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Everything posted by b5111987

  1. is american white ash any good for guitar body's
  2. anyone know what there made of like what wood
  3. im just gonna order some wood online i lent me guitar building book to a friend anyone know if Ash - American White is a good wood for guitars
  4. yes i did that but you need some string blades and to take it very slow
  5. also drill the holes a little deeper, the same amount your cutting off
  6. im sure you can cut a bit of the block, it will probably cut down on the sustain though and you can bend the tremlo arm or bend it completely streight and make it bend further up the arm if you get what i meen
  7. the small pots were made for guitars that dont have allot of room to fit controls in, they dont make any diffrence to sound or anything as far as im aware iv used big and small in the same guitar aswell
  8. go to http://www.highlystrung.net/ neck are £60
  9. got all parts now just waiting for laquer to dry, also wireing up LED's in fretboard for guitar 2, 22 damn wires and 20 damn LED's to put in www.jcguitars.tk
  10. mine's steel, and it looks like steves is too but it would probably have to be a stong magnet to hold a slide
  11. yeh i saw the motion of his hand and thought it may be a magnet or something like that i didnt think it was a slide holder it could have been a clip or even velcro but i carnt see any on his slide
  12. It's an allen key holder ← how does it hold the slide though
  13. on the steve vai video for bad horsie he uses a slide and then puts in behind the headstock till he needs it again anyone know what this holder thing actually is iv seen slide holers for a mic stand but not the headstock
  14. im building my own guitars (www.jcguitars.tk - if ure interested) and want a custom strap or strap logo i want it to say JCG somewhere near the beggining of the strap anyone know where a place that offers this service to the uk
  15. you can get a custom decal from MOD NOTE - Please do not ever mention that name on this forum again. and theres no extra shipping for overseas - move mouse over headstock of guitar on website
  16. i used 1000 1200 1500 and 2000 grit wet and dry before hand and the surface it perfectly flat and all the same dullness ← Then you went straight to 8,000? How long did you sand for. It really sounds like you still have 2000 grit scratches left, but a pic would be nice to see also. EDIT:Even with MicroMesh, I would still buff the paint out with compounds, regardless. ← i sanded with 2000 for ages and its all flat with hardly any scratches visable i men you can see where the paper has been but there arnt any noticable scratches but when i start to buff it up i looks reflective head on but at an angle you ccan see lines when it has been rubbin + do i have to use it wet or dry iv tried both but im not sure wich is best
  17. i used 1000 1200 1500 and 2000 grit wet and dry before hand and the surface it perfectly flat and all the same dullness
  18. i got the highest grit and the one bllow it it think its 12000 and 8000 or something like that
  19. i bought somw micro mesh to buff up my guitar but iv tried useing it wet and dry but it doesnt really give a good shine to the guitar it still looks a bit scratchy anyone know exactly how your supposed to use the stuff
  20. not that diffret just got to thid about scale lenght and pickup placement and also u gotta make sure the neck is secure
  21. im putting LED's in a fretboard that move further up the fretbord the harder you play like here http://www.simscustom.com/html/simsleds.htm click on video at bottom right of page i bought a Super Sensitive 2 x 8-LED Mono Audio Level Indicator from http://www.canakit.com/ and have built it and it works fine but i want the leds all the same colour now i dont know what type i need as in opperating tempreture if theres any type of voltage issue to deal with or anything. The leds will be covered by clear plastic aswell to get them level with the fretboared so they may start to get hot after a while can anyone tell me the LED's i need
  22. guitar ready for buffing up - waiting for micro mesh done some prelimenary wireing and im still waiting for my damn pickup
  23. yeh i roughed it up woth sandpaper then i i got a craft knife and made diagonal lines accross it aswell and it worked fine i had to do it on the side of the pot though cause its two pots in one but on the top there not really any metal so i did it on the side
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