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Everything posted by possum1284

  1. so d u think it would be a good idea to change out the ibanez bridge and pickups with the prs ones?
  2. hi i contacted minwax and they said there finish isnt a great choice for guitar finishing just thought id let ya know ill foward ya the email if u want. ← they said some how effects the sound want the email?
  3. hi i contacted minwax and they said there finish isnt a great choice for guitar finishing just thought id let ya know ill foward ya the email if u want.
  4. obviously prs uses better wood. besides that the wood type is the same. with mccarty pickuPS and the prs bridge on a scale of 1 to 10 what would u rate it. what would you rate the mccarty and why? thanks
  5. this ibanes is pretty close to prs mccarty in my opinion body and neck that is.ibanez i was thinking of buying one then re wiring it with mccarty pickups and rplacing the bridge with a prs wraparound. What ya all think?
  6. anyone notice that an ibanez body very much resembles a prs body except near the neck pocket. the ibanez wood extends out further on the left side then the prs. i bet pretty good prs copy could be based on an ibanez. comparison Also anyone know if the bridge is good in the ibanez sa 420x, it has an lg baggs piezo system i know that pricey. i question is is the ibanez bridge better then the prs tremelo? thanks, Adam
  7. cool could you tell me the steps you use to finish a guitar( sanding ,time between each coats, etyc)? thanks, adam
  8. i ment is it safe health wise to touch for a long period of time once it dries. looks like ill be using minwax much cheaper then ktm9. thanks, adam
  9. have u ever used that minwax finish before i was thinking of using it. out of curiousaity id that stuff safe to touch for long periods of time once its dryed? adam
  10. heres my go at a prs 24, what ya all think. im eventually going to put it on acrylic.template
  11. im using a wrap around bridge would i use the same spacing as a tune amatic ? if so in accordance with the scale im using the trebel insert should be at 25.061" from the nut925" scale 24 frett). the problem is i have no idea what the frqaction equivelant is and cant find it online. the closest i can get is 25.0625" or 25 1/16". will the difference make all that much of a difference? adam
  12. you can get the instructions at lmii.com click the ktm9 link on the homepage. ive used ktm9 and i get a sore throat and heartburn everytime i go near the guitar finished with it. it also smells wiered. u experiencing any similar issues? adam
  13. he raised the price by $6. you all think its worth $66 w/ shipping for a prs 24 template. let me know what you think.
  14. how do make it even with a router when theres no surface to use as a guide for the depth stop( the exsetension of the neck pocket is about 3/4 of an inch lower then the body). adam sorry if it takes me awhile to comprehend. thanks
  15. thanks thats exactly what i was looking for? what size screws should i get? i was thinking the 1/4-20 would work. Any suggestions? ← do you glue these inserts in or just screw them in or both? Adam
  16. i bought it like that. i understand what your saying bu t how do i get the new filler block of wood to mesh up right with the horrible uneven neck pocket? thanks, adam
  17. I'm surprised you haven't noticed, he don't got none common sense. ← [/quote im actually retarded but no one surpasses mr. Alex.
  18. how would i get the block to match the uneveness of the neck pocket?
  19. hi the neck pocket on my guitar is uneven any idea how to fix it? see picture uneven thanks , Adam
  20. hi does the scale of the fingerboard change the length of the neck? ex would 25.5 scale 21 frett neck be shorter the a 22 fret neck? im reffamering to the actual neck not the fingerboard. Ad
  21. i bought the plans for that carver thing. if it works this could be very usefull for duplicating boddies and neck. adam
  22. anyone ever used one of those carver things mentioned in the tutorial posted? if so how difficult is it to use a build? Also does the original neck get messed up at all? Adam
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