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Everything posted by Demian

  1. http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.ph...topic=17859&hl=
  2. Ahh ok, looking pictures I understand now !! Is this OK to buy what do you say?? BAND SAW Demian.
  3. Guys, I need a Band saw too, but dont know the measurements that has to have for guitar and bass purposes. I´m newb so could anyone explain to me the measurements of height, weigh thickness of cut that would be ok for that ? ? I read that you suggested to buy a 14" band saw or better but what is 14" ? ? Thanx, Demian.
  4. Very good page man! , something like that I was looking for in machines.
  5. Yes, my mistake sorry! , I was thinking in scale length.. however, I think 3/4 thickness for that blanck is not too much to do an angled neck, doesn´t it?.
  6. Guys, What are the options that I have to build a neck and the head of it ? ? I´m a little confused because I know that depends of if you are going to do an angled head or not, but don´t understand very well all the options that you have to make both. for example HERE warmoth offers a neck blank with only 27" lenght (I suppose no room for head) and below an angled neck that dont understand if are two pieces of wood glued or simply they prepared one piece wood with the angle. OR HERE where he glued 3 pieces wood with 70mm thickness and then cut the wood as he wants. As I understand that this is the most acceptable way to do it. So, For the neck and head of it, has to be the length always one piece of wood or I can build the neck, then the head and then glue both. If I buy a 3/4" thickness neck blank Can I have an angled (13 degree) neck ? ?. Thanx, Demian
  7. I have been with him personally in the NAMM 2001 in Anaheim Great ! !
  8. Guys, I have a question in my mind that still dont know how it works. I always wanted to know how to paint graphics in body guitars. I´m really very bad making graphics myself (I never could draw even a house with a pencil and a paper ) So the question is: How normally do the graphics in the guitars ? Do you have to draw it with your hands? Or you could, in some way, put/copy an already done graphic in the guitar? Is a really stupid question but the big problem of mine is that in a future I would like to put custom graphics in my guitars but without drawing myself. Here some examples: Custom1 Custom2 Custom3 Thanxs, Demian
  9. Yeah! What about GOTOH Floyd Trem ? ? Are they as good as schaller or a bit worse? Do Someone knows THIS tremolos ? ? Do you know the big difference in quality (material for ex.) that has with the others ?? Demian
  10. Hi, Anyone knows the quality of this guitars, I wanted to buy one years ago from Argentina.. They look very nice. GMW Demian
  11. Very nice guitar!!, especially for being the first one. I´d like to build my first one with that kind of RG/Jem body type. I have one with those two ham. but didnt use it very much yet. Are they very clean sound, doesnt it? Demian
  12. Guys, I have received from Amazon The first book that I ordered. Is´s The Melvyn Hiscock´s one . I´m still waiting for the Martin Koch´s one. I didnt begin reading it yet, but I´m a little dissapointed because the photos are in black and white. DO YOU KOW IF THE PHOTOS OF THE MARTIN KOCH´s BOOK ARE B&W TOO ? Demian I know that it is stupid or irrelevant but... just curious!!
  13. I want to make a guitar that has all the features of all my favourite guitars. Is this wise? Generally no. Avoid making a complicated guitar for a first instrument. The more features it has, the more design work is needed and there is more chance of mistakes. You will be far more successful making a simple guitar first and then making something more complicated as a second guitar. As you go on you will learn what can and cannot be done on one instrument. Well here is something that said (i think) Melvyn Hiscock in his website. So......... Demian
  14. Well See , Who dare to talk about pine wood for guitars. What are the best kind of pine woods for this purposes? What about elliotis, parana pine woods ?? are very light weight wood as everyone said?? Can anyone show me a picture of a guitar made of pine ? ? Thanx, Demian
  15. Guys, tell me what was the first guitar that you builded. What kind of guitar is most recomendable for the first building for newbs ? Thanx, Demian.
  16. Anyone could tell me if PINE PARANA is good for a body guitar?? I thought that It was just a rough and cheap wood. Here in Argentina I can get a lot of that wood. I´m shock! Demian
  17. Well ok guys, take it easy!. I´m newB of course so, you said some things that I´m still dont get it. What I understood is that if that a planer can surface the top and bottom of the wood, and a jointer align the borders, so then I could joint the two pieces of wood. If a buy the planer, you tell me that I can surface the top and bottom of the wood but cannot do anything with the borders or ends of them if I havent got a jointer.is thats right? In other words, If I have only a planer I cannot have a finished wood like stewmac sells?? Last one: how much cost a 6" jointer aprox. Just to have an idea.. Thanxs Demian.
  18. Yes! my mistake its a Planer!. But still dont see the diference between this planer, that surface the wood, with a jointer (only for surfaced purposes). Yes, this planer use knives, and what does a jointer use? and in that case, If I surface the wood with a planer, then can I sand the wood by hand.?? Thanx, Demian
  19. Another link (english) of the same tool. DELTA
  20. Hi guys, please I need you (all) tell me If this sander is useful to cut the thicness of raw woods ? ? Its a DELTA (USA) and its cost only USD350.- If I buy it I only need a jointer machine than to get my own surfaced and jointed woods?? DELTA SANDER Thanx Demian.
  21. ... and when the electricty came back you can plug your brains in and post some pictures of godd sanders and jointers as an option to buy
  22. Primal, do you know if it is ok for that ? You cannot measure the thicknnes that you want to sand but I see it very big. Sander
  23. Ok, Are they the tools that I would need to buy to joint and surface ? ? (experience and skills come with practice) That´s it? Jointer Sanders Are they very expensive and thats why it would be better to buy from stewmac the finished wood for ex.?? Thanx, Demian.
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