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Everything posted by monkey69962000

  1. ok ill read the tread. I know a little more now so ill see. i wont post for a while till i found something new. about a 30 min later. Ok i saw the the questions i had. Sorry psw. Um nothing i can think of is new.
  2. psw have you herd of the sustanic. LK put it in a post once. Its a infinate sustain pickup. ill try and post LK link. ill edit this when i refind it.
  3. ok just woundering. The site looked cool at first. well nice work
  4. dude. i asked and LoveKraft got mad at me. Well he said look at the patent and it will tell you how. And it does. well i just want to know more patents about it. Look on the first page. the second patent he has is better.
  5. is it me or is the front of the guitar look like its 2 pieces. like an sg with a sg cut out for the leveled top. Can i get a side shot if its not asking too much.
  6. um i ment the ones besides the ones on the first page. Sorry LK. um well you know of any of the sustanic.
  7. second from the left is my favorite. it looks like its a watered finish look like the stuff MLII used to sell.
  8. ok. Well does anyone know the patent number of the sustanic or anymore of the ebow. I searched for 2 hours straight and couldnt find one for the sustanic. The ebow is hard too but was able to get small ones that did say much. Thanks and sorry if i am troubling anyone.
  9. Sam Ash- Syth/ MIDI pickups Well i think you just need to take the GK3 and fiddle with that. It would then make you have a 10x and have a company comercially make adapters for it.
  10. oh i didnt know that was a price list sorry. I thought that was a catologe for the online store. ill keep looking. Oh and by the way i have a place near me that sells pickups that can transmit MIDI files. I think thats what they do. Here ill post link later.
  11. im having trouble trying to print the pictures from the patent. Can someone tell me how i can.
  12. the site on the litchfield custom guitars user. The profile has a site that as a lot of your custom guitars. Oh the link on your profile didnt work last time i tried.
  13. heres anotherscroll down. I think there is a couple of them.
  14. thats a nice guitar. Oh had a question for you litch. I want to know if you keep your website still updated because it hasnt cahnged at all since i have first seen it like 3 weeks ago.
  15. IS this what your looking for
  16. i found that out. I re read it. Well sorry LK. Again. Thats ironic. Sorry for your trouble.
  17. well i have my Samick Strat. Albene. YEAH. Ok i got this buzzing frett. DOnt know which one it is. Dont want to buy a frett finder. How do i make one. And how do i use it.
  18. ok well PSW wants me to learn more about sustainers. Well he suggested that i learn about the ebow. Well i want to know: 1. Schematics 2. How it works (besides the pantent) 3. What parts to the schematics (optional)
  19. ok im sorry. Well im new and want to learn this faster thats all.
  20. called potting and there is a tutiorial on the main site. Repotting
  21. well i looked at the patents. No scehmatics for the E-bow. Well can anyone help me out. I now understand a little how it works. Its like having its own pickup inside the ebow and thats basically what i got. I didnt understand how it sustains it. Help me on that too.
  22. ok i saw the link for the ebow LK put but i need more info on it. you have any. Well is there a schematic. Couldnt find one for the ebow
  23. well is there a way to make the amp even smaller and put it in a zippo lighter. i always want to have an amp in there. Or has nobady made that small of an amp. Oh i think i have some thing to put the amp in. Well if nobody has, consider me the first one to try.
  24. PSW will that work. My sustainer with the pulses and the sensor. Well if not how can i fix it.
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