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Everything posted by goth_fiend

  1. as much as I like all the guitars this month, i have to go with matt's that is an amazing piece of maple and is finished extremly well, i liked it the most
  2. thats pretty much what i have done, but what am i going to do when i have to hook up the intellifex and eq that i have comming, like i said im a newb to rack stuff, are they both going to go thru the midi ports on the preamp?
  3. well with my old setup i used my ds-1 as a booster, a chorus pedal (kinda useless now that i have a intellifex on the way) my wah, volume and whammy, as well as an eq pedal (again useless as i have an eq on the way as well)
  4. well im going to be showing my dumbness here, but im always used to my amps having an effects loop, so i freaked when i saw that this preamp doesnt have one, i like the ability to put all of my effects in the loop then throwing my wah, whammy and volume in front of the amp and off i go, i know i can put all of my effects in front of my amp but theres always the "tone" debate saying otherwise.
  5. i have a rocktron chameleon(the original one not the 2000 or online) and i was wondering if it was possible to have it modified to have an effects loop? if so does anybody know of any company that does this?
  6. I have templates for an ironbird, pm me if you need help
  7. i have a few pickups that im looking to trade for more of what i need in a humbucker, so here goes emg 81-60 set duncan invader duncan designed hb-103 2 chrome covered buckers from a samick 2 pups from a bc rich warlock no im looking for a uber high output set of humbuckers, like a x2n or a lawrence xl-500, also im looking for a hz-h4 from emg as well, pm me if your intrested in any of these pickups
  8. heres what i did, with the suggestion of jeremy and a few others, measure the space between the strings on one of your guitars and add the space for the B and F# strings (if thats what your going to be tuning it to) i believe mine is 3 1/8th at the 24th fret, i will have to go double check but its pretty beefy! and building your own neck is not that difficult, just take your time and measure twice, then cut once!
  9. 3 words guys, moser custom shop, look no further for wicked guitars
  10. rhoads i wasnt talking about you, there are others on this site how i was talking about, you have almost always helped me and several others when we need it, i just dont see the problem with this guy building a replica of a jem neck if he wants to keep it for himself.
  11. ok, i have had just about enough of threads like this, somebody asks for help and instead gets thrashed for wanting to do something with HIS/HER own guitar, now i can see both sides of the argument here, if he was going to sell it then i would definatly not agree with his idea, but he wants a lefty jem, they dont make them, so why not make one yourself? hell that was my logic when i started building my misfits guitar! so what am I doing something illegal by having a fiend skull on the headstock? Do I intend on selling this guitar ever? hell no! i wanted one and i started to make one, is that wrong? same applies with this guy, he said it himself he wants to keep it for himself, more power to ya! what is so wrong about a guy wanting to have a guitar that looks like his idols?(only an assumption here, jems are awesome anyways) if ibanez made a lefty jem then this whole fiasco wouldnt have happened i am sick of some of the "elites" of this website bashing the new guys who want to do something like this, or absolutly refusing to help them, we all got started somewhere guys! I know i sure as hell could have used some more help from the guys here then i got when i started building my rhoads V's, but in order for me to even be able to start building them i had to take a 300 mile trip to a guitar shop that carried jacksons because there was nobody that was willing to help with templates, body tracings or the likes! forum help indeed! i try to help anybody i can on there projects where i can ok now that i probably pissed some people off im going to finish this by saying just one thing, if you really want a jem logo, the best piece of advice I can give you is this, go trace one or use photoshop and make your own(cause your prolly not going to get one here), i dont support it myself as i also think its wrong but thats my $.02
  12. what i did for my 8 was that i went to my local music shop and explained my situation, they hooked me up with 2 extra tuners and drilled one out for a .70 string for 18 bucks, as for pickups you can go with emg's or you can go with seymour duncan customs, i have them building me a set of 8's (not cheap though, about 250 for both) and as for the hipshot, i think its the only production 8 string bridge out right now, i have a black one!
  13. it wasnt a file it was a full body tracing and send me a pm, i dont mind sending you one
  14. well the dean ml is basically just an explorer and a gibson V put together, if you can trace the both of those bodies, then just combine them in the middle you would be close enough
  15. apparently the nevborns didnt innotate properly or something like that
  16. i dont think it would be that difficult, then again i have monster hands... the laminates for the neck are glued up and it will be a few days before i start roughing it out
  17. looking more into it, the tuning will be F#, B,E,A,D,G,B,E didnt read that much guys sorry wasnt thinkin!
  18. I fully plan on using a .70 for my f# no worries there man
  19. i will have to search the old HD, but im not sure if i have pic's anywhere, i just got a digital camera though once i get used to it i will start posting pics
  20. yeah binding on that guitar would look sweet, im thinking of doing a faux binding on my 8 but im not sure yet
  21. got the tuning machines today, black grovers!
  22. man talk about bringing back an old thread! i already got the body for this guitar done and I used a 45 degree chamfer bit and then a rasp to get the rest of the shape i wanted
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