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Nitefly SA

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Everything posted by Nitefly SA

  1. well the highest bidder seems to think its a worth while investment
  2. i was thinking of swamp ash to keep it light but im open to suggestions.
  3. Go with a parker,cool look not many people have them, individualism thats good, got a humbucker, active electronics, nice neck/feel
  4. thanks metal matt, thats more what i was looking for, what size do you rcommend?
  5. You know those edges as seen on bc rich type guitars, seem here http://www.mosercustomshop.com/shred/bvi.html and here http://bcrich.com/bcrich_guitars/platinumpro.asp edges as seen on the mockingbirds. is that a router or what, because i want those edges and yet i cant get them even enough by just sanding so wats the deal?
  6. i really like Metallicaster i could even put it in themetallica font. i was thinking of getting some tele templates, getting a neck through body neck from carvin and goin from there, i want emgs 81 and 85 all black.
  7. http://www.darkstarguitars.com/index.php?id=24 i am truly digginf this one, its weird but i reminds me of the misfits guitar
  8. if done in the right way it could look really cool. on a side note check this out, give you an idea. http://cgi.ebay.com/Jon-Hill-General-Lee-D...1QQcmdZViewItem
  9. Metal matt i know this is your style, the hanger is cool too. http://cgi.ebay.com/Custom-Gothic-Flying-V...1QQcmdZViewItem
  10. This is a little dumb but i want to make a telecaster suited for metal, and i want to name it something evil/cool hellicaster is taken so if any one has any name suggestions lemme hear em. some ideas: terrocaster,metacaster,plastercaster ,killacaster.
  11. i like them as thin as it can get before it will buckle!
  12. CRATES are pretty good, fairly cheap and some come with on board effects
  13. i put mini locking grovers on a mexi strat not to long ago, they worked well but the instructions were a biotch, too complicated, go with sperzel, ther is no better
  14. I just recently got into guitar building so i require more of a throat on my band saw, not to mention it is probably at least 30 years old (got it from my grandpa)but does any body have any suggestions for a good brand? i'd like to keep it under 500 dollars i was thinking this one http://www.sears.com/sr/javasr/product.do?...pid=00923635000 if any one has any feedback on this one or has other ones in mind please let me know, thanks.
  15. NOS? and it seems you could juat have one built in a boutique for less than 14 grand
  16. whats so special that makes that worth 14,000+ dollars?
  17. sperzels have a great look to them and they work great, and they are light...i'd go with those
  18. i tend to make comments on almost vintage threads
  19. I love his new guitar i liked his gibson at first, but after a while the paint was boring this one is more exciting and the paint is way cooler
  20. i have seen the white stripes live twice, all he has on stage is 2 fender amps a midi pedal to control his digitech whammy,a compressor,a digitech whammy, a noise gate and a distortion/overdrive. some describe airlines pick ups as very sweet sounding, different strokes for different folks. he only uses the bridge pick up thats why the other is gone, and he produces the albums him self and computer free so how could it be engineered? any way, i like the look of carbon fiber but it seems a little expensive, and could i get it to be smooth like if i wanted it on a neck? (as in the parker basses) also how would i get a surfboard like finish (what products are necessary)
  21. Here is my idea, pick any of those designs, but make the controls (knobs/switches) in a row behind the tail piece and make the output jack by the butt of the spider that way it'll look like it's shooting web (BONUS)
  22. is there going to be enough room foryour hand for high fret hitting with that bottom horn?
  23. I was just about to ask what the recommended position was for the 89,couold anybody tell me what the numbers are for? (61,85,81 etc.) do they have anything to do with the level of output? could i just get a dimazio in the bridge and a 89 in the neck?
  24. now that i think about it i think the 1960's Airline res o glass (what jack white plays) was coated in fiberglass jack white sure makes it sound good
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