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Everything posted by G_urr_A

  1. Thanks a bunch Saber!!! That's exactly the type of thing I was looking for! And Welcome to the forums! The guitar in question has got a pair of EMGs (as mentioned) wired according to this diagram: 2EMG1vNoTone3wt
  2. What's that supposed to mean? Yep, if there is no other solution (there must be... if it's soooo simple to take the highs out, there must be a simple way to take the lows out.... argh..), I guess I'll have to go for some onboard preamp/eq thingy, or just live with it. I just found a nice page with some simple circuits, but I'm a bit too tired right now to calculate what I'd need, but I'll have a look at it tomorrow or something, and if anyone's interested, I'll post my results.
  3. There would be three problems with an EQ pedal. 1. Price (there should be some less expensive way of getting what I want) 2. Functionality (an EQ pedal gives me way more than I need) 3. Rig compatibility (an EQ pedal would be difficult for me to fit into my current setup) I was thinking that there would be a way of reversing a tone pot. A capacitor of a normal tone pot lets higher frequency AC through easier than lower frequency AC. A coil has pretty much the opposite properties, but AFAIK, varialbe length coils aren't availible in a format suitable to be built into a guitar. Does anyone have any suggestions on either a smooth bass-reduction "circuit" or a highpass filter?
  4. Sorry if I sounded harsh, I've been a bit off lately.... As I have it now, the 81 sounds thin for rhythm, but with more bass, it looses it's biting attack (and the 85 becomes impossible to use). But I need the bassy sound from my guitar, as it's not very likely that I'll ever find a bassist living in my area. An EQ would be a good option if it either was toggleable (hmm... strange word...) or if it would fit into the electronics cavity of my KE3 (so I could have it only affecting the 85). Anyone have any ideas?
  5. I'm aware that I'm going to spend more time if I do it in a less expensive way, but, well, time is a thing I've got a lot of, as opposed to money.... So, what would I need to go the roller way? 1. Anything under the paint? (Sealer, or anything like that? What is sealer btw? (I don't know the Swedish word, so I need to know what it does to get the right thing)) 2. A roller (anything I should think about?) 3. Some paint. (What types of paint are suitable for a roller?) 4. Some clear. (What types of clear are suitable?) 5. Sanding paper. 6. Lots of time and patience (not a problem). 7. Anything else?
  6. Ok, I'm getting closer to finnishing my first guitar, and I need a cheap and easy way to do it. A roller or brush should be able to do the trick, right? What type of paint would be suitable to use in conjunction with a roller/brush? What would I need to have on top of the now bare wood? Paint and clear, anything else?
  7. In theory, yes. Due to the higher pressure of strings towards bridge, the connection between strings and body will be firmer. This causes the vibrations of the strings to be more fully transfered to the body, which should increase sustain. If there is a notable difference or not is some thing I do not know, though.
  8. But turning the bass on the amp down to 2 instead of 6 gives me beautiful tone with the 85 at the neck. But then the 81 sounds way too thin, even for leads. So if you guys could give me a schematic of a "bass-cutting" knob, I'd be grateful.
  9. Ok, I finally got the stuff up. It's all mp3-files renamed to .xps, so you'll have to change that. I recored with the tone knob at 10, 5 and 0 respectively. http://www20.brinkster.com/ghjelmare/bfd.zip http://www20.brinkster.com/ghjelmare/bfc.xps http://www20.brinkster.com/ghjelmare/ad.xps http://www20.brinkster.com/ghjelmare/ac.xps
  10. Well, I need the 85, and I need to have it there, because the 81 at the bridge is exactly what I want for leads. If I could just get a small reduction of bass in the 85, it would be perfect.
  11. Sorry, the water pipes to our house broke down, so we were without water for 4 days, so I haven't had time to get the files up yet. I'm in a bit of trouble with my computers too, so I don't know when I can get the files up, but I think we may be looking at something like thursday or friday.
  12. Yep, metal. (Mainly stuff like Iced Earth, Megadeth, Children of Bodom, Pantera, Dimmu Borgir) 81 at the bridge an 85 at the neck 8-10 notes per second (if that's an understandable way of measuring speed...)
  13. Well, the problem is that I need the bass on my amp turned up to where it is now to get the sound that I want when using the 81 for leads, but then when I switch to the 85 and start playing rhythm, it sometimes gets a bit muddy.
  14. I've been having a bit of trouble with the EMG85 in one of my guitars being a bit muddy, due to too much bass. So what I'd like to have is a tone pot that instead of cutting highs, would cut lows. How would I achieve that? I thought maybe a variable length coil in series with a variable resistor shunting the signal to ground. Would that work? Are there better ways?
  15. You could allways get a luthier to build one for you. If you've still got the old neck, it's pretty easy. There are a few guys on here that might do it for you (at the right price of course), or you could probably find someone in your area. Why don't you think you'd be able to build it yourself though?
  16. Or you could get a 6 string bass by changing strings. I guess you'd need about 0.020-0.90 to be able to tune down that far, but if you can get strigns that fat, it's the easiest way.
  17. Just answered your question. But are you sure that chickens say cluck cluck? I'd say it's not an l but more of a w or something.
  18. I didn't loose the recordings... But I don't have the time to upload them yet..... I'll get them up during the coming weekend.
  19. hmm.... the only time I feel lonely is when my "special someone" isn't with me...... I'd say you made the right choice, you don't want to loose someone as precious as that person....
  20. I just thought I'd point out (as a bit of a continuation/explanation of what Brian said) that living costs in China are rediculously low (compared to the exchange rate for Chinese money). I was with my dad on a business trip to China last fall, and we found a cool little resturant. We got a good (by good I mean both big enough and well-cooked) meal including beverages for what is approximately $5. And that's for 2 people. A corresponding meal here in Sweden would be around $25 (at least $5 of that are the beverages). Because Sweden has a much higher level of minimum costs (partially because of regulations of living). Also, yes, there is a need for the cheap guitars. Even though my family has a relatively good economy, my parents don't want me to assume that I can just get things every now and then, so they give me the child support that the government pays them, but I gotta buy anything I need myself. So buying a $400 guitar was something I thought about for a LONG, LONG time. What if I'd loose interest? What if it wasn't as much better as I was hoping? By having bought a much cheaper guitar, and had that for some time, I had proven to myself that I was seriously interested in playing guitar, which made me buy the more expensive guitar. And it was what I hoped. Interesting, this thread got quite long.
  21. I think I lost the recordings in a hard drive crash a few days ago. I haven't had time to see what's happened, what can be saved, and so on, but they're probably gone. I'll try to get some time to see if they are though, cause I'm not sure.
  22. Another "advantage" (or maybe rather "possibility") would be that you can put pieces of wood (temporarily) into the hollow parts of the body, which should affect the tone. Like filling half of the sound chambers with mahogany.
  23. What's that supposed to mean? Thanks for the advice on where to get stuff.
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