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Everything posted by Tim37

  1. theres a company i dont remember the name but they sell a kit for strats where you rout the back and put a cover on it then you pop that cover off and have a bunch of dip switches that so you can change configurations on your pickups. its one of those million and one combos you just pick your favorite five things. any way they dont seem to have a problem.
  2. are you wanting to run a led off the pickup? if so its not gonna happen pickup just dont generate enough power.
  3. frome what i under stand the v5 v18 v33 and v50 where one of crates first tries at a chinese built tube amp and they where so so. the best ones being the v5 and v18 both single channel the v5 from what i under stands does ok with a speaker upgrade (they all need speaker upgrades). the v18 had a horrible reverb and was way too bassy (i had one it was ok for a 150 dollar amp). the v33 and v50 where just a mess frome what i read any way (i did a lot of research befor buying the v18) the first problem i dont have a clue the volume should work if not maybe check the pot and make sure its good. as far as getting hot its a tube amp they get hot. now if its getting hot enough your scared it will catch fire you may want to take it back to gc the boss pedal problem i would guess your pedal is the cause.
  4. you have 15 min to edit your post then if you want it edited you have to go throuh a mod. there was some bs and the admins just though it would be best this way.
  5. Ok if some one said they where Jewish and wouldnt vote for a guitar adorned with Christian symbols well no one would have a problem so whats the big deal John didnt like the guitar hell i didnt vote for the swirl because i dont like swirls he didnt vote for the guitat because he dosesnt like pentagrams. Its ok he didnt attack any body he just stated his feeling on the subject.
  6. dont know if it true but thats what wiki had to say on the matter.
  7. There are too many extremely talented builders on this sight to say there is a best. i will say there are builders with styles that i prefer and i do have a favorite builder but i would never go as far as to say he was the best. btw i went with Chris a lot of nice guitars this month but Chris's caught my eye.
  8. Epoxy might be more flexible wes. You could cut reliefs on the back that might work but then you have to bind it.
  9. I can see a difference in a cheap tossed together cab and a good well made cab but can in no way justify 1700 for a cab there are too many good cabs on the market for much less.
  10. for the most part body shapes are ok (every body copies the lp and strat) just change the headstock (very important for fenders) but yeah if you chage a lower horn you will be fine and put your logo on there dont ever put another compainies logo on your guitar.
  11. i have seen several rack style one guy on here built a lazy susan style one and some one talked about building a concole thing that would have drawers that a guitar would fit in. theres tones of options depending on your needs. does it need to be portable how compact.
  12. thats too bad at the time i became aware of them i didnt have the cash to order one but i really liked the idea of them and i though they where cool. i hope you can get the whole thing up and going agian.
  13. Keith after reading that and being unable to edit from my phone, I sure hope your the guy in Africa that builds the Afri-can guitars I think I remember you saying that once. Any way if not I didn't mean that in any offensive way.
  14. Dam Afri-cans want to turn every square can they see into a guitar.
  15. well the latex is good if you want to paint the dog house. the rest you may be able to figure something to use it for. im wondering about the nitro.
  16. from what i can tell it looks like house type paint not much good for guitars.
  17. True maybe a resin would be best it hardens chemically plus has the right tonal properties for banana.
  18. with a maple cap walnut might be a little on the bright side but dump the maple cap and walnut seems to be right on the money for what you are after.
  19. I wouldn't worry too much about the old finish as long as what ever you put on top doesn't react with it it will just act like sealer.
  20. heres a perfect example http://littlerock.craigslist.org/msg/2652887492.html http://www.musiciansfriend.com/guitars/schecter-guitar-research-ultra-iii-electric-guitar the guy wants 600 new its 650 or used from mf its 520 this is pretty typical of what people think there stuff is worth around here. i personaly will just fork out another 50 bucks and get a new one at that point.
  21. i am looking at used guitars but around here every one seems to think they should get what they paid for a guitar so you can go buy a new one for just a few bucks more than a used one.
  22. I have been trying to get away from buying so much asian stuff but some of the prices make it hard.
  23. i have decided guitar companys try to keep where they make there product a secret btw the lower end breedloves are korean. i am gonna check out the seagulls they look promising so do the wasburns. there arent any local dealers for the santa cruz and i want to play the guitar first. t Thanks All
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