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Everything posted by thewrathofraf

  1. WOW!! i had no idea that there was so much information like that out there. does any one know where or how to get a guitar made of soundcompound or if any one has played one. i am seriously curious as to how this stuff sounds. theoretically it seems superb, but its all in experience....also how do some of you feel about the sound of acrylic guitars. has any one explored the idea of a glass guitar? -RAF EDIT: btw thanks for the links...
  2. i was just wondering what every ones thougths were on using different materials for guitars. maybe things like acrylic, graphite, carbon fiber, etc. what do you guys think of the tonal properties of these materials and how is their workability? we have an engineering shop at the school that they sometimes allow students to use on individual projects that i might be able to use for sheping of these kinds of things. any one ever think of building a guitar out of metal? i wonder how that would sound? -RAF
  3. i would say check out the search funstion on the site. personally i know nothing about painting (yet) but definitely search the site. you will find tons of info. -RAF
  4. i think every one is entitled to have an opinion and no one should be attacked for having that opinion. i by no means agree with "relic-ing" a new guitar. i think it should be reliced over time through playing and gettin hit against things and whatever else happens while u have the instrument. thats what truly defines the character of YOUR instrument. not what some one has done to it because u want it to look old and weathered. i have an esp flying v ( old style) that i have had for 5 years. that guitar has many a battle scar from shows and just rockin out, but never would i compromise the character of my instrument by relicing it. -RAF
  5. i want to build a neck through v and i keep coming across the question of how to glue the wings on. i know that on say a strat style guitar you would just cut out the sides and use the would that you cut it out of to put the clamps on so the clamps dont hit the body, but it seems to me that for a v the guitar sould just slide down if you tried it this way. so how would i do that? thanks -RAF
  6. i know carvin also sells some pretty nice necks. i think their site is carvin.com. -RAF
  7. im not sure that u would get much tonal difference. from my understanding its just a difference in stregth of the tremolo, but my knowledge on this is minimal so i could be worng. -RAF
  8. i agree completely. i think its lame. and the idea of battle scars makes the guitar yours. its been through something with you, not simulated. -RAF
  9. i like the first one. gave me kind of a crumbling city vibe. maybe you shoul drun with that. -RAF
  10. I was just wondering if its even possible to paint a graphic onto an existing finish on a guitar. Whats the best way to do it? What kind of paint do i use? Etc,etc... Thanks. -RAF
  11. ok basically in english this guy is asking where to get wood in his country. He also wants to know if any one can reccommend him on where to get a body and neck. thats as far as i could understand. -RAF
  12. awesome. thanks for the input. i thought it would be good just wanted some second opinions from some pros. -RAF
  13. i have an old esp ltd flying v v200 and i want to put a seymour duncan invader in teh bridge position and a seymour duncan jazz in teh neck position. i was also considering just using 2 invaders but i want a really clean sound when using the neck pickup. for the bridge pickup i want super heavy kick you in the face tone. do you guys think this is a good combination? are there any other combinations that i should cnsider? thanks a lot. -RAF
  14. thanks for all the inof. awesome sites....thanks guys.. -RAF
  15. Hello all. I have been hunting for the past 2 months on where to get black locking tuners and black string through body rivets for 7 string guitars. I have found tons of 6 string stuff, but i dont wanna have to buy 2 sets. Does any one know where to get some 7 string stuff like this, especially the tuning pegs. I have alos found some trouble getting duncans for a 7 string. Advice is greatly appreciated. Thnaks. -RAF
  16. Hhahahahaha... Thats totally me!! Black Pants, Black T-shirt everyday. Friends call it my uniform! ← I buy jeans that way and t-shirts a few times, 5-7 at a time! ← heck ya lol. it just seems to leave time for more important decisions... -RAF
  17. well i htought about it a little more and decided that im just gonna make a new one. I really should hang on to these guitars. especially the v. its like my baby. Thanks for the posts tho. I really appreciate it. -RAF
  18. It seems to me like this would be a fairly simple task. I have an esp 7 string and an esp flying v 6 string. I wanna convert the 6 string body into a 7 string using the parts from the 7 string that i already have. Is this possible to do? How hard is it? is it worth doing? any input will be appreciated. thanks guys. -RAF
  19. Im goin for an oversized v with some crazy lookin cuts. I like the way neck thrus sound and play over bolt on and set. im lookin for metal sound. prolly 25.5 scale length. dual hums. 1 tone 1 volume and 3 way toggle switch.
  20. ok ok i get it...jump down my throught will ya...lol. I have been researching a lot over the past few weeks and i didnt realize that the forum had a search thing. so i will def try it out. The site was very helpful for ideas but there was a lot of gaps in some of the information. And don't worry i intend to do a hell of a lot more research b4 i start even buying wood for it. Some of the stuff I have found doesn't answer some of my questions, but i will check out the search first next time. Thanks for all the input tho i do appreciate it. And thanks for lettin me know that there is a search thing. -RAF
  21. Ya im planning on a 7-string neck thru. Got any tips on what wood to use and where to get it? -RAF
  22. Ya im planning on a 7-string neck thru. Got any tips on what wood to use and where to get it? -RAF
  23. Those designs look pretty sweet. I am currently designing something new based off the flying v also, but i havetn scanned ne pics yet. When i do ill be sure to post them. -RAF
  24. Ya that sounds good to me. Where can I find wood with 16x25x3 dimensions? And what dimensions should the piece for the neck be if its gonna be neck through....sorry foor all the questions, its my first guitar building experience. -RAF
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