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Everything posted by Kevan

  1. In case folks are wondering, we're in the process of making Chris (BRT Guitars) a verified vendor here. His tag will change as soon as Brian can get to it. I've spoken with Chris on the phone and he knows his stuff. If you have questions about anything he offers, go ahead and ask him. He'll get you all the details you'll need. One more source for the members here. Enjoy!
  2. Yes- he's a member. "Cmbeers" He's got a body blank listing up in the Classifieds section: http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.ph...topic=13011&hl= I've spoken to Chris on the phone. He's a very nice guy and offers competitive pricing on the bodies. I haven't seen one in person, but I will soon enough. If you have any doubts or questions, go ahead and ask him. He's very knowledgeable about the stuff he sells and will get you the details you need. Brian's working on him becoming a verified vendor for the site, so his tag will change shortly. One more resource for the members here. Enjoy!
  3. UPDATES! Well, I went to my *3RD* Cradle of Filth show in the last 4 weeks. I finally got to see them do a full show. - Cincinatti: some clown stabbed some people during Bleeding Through, the cops came in and shut the venue down. No COF show that night. - Pittsburgh: I was sick as hell, but James and Paul (the guitarists) asked me to come by and hook them up. So I went, but left at about 7PM. No show for Kev (way too sick, and I didn't want to get the band members sick). - Cleveland: (Sat. night). FINALLY got to see a whole COF show! It's a bigger production than I thought. Huge light show, video screens...they're not kidding around. So, on Weds. I get a call from James. He's asking me if we're coming up to the Cleveland show....asks me how many tix/passes I need. I didn't know my buddy Dennis was coming down from Detroit, so I only said "plus 1". No worries though; we got Dennis hooked up with a Photo Pass. :-) James also told me, "The guys from Floyd Rose caught our show in Seattle and saw the Tremol-No. They really like it and want to talk to you. 'The Big Scot' (their huge Scottish tour manager) has all the info." How ironic would it be to license something to Floyd Rose? Anyway, Rachel, Dennis and I drive up to Cleveland for the show. As we're parking, The Big Scot sees us and says to meet him back at this very spot in 5 minutes; he'll get us inside. Truck gets parked, we go back to the (frozen) meeting place and meet him. It's good to see Paul and James again. I think they're having a really good time on this tour. Paul says that he's trying out a couple of Redmond series guitars from FR and asked if he could get one hooked up with a Tremol-No. Sure, why not. I built one in a dressing room for him last time; why not this time as well? LOL 10 minutes later, his unit is ready to be installed, but since we got there late, there really isn't time to drop it into the FR. Their tech will install it the following day. Paul will continue to play the *super-badass* "Bats" PRS (you should see the inlay work...wow). He's just trying out the FR stuff. He hasn't jumped ship. Relax. So....The Big Scot gets me all the info that the FR guys gave him (we'll see what happens with that), and tells us that our tickets/passes are at the box office. We pick up the tickets, and head over to the restaurant part of HOB for some dinner. We get back to the venue in time to catch the last couple of songs of Bleeding Through (hottie on keys! Wow.) I grab my camera gear and head backstage by the guitars. I catch James and Paul about 5 min. before curtain, in full make up and wardrobe, and they were super-cool enough to let me take 2 dozen pics of them with their Tremol-No-equipped guitars. I'm not sure, but I don't think those are poses; I think they really do walk around like that. LOL I wish my $800 camera didn't take $0.08 pics. Most of them turned out alright, but some can only be called "artsy". The "Ten Commandments" pic of Paul is my favorite. That one came out quite nicely and I'm very happy with it. I thank the guys 400 times and then head out to the "photo lane" at the front of the stage. I take about 3 dozen pics and get the hell out of there- security guards pulling bodies over the barricade at a furious rate. 99% of the show pics turned out like crap (or "artsy"), but someone might be able to Photoshop them into something cool. I've sent them to the band; they're far more creative than I. LOL I head to the FOH board and watch the rest of the show. The band is TIGHT. Like Dream Theatre tight. It's definitely harder-edge music, but there's no mistaking these guys have all the nuances down pat. About halfway thru the set, we head upstairs to get a different perspective and enjoy the rest of the show. There was no encore, but the guys all came back out and thanked the concert goers (about 3000? of them). Very cool. The three of us head back stage. I promised a mutual friend of James and I that I would get some video for him. He and James have been budies for years, and the buddy emigrated to Australia, so....they don't get to see each other much. I shot a few minutes of video for him in Cinci, and shot another couple in Cleveland. It's not beers and jamming, but it's good for now. James and Paul are fresh out of the shower and I ask them if they've thought of what they want to say about the Tremol-No. "Oh yeah....get me some paper..." Paul is first up. James took a second, but wrote his down without any sort of second thought. I almost forgot- Paul needed a beer opened, so guess what I whipped out? LOL There were A LOT of people backstage- fans, groupies, etc. I didn't really want to suck up any more of their time, so we said our goodbyes, I thanked them both about 300 more times, and said "later!" to the tech and The Big Scot. I wished the rest of the band good luck on the remainder of the tour as we left to get my truck from the valet (who got busted by me for re-tuning my radio...to the rap station! Bastard! LOL). 2 hours later, we're home, very tired, but....Dennis and I haven't seen each other in 5 years, so what do we do? You got it- jam until 6AM. LOL After a couple of hours of sleep, I come up here and update the site. There are pics and quotes up for James McIlroy, Paul Allender of Cradle of Filth, and FINALLY a pic of my buddy Dennis with the Tremol-No in his '56 Strat. Sorry for the long post. I thought you guys might dig it (if not, take a number and hate me. LOL) Enjoy the pics folks! More updates the minute I get them.
  4. Guys- Let 'em come up with ideas. Will everyone be feasible? No way. Is this one? Maybe, if the guy has about $1500-$2000 to set afire and can use The Force to hold the fretboard to the neck. :-) No need to bash or dream-crush. No one's life is threatened by working on a Ti board. There are no safety issues (save for the machine shop stuff). There's no scamming going on. Let's try to keep it positive. If you read about a error someone is about to make, please post about it. If you read inaccurate information (like LGM did), go ahead and post a correction. If you don't want to post, that's fine too. Remember: if it weren't for a radio repairman's "crazy idea", we'd all be playing Ric's.
  5. With so many REPUTABLE & DECENT OFR dealers out there, why on Earth would you buy one from ER? Save yourself the pain, my friend. Here: http://www.dreamlandguitars.com/ Pick one up from a PG.com Forum member. The D-Tuna can be cool, but really only works on dive-only trems (or those equipped with a Tremol-No). If you can, go to a local music store and play a Peavey Wolfgang. They come from the factory with D-Tuna's installed on them. Play around with it. See if it's what you're looking for. The TremSetter will pretty much kill off all your flutter. In the ones I've played, there's also a detent (notch) at the zero point. To me, that equates to unsmooth trem movements...like a big 'ka-bonk' in the middle of a trem move. The TremSetter will not help you with drop tuning. Drop tuning on a floating trem is difficult, but not impossible. It's a pain to reset the claw spring for each tuning, but it's necessary (until the Tremol-No comes out). If you have any other trem questions, let me know.
  6. Paul- I enjoyed your amp building links. Great work, man!
  7. There's one other thing you guys left out: DEATH! Messing around inside a tube amp *can* kill you. BE VERY VERY CAREFUL and don't go where you shouldn't go. Leave that to the pros. There are caps inside a tube amp that can hold their voltage for a decade or longer, so even if the amp's been unplugged for a year, it can still send enough voltage thru your system to stop your heart. You should be fine with simply changing tubes out, but unless it's a switch on the back of the amp, biasing should be left to a professional amp tech. Is biasing necessary? Depends on how long you want to keep your power tubes around, and what you want your overall sound to come out as. Unbiased power tubes will burn up/wear out quicker than biased ones. They can also sound 'fuzzy' or even cut out at times. Sometimes it can lead to cooking other components inside the amp (transformers, boards, fuses, etc). Sometimes, nothing happens at all. My suggestion: Pay the $20 and get it biased by a pro. Ask the pro questions while you're there. Learn a little. I agree with Drak & Paul- you're not going to turn a '74 Twin into a Diezel, or vice versa, simply by swapping out the power and preamp tubes. You can, however, adjust the gain (up or down) a little bit by choosing the the appropriate tubes in both the power *and* preamp section. I have 14 power tubes and 22 preamp tubes between my main 3 amps (15, 14, 7). I did a bunch of research online, talked to some friends, and then a little field testing of my own to find the tubes that I felt worked best with the respective amps. It took me a while, but now I'm quite content on the volume, tone, and gain, of each amp setup. Remember: Your ears hear things differently than mine do. Sure, reviews help, but they're not the final say. Testing by yourself is the only way to get the results you want. I buy all my tubes from TubeStore.com. There are some good reviews and fairly thorough information about each tube they have on their site. Do some reading and make a wish list. :-) Now go enjoy that sweet tube tone! (as I fire up the Line6 Spider next to me...heh heh)
  8. That link doesn't work, and I couldn't find any "topic 158" over there. If you can, copy/paste the post in here (as long as it's clean). Thanks.
  9. Crafty- did you catch Vince/Nikki/Tommy in their interviews/pimping of the new Crue tour? The media tools kept asking Tommy about it and he kept replying with, "Look, Darrell was a good friend of mine. I don't want to talk about it. Next question."....but the guys kept asking. And Tommy kept shutting them down. Kudos to you, Tommy! They asked Nikki about 'the violence portrayed in the lyrics and videos of heavy metal music'. You could see him wanting to erupt and swear like a sailor, but he was chill....he said, "That's just retarded." Tommy doubled him. It was great! Some media head brought up the nickname, Dimebag. "It's a drug reference referring to a purchase amount..." Yeah...hop on that bandwagon. I'd like to quote Mr. Bill Hicks as best as I can remember: "If you think that, then I want you to go home right now and take all your LP's, all your CD's, and burn them. Why? Because the people that recorded that music that's enriched your life throughout the years.......*REAL* high on drugs!!!" (R.I.P. Bill) Of course there are artists that are drug-free. I was just trying to emphasize that pointing the finger at drug use or references isn't the answer either. And many times, it's a bogus name/nickname made up by the artist to appeal to a certain crowd. Hell, I might start calling myself "Kilo Kev"....but I haven't touched any illegal drugs in more than 15 years. If this happened at a Britney show, what would the media say? It's due to her slutty image? Her lip-sync'ing? Her IQ being that slightly above a tomato? There's no blame to place here. It soley rests with the shooter. He was obviously extremely unstable, and decided not to get help, but instead act out in a violent manner.
  10. No more pro- or anti-gun posts, please. This thread is about Darrell. Let's try to keep it that way. ChrisDee- watch the language.
  11. Absolutely awful news. I have to go with Scott- when the bullets run out, the remaining fans run TO the shooter. Game over. Thanks for the photo too. Great shot. Crafty- Yes...with a guitar in his hands. Very good point. I'm kinda pissed that it all happened in my proverbial backyard. If I hear anything through the local news, I'll let you guys know. Unfortunately, I've updated the front page of Tremol-No.com. As a Pantera fan, I thought I could at least do that. RIP Darrell. RIP the 3 other victims. BIH the shooter.
  12. ...and the auction's been pulled by Ebay. THREAD CLOSED
  13. Let's keep all the top-mount ferrules posts in one thread, cool? http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.ph...opic=11746&st=0 Thanks. THREAD CLOSED.
  14. Southpa- check out EVH and Mick Mars. Even Bob Bradshaw is going, "Damn man.....that's a lotta wiring...". Oh, and don't forget Yngwie's minimalist approach to a live rig.
  15. There's also a book out by Lisa Sharken (and Pete Brown) that goes into good detail about some of the big-name rigs. Here's a link to Amazon for the book: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...=glance&s=books Summary: "Two veteran music journalists reveal the keys to playing like a pro. With interviews, rig diagrams, amplifier settings, sound tips, and audio samples, this book reveals how guitarists can capture the sounds of their favorite players, including Eric Clapton, Dave Matthews, the guitarists of Pearl Jam, Metallica, and Korn, plus many other guitarists. 30 photographs and a CD that includes tracks in the style of each of the players featured in the book are also included." I don't have a copy of the book...yet. I'm still waiting for my autographed copy. :-) But from all the tone freaks I've talked with, it's a cool reference guide to some of the big boys toys.
  16. Erik- I like your theory. It's a good explanation of what could happen. I would actually bump that number up to 98% or 99% though. There's not much beyond the strings on that facial plane (trem bar? part of the saddles? part of the nut?). Also remember that we're dealing with 100 lbs. or more of tension over a relatively short distance (about 25"). I'm not sure gravity + weight of guitar body has enough to flatten strings, even with your Stiff Hinge theory. It'd be interesting to test out though. In Soapbarstrat's case, your theory is not where the problems stem from. He was using his fingers as a hangar and a LED tuner; his results would be questionable at best using those methods and tools.
  17. Damn man. That's the 2nd time today you've posted the exact same thing. Do you really like that paragraph or something? It's just odd because it has ZERO RELEVANCE to this thread. At all. Really. I'm not kidding. None. Great. Sounds like you've got the placement down. Now use a real hanger for your testing. No, it is not. Not that tuner. Sorry. I got that part, but this isn't a neck jig. It's a hangar. And stop pushing on things. How could any of us forget this? It's not wack-job thoughts or misunderstandings. It's simply that you're not using the right gear to run the test you want to do, thus giving you extremely odd results. You post those results and expect us to not question it? Come on. A little additional pressure on the headstock? From where?!?!?!??!? Are you trying to tell me that a guitar hangar is attempting to separate the headstock from the neck? I'm sorry....I tried helping out. I'm all done here. You guys have fun.
  18. The ONLY relevace that article has is these TWO lines: "Keep your guitar out of the case. A guitar stand is a good idea as it allows the air to circulate around your guitar." I've read the article 5 times now. That's the only mention in there. Your map is right here: http://www.tremol-no.com/images/hangars/WALL009.JPG Take a very close look. Do you see the two points where the hangar arms touch the guitars? Good. Memorize that. Now, when you do your test, only touch those same two places on your guitar. Don't touch the headstock, body, wiring, frets or anything else.....just those two points. Trust me- if you're going to do a real test, get an actual hangar. Don't use your fingers as a hangar. I will ABSOLUTELY NOT get into a discussion with you about LED, aka Blip-O-Matic, tuners. Their accuracy isn't even an option in my book. Cents, my man....cents. I have a $15 tuner that shows me cents. You're right- this thread isn't about headstocks. It's about guitar hangars. Steinbergers are headless? Hmmm...who knew?
  19. HANGARS! HANGARS! HANGARS! WE'RE TALKING ABOUT HANGARS HERE!!!! Get it? This thread is NOT about humidity/temp. conditions!!! Also, I'd *hardly* call Jean Larrivee a "wannabe big wig".
  20. Why are you touching the headstock? The only contact point should be the bottleneck edges of the neck between the wings of the headstock. Damn, do I have to draw a map? Look at the pics of my hangars in the tutorial or previous posts. There are only two points where the hangar touches the neck, and neither of them are on the headstock. If you're messing with the headstock IN ANYWAY, of course your tuning will change! My suggestion would be to stop using your fingers/hand as a hangar and actually try a real one for your testing. When you talk about tunings, please use the cent amount. That's a lot easier than "sort of E flat" or "close to E". Sorry, but your explanation is not very clear. I don't think I want English lessons from Mr. Flatted anyway. I'm neither a rubber nor finish expert, but I do know that heater hose designed for vehicles (usually silicone) is not designed to cushion finished necks on guitars. It's actually designed to run water/coolant through the cooling system of a vehicle. I'm happy that you've been lucky with your heater hose stand cushion. I'm glad that you haven't had negative results. I just don't see it as a viable option to use heater hose for cushioning and thus my suggestion for you to replace it. If you like the risk involved, go for it! Your shop, your guitars, your heater hose. I just can't recommend it to anyone. Sorry. I'll do some digging and try to find the protective tubing that's on the String Swing holders. They're the only holders recommended and sold by Gruhn Guitars, and that's good enough for me. Like I said.... I'm welcome? For what? I did the digging on line. I called Larrivee. Remind me why I'm thanking you..... I'm not sure what's out there. Try Google. What the hell is that supposed to mean?
  21. Humidity and temp were not mentioned nor part of our previous discussion, but thanks for the info. I'll add to the hangar tutorial about using an INSIDE wall to minimize the risks of the heat/cold. I can't control the heat or humidity that someone has in their house. LGM's heat is probably pretty high right now, but his humidity is fairly low (in his living room; not in his shop where I'm sure it's controlled). Brian, on the other hand, is dealing with relatively nice heat, and very high humidity, year round. Different setups for different parts of the world. It's a factor that must be dealt with, esp. with acoustic guitars. But this thread is about hangars and if they have any adverse effect on guitars and/or necks. Aside from your experiment with the Strat going flat (yes- I'm still working on how you did that), there haven't been posts about damage caused by hanging a guitar. For the record, I did re-read this thread. Many times. I *still* don't understand your last line in that post- "1:08 but your brain thinks I said 1:30"??!!?? If you said 1:08, why on earth would I think you said 1:30? And it relates to tuning how? I'm gonna let someone else decipher that one. Please tell me that you'll take care of that heater hose stand ASAP. I'd hate to see any of your guitars with a black band around the back of the neck or body.
  22. Damn....I thought for sure that would be enough. I guess I was wrong. *sigh* Ok, here we go.... In my 1 min 43 sec. conversation with Brian at Larrivee he stated that hangars are not a warranty void issue with them. Brian's been working for Larrivee, as he said, "For a very long time". I take that as he knows *** he's talking about. If there was something in an owners manual or any other printed/written warning from J.Larrivee Guitars, he would have known about it and said something. He didn't. Soap- did you, personally, see anything written by J.Larrivee Guitars about hanging guitars voiding the warranty? Or was it simply something someone posted in that newsgroup? Do any of those guys have a scan or something they could fax to me? If so, 614-933-9335...I even put a new ink cartridge in today, and the fax is on 24/7. Do they have a model name/number and/or a serial number of the guitar that has the owners manual that said that? The folks at Larrivee have the address to this thread. I'm sure they're laughing their balls off right now. If they'd like to post something official, please feel free to do so. You guys will get VIP status immediately. Your input is quite welcome. This is another issue entirely (and hopefully won't cause your guitar to go flat. LMAO). Yes- appropriate protective covers on the hanger arms are necessary. Nitro finishes are very touchy when it comes to this, so be careful with the older gear. If you want, you can get non-marring special covers/tubing for your hangars. I think there are some 'fur covered' ones that are supposed to be good. The red non-marring covers I have on mine have worked great and not left a single mark in the past 4 years. If you're worried, get the protective covers. This, however, is untrue. I've seen a couple of guitars with marks from floor stands. Both had marks at the neck and on the back of the body. Sorry, but floor stands lose in this department as well. A shame too, one was a REALLY nice EB/MM Silhouette, with a black square on the back of the body, and black line around the back of the neck at about the 8th fret. Oh man, I just saw this an your earlier post from Soap: PLEASE find something else besides radiator hose/heater line to cover them with. Hell, use a napkin. You'll thank me later on. Which we helped reassure you that your fears and worries are all for naught. Go back a page in this thread. I don't understand this at all. Does anyone else get it? Please explain it to me. Actually, first tell me how it can go flat in the first place, then explain the rest.
  23. OFFICIAL WORD FROM LARRIVEE "Hanging any of our guitars by the headstock does *not* void the warranty." -courtesy of Brian in the Service Department of Jean Larrivee Guitars, Vancouver, BC.
  24. I don't need to do an experiment. I've been seeing the results for the past 8+ years. Every time I take a guitar off the hangar it's in the exact same tuning I put it up there with. If you want me to videotape something for the Forum, I'd gladly do it. I could give a bologna sandwich. And I still haven't seen it written anywhere, other than some non-company posts online. I have, however, seen a bunch of pics showing the "Don't Hang Them Company" actually hanging their guitars themselves. Oh, I will ABSOLUTLEY be calling them first thing tomorrow. I'm sure I could post that the sky is blue and you'd still look up, so I'll record the conversation if you'd like. I'm not telling you what you saw. I'm still trying to figure out howthehell you went flat. That line just stunned me (and others). Also, I'm not sure how you're experimenting w/o an actual hangar. It seems to me you only have part of the testing apparatus necessary, and that makes for easily questionable results.
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