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Everything posted by ZoSo_Spencer

  1. [quote name='idch' date='Jun 29 2005, 03:47 AM']The best? Don't care...my favorite? [right][snapback]203574[/snapback][/right] [/quote] Erghmmmmm favourite - the name (my name) might give a clue - Jimmy Page Jimmy page may not be the best guitarist but he did and always will inspire soooo many people by creating (in my opinion) the best songs (remember he wrote most of the songs himself, so that makes him even better) out of any other band i have every (i mean EVERY) single song/video that led zeppelin or jimmy page touring with other bands or him and plant (no quarter unledded) every did, played and covered - live, studio or whatever and jimmy page never ceases to amaze me in fact he doesnt even have to try lol.... even when he was touring with the black crowes that stuff is still awesome...... i like very single song that led zeppelin ever did except for about 4 and thats saying alot considering they produced around 80 or something songs (i think - ive got 180 different zeppelin songs not including dvds but most of them are other versions of a song being played live) Jimmy page gave led zeppelin something that no other band in my opinion had - chemistry - you watch the led zeppelin DVD's and in just about any song especially dazed and confused, they just keep playing and they duel with eachother and so many other little things. my favourite zeppelin songs 1 - Bring it on home 2 - When the levee breaks 3 - Gallows Pole as you can tell - i like Jimmy Page
  2. Hey thats cool - i was kinda hoping that a sustainer didnt only sustain as i wouldnt want to put one on my guitar then Jap strats are pretty nice......sometimes and yours looks pretty good...........to me....... japs make the best guitars (in my opinion) just look at - greco, burny, tokai, orville, jap epiphones and yamaha's ive got a Greco 1970's les paul bolt on - its about to undergo some major surgery - top removal (its like plywood with a chamber underneath it so ima route the whole thing off) - put on a solid walnut top - try my bolt to set neck conversion lol... its gunna work...hopefully - fill in original pickup cavities - re-route pickup wiring channels and the re-route cavities for 3 pickups - ive done the jimmy page wiring mod Jimmy page wiring mod to my guitar so ima have to add some switches for the 3rd pickup for coil shunts which will make it a wiring mess and much more crap......
  3. That wooden pickguard sounds cool man.....but instead of thick laquer crap do it satin thatd be nice lol i like the shape of that resonater thing on ure site looks neat anything on headstocks i call decals although it sounds stupid now that i think of it............ ill have to go into my personal dictionary and reword that post some more progress pics when you can .......pplease
  4. .................not that i can think of......... The only thing that maybe you should look for is the fact that if you make the fret's too slanted on the sides like the beveled part or whatever the E strings might be prone to slipping off the side of the fret and make some strange noises lol my guitar is kinda like that however that could be from the string spacing at the nut - just giving you a tip from a non expierenced fellow hope all goes well. p.s i will probobally start work on my bolt to set neck conversion soon
  5. Hey man - nice looking AXE making me jelous i have 3 things i would like to say lol.... 1 - Why did you put a les paul custom decal on the headstock? 2 - please do not rush this guitar - give yourself time to finish it, you dont want to make a mistake just becuase you wanted to use it for the weekend.... 3 - ive always been a fan of double bound body's but howcome you chose to do that on a goldtop? (or goldtop looking lp) cant wait to see this done - loving it brilliant work so far - do you have any in progress pics (painting - etc)
  6. I like the sound of that - btw - nice design
  7. PSW - Nice guitar - and nice Sustainer can you answer one question - it may sound stupid lol - can a sustainer act as a pickup when it is not actively sustaining?? BTW - lovekraft - lol..... i meant to say pots not post..........does sound funny though hey
  8. Simo - all i have to say is that is one nice lookin bass so far - keep up the good work
  9. I myself dont mind the launch pad - although at the moment it doesnt look the greatest i see the potential The inaly is actually the only thing i dont like...... i dont know why either....... maybe i like simple things - split parralelograms Keep up the good work its turning out great............ *EDIT* i just saw youre first guitar - looks nice, kind of untraditional in a way (headstock) and generally cool, although i dont like the inlays *EDIT*
  10. Thx Mike for posting that - and thanks to the people that helped with the creation of this tutorial Im hopefully going to try this maybe not on my jimmy page try hard guitar but on a telecaster that i hope to make out of silky oak lol how big are the shafts on those post that you have, like 3 inches
  11. Nice job, looks great......... Do you have a picture of it with its paint on?
  12. HAHA too right...... Is it me or does that body look way too small for that neck...........lol........
  13. Hey thats looking good, nice burst I wouldnt put tortiouse shell on it......maybe a 5ply black pickguard custom made i think that would go nicely Pickups - you should maybe a get a set of Bare Knuckles - www.bareknucklepickups.co.uk - they sound bloody good, they have demos in their forums.
  14. OMG.............................................that finsh is..............awesome Nice work
  15. That sounds like a great alternative.........but........ the picture in the link isnt really the greatest for detail.... Would you mind, if possible posting some pictures (close-ups) of the inlays??
  16. LOL u see that - i can.............. Once again - nice wood - should turn out great... cant wait to see some good progress pictures
  17. Thank you.... if been deing to figure that one out..
  18. Hi Ive been really into the look of worn metal parts like, for example a well played 70's les pauls hardware such an example can be seen at the link below Jimmy page's #1 Les paul http://www.themusiczoo.com/JPLP/playersview.jpg If you can see what i mean - the hardware has a faded, non-shiney old look about it. i know that some places exist where they custom wear out parts for you but i am wondering how to do it myself as it can only be a number of chemicals/sandpaper/elbow-grease so if there is anyone in here that has any tips about how to do this to metal hardware it would be greatly appreciated if you could share them.
  19. That tooth-pick suggestions pretty good - never thought of that one you could always just use that stuff (danm forgot the name)... just go into a hardware store and tell them that you need something to fill in holes and strong enough to be redrilled into. i used this stuff on like 2 of my guitars, i used it to re-drill neck pocket holes and fix screw holes and bassically everything. trust me theyll know what you are talking about if you go into a hardware store and ask for something like that.. lol - its not wood filler either
  20. LOL i saw it too, looks like an esp - judging by the 12th fret marker but thats just me Nice Work RaMan Its looking good - especially for your first............i can just imagine what mine will look like compared to something like this
  21. Hey Thats pretty neat, i would maybe consider making the wings abit longer aswell, but it looks cool nonetheless. Whats are the colours going to be?
  22. As soon as i get some decent money, maybe like 50$ or something i will donate, i was going to when i joined but, no money atm. I alwyas give for a good cause and this site is one of them...........love this place
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