?) between V+ and the lm386 pinout 6 together with cap. Of course at your own risk, cheers FF
  5. Split coil like on Fender precision basses, huge core like some high output humbuckers (+ agc design that allows for a higher self-inductance). My driver functions as neck pickup too. This was Wasp's question: To me it seems that Wasp knows what he is talking about. The commercial ones are not drawing 0.5 W, because of the use of agc. But why don't you answer the question? I chose not having to use a battery. That doesn't mean that my sustainer consumes more power than yours. On the contrary I would say. You talk about balance but what you're doing is pushing the battery to its limit. To say it in your jargon: Exhausting a battery as quickly as possible seems to be one of your criteria. Is the power consumption of a compressor more in the range of a fuzz box or of a mini power amp? Now I'm a bit confused (cannot compare..., own criteria..., optimum formula?) If you had said easy to build especially for n00bs, no difficult setup, will fit inside the guitar... cheers FF
  6. A debate is only possible between open-minded people who share an interest in improving a product. Telling other people not to look any further because I build this or that product is not debating. It's marketing, promoting your own stuff. Down with the marketing! Let us debate. Why would anyone who is interested in building sustainers not prefer circuitry designed specifically for sustainers over a general purpose mini power amp? Yes indeed, those wicked Fetzer-Rubys. cheers FF
  7. How about the Fetzer-Ruby that was posted by Galaga Mike in his sustainer tutorial? FF
  8. Some of the eggheads could use some feedback by you guys. Build a driver together with a bare bones sustainer amp (no agc) as suggested by psw. And if you're not entirely happy with the performance report it back in the forum. Don't expect a free ride. If there's enough demand for a more sophisticated sustainer, who knows what will happen. I could come up with something or perhaps col could repost his design. cheers FF
  9. ok Jogi, One thing you could do is reverse the leads of the driver (reverse the phase - but I doubt an inefficient driver in harmonics mode is the problem) You probably get radio Zagreb because of the high gain of the lm386, some 200 x. To me it makes most sense to test the fet Q1 now. If you don't have a scope disconnect the volume pot from pinout 2 and connect it up to your guitar amp. So you need a 2 wire cable to your amp, ground and signal (= taper of volume pot). The fet should amplify the signal by some 10 - 20 times. If you compare fet inserted with guitar straight to amp there should be a noticeable difference in volume. I also see 2 ways to improve stability: A. add a zobel network at pinout 5. B. swap the inputs of the 386, pinout 3 to signal, pinout 2 to ground. FF
  10. No, you don't need distortion, you need sufficient gain. I don't see what's the problem. You have an amp that works and should have enough gain. The driver seems to be all right. You don't notice anything when you switch on/off your sustainer? Do you manage to get some sustain (even very weak) or is there no sustain at all? The driver coil above the 12th fret should sustain your open strings in fundamental mode. If you move the driver towards your guitar pickup do you get screaming feedback, squeal? If you move your driver towards your guitar pickup you should get noise out of your guitar amp, period! Cheers FF
  11. Hey man without quote button, The whole agc thing is nothing more than some kind of compressor/limiter that has to be transplanted into your sustainer circuitry. So best to take a look first at the tangerine peeler which has feedforward as well as a feedback sidechain. Filters, no! Ldrs are used in compressors like the flatline compressor (not feedforward). So ldrs yes if you know how to do it! I can't offer anything from col's circuit design. Even if I had it, there's ownership rights that have to be respected. :aureole: Cheers FF
  12. The 'criterion' is solid sustain (for me at least) across the fretboard for the *least* battery consumption - so, while you may wish to call such related 'efficiency critereon' as arbitary ..I just interpret it as meaning the lowest battery running costs (or being a cheapskate for short) So you're going to work by ear. Build a driver coil do a soundcheck and if the behaviour for the high notes is still acceptable take thicker wire and use more turns of windings. You don't know beforehand how much highs you can afford to lose. Depends on the guitar, guitar pickup, applied eq , all-pass filters as well. Only afterwards you can measure what it means for the gauss output per frequency. But it's interesting to see how close you get towards the 256 turns of the sustainiac. Cheers FF
  13. Yes, but most efficient only according to some arbitrary criterion. You have to settle on a frequency range. Maximizing gauss output at 2 kHz or at 500 Hz ? FF
  14. This driver was approved by the Habsburg dynasty lol looks nice, i see no reason why this driver shouldn't work. I thought maybe you tested the lm386 with a a little loudspeaker. Never mind, can you tell what you got between lm386' pinout 1 & 8? Is there some gain pot (or resistor) like in the ruby? FF
  15. I'm glad that your glass is halve full, that's the spirit. Some questions: But inside the coil there is an iron core, right? You didn't burn out the driver coil? Does it still measure 8 ohms? There is no wrong side for the driver, from above works even better. (Sustain more balanced from open string up to highest fretting positions.) Do you have enough gain? Does your guitar overdrive the lm386? FF
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