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Everything posted by ToneMonkey

  1. I came across this on my travels around the net, thought that some of you might want a laugh. There are some real butt ugly, weird and just plain wrong guitars on here. http://www.bunnybass.com/e-zine/amusing/amusingindex.shtml
  2. It appears that way, but never having been to the US I don't know. They are going to ban it in public like (most places?) over there. Infact Ireland already has. I'm currently trying to drag a colleague or two to the pub after work. Only an hour and a half left and I can win myself some beer money, thrashing them at pool .
  3. I quit for about the same length of time but started again after getting drunk I really wish that I could quit, but most of my mates smoke (as does the missus) and it's hard to sit in a pub not having a smoke when everyone else is. I must jus be soft in the head. Roll on the smoking ban, it's gonna be hard for the smokers but as soon as it becomes the "non normal" thing the better. If I caught my kids smoking (not that I have any) I would kick their arse. Sod it, I'm off for a ciggy (normally, in UK we call it a fag but I know there are a lot of yanks on here and they'd snigger if I said that I was off to suck on a fag )
  4. Happy birthday dude I hope it brings loads of guitar bits
  5. Alright guys, Following on from a conversation in the pub last night, do any of you smoke TOBACCO. Personally, I do and wish I had never started. I used to be healthy, now I get out of breath running up to the top floor of my house
  6. Pesonally, I'd go what seems to me like the easy route and polish up a bit of rusty metal. There's a wheel barrow in my garden that you can have if you come to pick it up
  7. Have a look at Craft Supplies (you'll need their catalogue though as they're not on the website). They come with a paddle style headstock so that you can make it any shape that you want. I'm not too sure if they only have dots though
  8. Couldn't find them Check your email though as I did find a contor map, it's not very good but it should give you an idea. Hopefully there is someone here that can help. There's a bloke around called Setch, he's the double cut LP king around these parts. I'm sure it was him who put me on to the drawings in the first place so hopefully he can help out. Good luck dude. Kaj
  9. I think there are some over at MIMF. I'll see if I can find them and then I'll email them over.
  10. The Scots are taking over, there's quite a few on here at the minute. Plans on their way, I've saved them down as AutoCAD R12.dxf documents as I use AutoCAD 2004 and unless you've got that version you wont be able to open it. Kaj
  11. Ahah, another brit Can you open up any CAD drawings? If you can I'll email you across my double cut LP plans. Has thickness etc. As it apperars that youhave been lurking around for a while reading, before asking questions then you have probably read this bit 100 times.... ....Buy a book and , I recommend Melvin Hiscocks book, Build your own electric guitar. Either way, reply to this or send me a PM with your email address and I'll send it right over. Where are you BTW?
  12. Well from a purely technical standpoint it would be best to take wood from the back so that the wood under the strings if left. This is because of simple leverage. For example the wood at the bottom might be twice as far from the tension line as the wood at the top. Therefore it would feel twice the force. Of course in the real world you're going to have put big holes in the top for the pups (unless you go for back routed ones like mushy the shroom - look for the nebula thread in the progress section) so that kind of answers it. Kaj
  13. Well yeah, but take Maiden and Eddie, after the last few posts. I haven't judged them, they're still the same as the were a few days ago, the only difference is that they don't smoke dope. It makes no difference to me, I still like them. The point that I was trying to make is that this was a (mainly) adult converstation about it. I think that most people here will look past the fact that some of us do something that they don't agree with. Look at Maiden, I posted just after him in a different thread (kind of a congrats on a good scallop) and he replied back, there was no hard feelings or bitchy comments. I can certainly see yours and Draks point (I always try to see the agruement from all sides - there is inevitably more than 2) and to some, even quite a large extent, you're right but we're all adults here. Anyway, maybe this is a good time for the thread to die before anyone gets offended or it does have an adverse effect on the good nature of PG. I'm a hippy I don't like conflict
  14. OK then folks, after reading my posts from a bit more of a neutral standpoint I feel that some might get the wrong impression so I would just like to say the following. I am in no way promoting or recommending that anyone smoke, personally I couldn't give a toss what you want to do. If you want to smoke then educate yourself and do what you want. It is certainly no ones business saying that you can't. (But do me a favour, if you do start smoking, lay of the tobacco, it's lethal and will get you hooked even if you think it won't - just like me and the missus) I would also like to agree and disagree with Draks post. This topic could have gone one of two ways and I think that it's fallen on the reasonable debate side (which is lucky because all hell could have broken loose, which I believe is what Drak didn't want to happen). Finally......Eddie, that's a nasty story but I really don't think that the weed has anything to do with it. It seems as soon as people find out that there is even a weak link with the weed then they automatically think that's to blame. I don't pretend to know the whole story but surely there were other factors like a war for example?, brain washed kids?, occupying forces (and I use that term loosely hopefully not to cause offence)? Oh, I would also like to add that there are plenty of people that say weed is 100% safe. This is utter bollox, nothing is 100% safe. If you’re a bit prone to being a bit of a nutter (in a head thinks funny things kind of way) then think hard about smoking. Also, like Litchfield says be responsible.
  15. These have got some nice bits and pieces. There was some cracking purple heart last time I was there. They had green heart too which is a first for me And it's only 5 minutes from my house EDIT - oops forgot the link: http://www.whitmores.co.uk/index.html
  16. http://www.universaljems.com/shop.htm Dunno if it's cheaper than what you have already found but it's from Brian. As it appears that you're new (my apologies if you aren't), Brian is the geezer responsible for Project Guitar so if you can, I'd get it from him (maybe then he can afford a hair cut, hey Brian ). EDIT - Ahh beaten to it, but that's a mighty fine suggestion AlGee
  17. Tasty. Wish I had that sort of patience.......mmm.......where's that angle grinder
  18. Nah dude, I'm on British time. First off - My bro is ashamed of many things (not that he has to be) and I would say that he is much more likable person now that he has the odd bifda. And as far as my dealer goes, he's a very nice bloke. He only deals as he kind of screwed up his education a long time ago and it's about the only way that he can feed his quite large family (his missus has 3 kids from a different marrage which he took on). It's not really an option for him to get a full time job, his youngest daughter is quite seriously ill. I really can't see him trying to kill someone, infact just because he deals a bit of dope doesn't make him a potential murderer or even a bad person for that matter. Christ, if he was the type of dealer that you seem to have in your head, why the hell would I associate with him or let him near my house? I wouldn't. As for my weekend exam, I would give myself a C+ because I didn't drink any beer ............ We (my fiancee and I) did manage to polish off a few bottles of champagne that were left over from the engagement though
  19. Sorry dude, been screwed out of nearly all my money this month. I forgot to pay the rent before Christmas so lived like a king then and a tramp now The missus has got herself a job now and it'll be a few months until money from that starts to come in, then I'll be on the spend. I'll be in touch to see if you still have any once I have a bit of expendable. Sorry again dude
  20. Right then, I've finished work so it's now offically the weekend I'm going home to educate myself on a big fat bifda and a few cans of beer. I'll set myself an exam on Sunday to smoke no less than 5 joints and drink no less than 5 beers. I'm expecting a B+ as I'll always manage to smoke the joint down to the bottom, but I always spill beer down my chin (talk about a drink problem) Have a good weekend whatever you're up to. Kaj
  21. I have educated myself. Which is why I feel in a position to comment. Please, as a non smoker and someone who put me in prison just for smoking dope, please tell me why you feel that you are educated about such matters. I think that your first post in this thread showed your lack of education on the subject. Infact it reminded me alot of my bro when he was in the armed forces (as I know you were), he would rather have seen me shot than smoke dope. However, he now smokes and is actually quite ashamed of his behavior towards me because I smoked. But like I said, I'm not trying to pick a fight, your just as intitled to your view as I am mine.
  22. I'm certainly not picking a fight here, but youseem very oppinionated for someone that hasn't smoked. I thing the saying goes.... .....Drugs make people irrational, especially those people who don't take them There has been some good points both for and againt here, so I thought I'd add my piece. First off my background: I smoke weed, infact I smoke every day when I get home from work and have done for about 8 years. I don't think that I've actually run out for about 5 years now. I used to smoke so much I decided that it would actually be cheaper to grow it myself (which it was). I used to harvest about 4 oz of very strong weed a month and smoked the lot of it every month and just for the record - I never sold any, I gave a bud to my mates every now and again but never sold it. I've also put a variety of pills down my throat and powders up my nose but I've never injected as that's just a dumbass idea. I now only drink beer and smoke dope. OK then - on the driving debate. Driving stoned isn't AS bad as driving drunk, but they are both bad, don't do it. You're not in full control no matter what you think. GATEWAY DRUG - MY ARSE. Legalise it so that you're kiddies wont have to visit a drug dealer to buy it. That's where the gateway is...the dealers front door. Is Weed Safe? - Yes and no, it's certainly no worse than beer or smoking. Weed does contain carconogens so do yourself a favour and buy a vaporiser. Smoking weed with tobacco is bad (as you generally don't have a filter), but I do it, so who am I to preach. Does weed make you bone idle? - kind of, I'd get a lot more done if I didn't smoke. But on the flip side, I got through a very hard degree and I was off my tit's for about 95% of it (the other 5% I slept) Should it be legalised? - Hell yes. Look at Holland as a prime example (just look past the tourists). Pesides, it's illegal over here and it's never stopped me so sod it, doesn't really matter when you look at it like that. The problem is, should I get a crimnal record if I get caught with my monthly weed allowance? I pay my tax, I work hard, I don't mug grannies on pension day to get a fix and on top of that I'm a nice bloke that goes out of my way not to piss people off. If I got caught, I would be thrown out of my proffesional institution, probably sacked and I'd be right in it, is that fair? Finally I thought that I would add that I smoke for two reasons. The first is because it is an excellent pain killer for my constatntly in pain knee. The other option is taking prescription pain killers that were either codine or Tramadol (Tramadol is an opiute, so just think it as legal heroine), which I don't fancy. Anyone care to argue that I should take the prescroption drugs rather than the illegal ones? The second reason that I smoke is because I like getting stoned, simple as that. Sorry about the very long post, I've just scrolled up the scren and seen how much I've wrote. I think I'll go now EDIT - Yeah, excuse the spelling too. Typiing in a rush.
  23. Nah, they still talk. I saw them at Glastonbury in the summer (Ringo Star's son is the drummer now) and they were both there playing. Apparently they had a barney before going on stage though....... .......Might explain why they were crap.
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