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Everything posted by TenderSurrender

  1. Ahh ive already PM'ed you to say hapy birthday but id thought id join in with the generic HAPPY BIRTHDAY
  2. For some worrying reason... Yngwie's unleash the fury song springs to mind everytime i see one of your guitars in progress matt "Unleash the fury, Free the beast" Keep up the great work ~~ Slain Angel ~~
  3. Just whilst were on the discussions of EQ's... i found a great site for what seems *some* good deals Turnkey Website They also have some other nice equipment on there...i got the monitors for my recording setup from there...! and yes GO BUY THE EQ... it will help so much... Mid scoops are great fun! ~~ Slain Angel ~~
  4. Hmm ive applied for a username/password the usual... From what ive seen in the screenshots... this software looks very good... i also found another bit of software but cant remeber what it was.... I always found looking at the open source software often brings up some intresting software... ~~ Slain Angel ~~
  5. I second that... you have nothing to lose by trying... Everything you do with guitars will always come in handy in the future... Sell what you dont use.. and then go buy something you need for your project.. and have a lil money left over ~~ Slain Angel ~~
  6. Hey and welcome to the forum Try visiting the fnishing section of this forum, you will get much more relevant infomation and help Finishing section Good luck with your project ~~ Slain Angel ~~
  7. Hey man thanks a lot! just started reading through... i can see this being a great help for next year during music A level We dont blame you... reading through it is hard enough... writing it must of been a nightmare! ~~ Slain Angel ~~
  8. May i recommend you use the search feature at the top right.. or perhaps look in the tutorial section of the forum... LGM's Painting guide Hope this helps ~~ Slain Angel ~~
  9. HAHAHA Not me I would never go over the Top !!NOT!! !!METAL MATT!! ← Hmm impaler... Kinda silly of me asking you not to go over the top lol ~~ Slain Angel ~~
  10. Looks really good matt keep up the great work! I think the bevel ideas is ok but dont go over the top.. it looks really nice as it is ...but then again in the end.. go with what YOU want... you will like it much more in the end Once again great work matt ~~ Slain Angel ~~
  11. Dude that guitar is amazing congrats! Like Matt said if i had the money.. you would be building me a custom! ~~ Slain Angel ~~
  12. Oh dear... where to start. Well, there's a link to our site in my signature... That might help start any related dialogue. Speaking of which, before I posty posty around this site... are links to sites allowed in signatures? I didn't see anything saying not... but if there are rules, well, I'll have to change Mr. Signature eh? Peace out, G ← I Beleive there are rules against putting a link to your business in the signature but not perfectly sure ~~ Slain Angel ~~
  13. Open to everyone PSW? Id love to get involved... Doing music at A level next year and it would help muchly ~~ Slain Angel ~~
  14. I really should of thought of that... if you have any effects send/return channels use em... it will (should) cut down on the amount of feedback going out onto the final channel... Ive played many RG's and havent experienced many problems Paul Marossy so i doubt its that... but who knows? ~~ Slain Angel ~~
  15. Ahh she plays well good now... just finished recording an old track i wrote... sounds so much better now the action is sorted Hope you enjoy your guitar Wes when you get it... ~~ Slain Angel ~~
  16. Well just got my guitar back and they brought the bridge up a little... indeed the action was slightly to low and now she plays nicely! The only reasin i doubted action was i expected fret buzz... clearly i have much to learn here Ahh well thanks for all your help ~~ Slain Angel ~~ *** CASE CLOSED ***
  17. no..because then he would only have problems on open notes. ← Ive set up a few guitars with no problem Wez including the one ive built just to my left I never said lowering the bridge will fix it i just mentioned that i tried it... im going to throw it at the local guitar store later and let them play... they have already looked quickly at it and are very confused since the neck seems perfect and at a quick glance they reckon the bridge was ok.. Ahh well they have it now so they can play ~ Slain Angel ~
  18. Ive used different gauge strings (and intonated after) and hasnt sorted it... ive lowered the bridge as far as i can without fret buzz to no avail.. if i go higher its worse ~~ Slain Angel ~~
  19. Heh well i havent done much adjustment to the neck/truss rod as when i brought it from Jim Marshall him self (he handed it to me at a guitar show) it had a professinal set up done on it.. Anyone got any ideas on how i should adjust the truss rod (e.g more releif less releif etc) ~~ Slain Angel ~~
  20. I second that... looks really nice man good job
  21. Hey firstly im going to appologise for the poor quality photos... my digital camera has given up and so ive resorted to using my webcam Ever since i got my KKV ive noticed its fairly hard to get good notes from the 12th fret upwards... They often mute and bends seem impossible (e.g they die out)... i know its not my playing since ive had many people try and they all have the same problem Tapping is impossible anywhere on the fretboard (again not my technique since on my other guitar its perfect) Question is... is there anything i can do to fix it? Thanks for your help ~~ Slain Angel ~~
  22. Combo... Try Marshall 250DFX I use it currently and (in my opinion) has a nice distortion channel on it I also have used it for a few smallish gigs and its done alrite... It seems to give out lots of power even for its fairly small size ~~ Slain Angel ~~
  23. Perhaps its a physical problem with the amps circuitry? im way out of my depth here really so ill leave it to lovekraft etc to work out BUT... could it be a circuit problem (something failing) causing it to feedback? ~~ Slain Angel ~~
  24. This may sound crazy but do you have reverb up on the amp? On my Ol' Fender 35 Watt amp, if the reverb is on 9 or 10.. you get this feedback occasinally.. quite often dull in tone... Just a suggestion ~~ Slain Angel ~~
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