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Everything posted by chunkielad

  1. It will stop it sliping when you clamp up though Only messing!
  2. I'm working on acustom at the mo and have come accross a question in the neck area. I've posted two pics - is the 1st one OK? Will I have any strength issues or do i need to do a full heel and just trim the depth like in pic 2? Also are 3 screws enough in this layout? Just for reference the neck is a strat copy off ebay (unknown wood) and thebodu will be mahogany. The body is 40 mm thick - is there a minimum thickness to the heel so I'll get decent strength? What's the min you'd take it to? http://signworks.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Stor...20Joint%202.jpg
  3. I have seen this process in the sign world and usually it's vaccum formed. The best way to do it is to build a box then attach a vaccum 'cleaner' to the bottom. Use a sheet of MDF to lay your work on (the air passes through MDF) and then attach the sheet air tight around the top edge. Apply heat whilst sucking out the air and it will form around the guitar. You'd need to have escape holes for theair though - pick up cavitied etc. Here's a complex version for veneer http://www.joewoodworker.com/veneering/welcome.htm Here's how the RC builders do it http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=271187
  4. I'm gonna get some cheap pine (I say cheap but it'll cost more than the mahogany!!! And make one out of that first. I'm stuffed on both counts There may be trouble ahead!
  5. Glad you like it mate - i've got rock running through my veins so it's great that someone sees it as a rock guitar. I was a little worriedbut if you reckon you're doing a 23-35mm one then I'm fine! There's the problem with this project - ME! Ha ha! my vast experience of wood work is a games compendium for my Dad when i was 16! I'm 29 now!!! It is good to see the UK lads though isn't it!? Anyone here local to me?
  6. The tuners and the strat neck would be great if I weren't so good darn far away!
  7. I can't say it's for me either but if you like it mate - go for it! Get the thing sorted and keep us informed - you never know, it may turn into something special!
  8. That's the main reason to do a guitar shape in my eyes mate - If YOU want it! I can't wait to getstarted. Is 40mm thick enough for this guitar do you think or will it be a bit too thin? I did consier putting a cap on rather than veneer.
  9. Devon's Right Simo- I want a sort of 'soft feel' heck I don't know how to explain it! I'll have a search for Tru oil and see what comes up.
  10. He he - that is me in the pic but it's not really a true representation of my personality!! My current guitar is a Vintage VH51FR (Copy of the EVH series Earnieball Musicman) Not really the image you were expecting? I also have the old strat which needs finishing, a 12 string Washburn accoustic and a crappy Honer classical. I figured the whole image of this machine to fit with a 60's American retro theme - a bit 'Starsky and Hutch' - just showns how people interpret things differently. I sat down and came up with about 15 designs the other day - all need tweaking etc - one is really rounded (profile from the end is almost oval) one was a bit of a telecaster cross with something I've never seen before - my tastes vary widely when it comes to guitars.
  11. None of the pics work in that thread mate I'm thinking something that'll leave the grain sort of showing if you get what I mean.
  12. I'm with you both 100% it's about me liking it more than anything else at all. I could copy another guitar easily - telecaster/les paul etc - I like them both but this is a custom - it's not supposed to look like anything else out there - that'd be a replica or copy. I want a different guitar that suits my needs and looks good to me. I posted the design as people asked me to.
  13. I think that if you don't have the neck all the way down the body, it's called a glued in neck. A through neck goes all the way from one end to the other of the guitar. I'm pretty sure that the truss rod is the same as any other though - it shouldn't need to be longer I don't think - I may be wrong though mate!
  14. It definately pleases me - but if i can be different to everything else out there (obviously there'll be some similarities) then all the better. It also seems i may have enough mahogany to do a neck too but I'm scared of that move for now!
  15. It was 40p overall here's the design guys - I know the back end is a bit well, Fender but I think that the overall design is pretty unique - unless someone knows different. I'm going to keep to the 40mm this mahogany has given me and use a Flamed Sycamore veneer i just got on the top - it won't look like a veneer though once the binding is on - it'll look like a cap. I've linked to a bigger version of the image too incase anyone wants to download to look at it in more detail. http://www.signworks.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/...ge/Funkybig.jpg
  16. If I wasn't going to have any paint or laquer on a project, what else could I use? - I would want to stain it and then protect it somehow. i've heard of Tung oil but is there anything else?
  17. Hoping to get design finalised today - I'm working it around a neck I got off ebay for a 'Strat copy' refinish which has now gone by the side! I have realised thet even though I laid the boards to have 'opposing' grain direction, I've ended up glueing it the other way so the end grain follows on but never mind - ther grain is pretty much vertical anyway!
  18. There's a company in the UK called Frost Auto Restoration who sell kits to nickel plate, anodise, remove plating etc... You may have someone like this locally. Removal and redo would work but it's be cheaper to buy a new one to be honest!
  19. I went to my local wood merchant the other day to buy some bit for a sign I was making and saw two bits of Mahogany on the floor - "How much is that?" I asked "Oh they're going in the off-cuts bit outside for 20p each" he said! So for 40p I got two 2ft X10" pieces of mahogany!!! Strat refinish has gone on the back burner for now to make a custom body. Here they are glued up After first sanding www.signworks.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Storage/Wood/MostSanded.JPG Some 'rips were in the surface from the planer so I filled them with PVA and sawdust http://www.signworks.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/.../Wood/chips.JPG The join is good http://www.signworks.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/...e/Wood/Join.JPG And it looks OK wet too! http://www.signworks.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/...ge/Wood/Wet.JPG I have my design nearly ready - totally unique I think - maybe someone will show me something it looks like though! Oh and here's what I did over the weekend with the screws i went into the shop for originally. http://www.signworks.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/.../Wood/Signs.JPG
  20. I don't see it as spam mate - it's directly related to what I asked! Keeps us informed.
  21. I'm trying to find a UK supplier of timber caps for the body of a project. No one seems to be able to help! i.e. Flamed maple justisn't available round here!!! I say burr and they suck ar through their teeth stating it has to be imported and would be expensive
  22. I want to get me a router bit for working with templates - problem is, they all seem to be in the US! Is there a good supplier in the UK for this as every where I try to get one has them with the bearing at the end not on the shaft or if they are on the shaft the cutting length is too long (like the one I have now!
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