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Everything posted by Jehle

  1. Very nice work. Very clean edges. SELL SELL SELL!!!
  2. Psst... http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showtopic=21505
  3. Is this a record for the number of entries this month? There is so much diversity in this group that I had a really hard time choosing. Ultimately I had to go for the Rocket and Gigantor. Both of those projects had the spirit of what makes a good build in them, to me at least. I can't believe I didn't vote for my own "killer owl"
  4. Come to think of it, I'm the only one that did use a cigar box. Everyone else is disqualified. I WINe!
  5. Looks like someone else does. There's a bid! =:-O
  6. I keep wondering how I could make a cigar box flying V.
  7. So you could build a Bo Diddley model with lots of pearl bits and bobs.
  8. in that case, cutting out the body would SUCK You don't have to cut a body for a CBG. Plus, guitars have been made before electricity. It just means that your design would have to change to accomidate the use of hand tools.
  9. Good design and pretty cool paint job. Of course it's obligatory to suggest the MSG B/W paint job.
  10. We could also have a guitar build contest like this : NO POWER TOOLS!
  11. The Invicible White Owl Cigar Box Guitar Sad to say, I'm going to sell this little gem. Even though I hate to see it go, this is the nature of the business I'm in. Plus, I need to move some of my stuff out. I've got more guitars to build and less and less wall space to hang them on.
  12. Welcome aboard John. Looks like you are just the sort of person that gets a lot out of the forum and one that wants to contribute. Good to see you here.
  13. Just testing the poll feature.
  14. I tried a test post in the poll section and it didn't seem to have those options. I thought that was a little odd to not have a poll option in the poll section. At the same time, it looks like I could start a poll in the announcements section. <edit> Nevermind... I just didn't see it before. Der.... stoopid.
  15. I think it totally rocks that there are 4 CBG's in the GOTM running this month. I am so voting on the Fuglycaster.
  16. And just because I can enter this here, I will. Well, here is my entry for the CBG build. The supplies I used: 1 Cardboard cigar box 1 poplar "stinky" maple 1x2 from Home Depot frets and tuners (by Ping and surprisingly good) courtesy of cheap eBay auctions left over pine 1/4 round for bracing on the back and sides. Inside the box is a heel and tail block cut from the same poplar board. They are attached at either end of the cigar box and support the top. The tail piece is another old ear ring, screwed through the box into the tail block. Scale = 25 1/8" (my favorite) Three strings tuned B G# b Sorry for the fuzzy pictures. Notice the cut out in the top ... Thanks to Hitone for that tip. Neck is carved from that one stick of poplar with a Strat inspired carve on the headstock. Notice the brass screw "nut" for tone. Back of headstock to show off the carve at the back of the headstock and those Ping tuners. And, here's a sound clip. White Owl CBG
  17. It just so happens that the "build a guitar from 2x4" is up for auction on eBay again. There's only one copy, so looks like someone is cleaning house. Seems like that used to be for sale in eBay for a while about 2 years ago. *searching* Here's the link... http://cgi.ebay.com/BUILD-an-ELECTRIC-GUIT...1QQcmdZViewItem It has taken on a life of its own, hasn't it? I think it's great that there's a lot of interest in doing things plain and simple with a short time limit. We've only just begun, and we have Godin to thank for getting us all motivated. Drinks all around!
  18. Me too. I've also been thinking about the ideas of contests in general. Is it possible to have a build a pickup contest? What would you use if you had to make one in a week? A sewing machine bobbin and a few turns of Bell wire? Since we are pushing the boundry of imagination here, why not consider just building guitar parts as a contest. Nitefly's PVC whammy gave me that idea. What's a few alternative whammy designs that we could dream up in a week or two? Just thinking out loud. Also a good idea. I'm already planning on selling the White Owl on eBay just to build up some cash for other projects. CBG's sell on ebay for a decent price. It'll go up for sale probably this weekend and then I'll pimp the link and such. Not too sure how a 2x4 guitar would sell, or how to list that on eBay to get attention. That alone could be a contest, "how to make a good listing that will sell"
  19. If your kids resonate well, you could build a guitar out of one of them.
  20. I keep waiting for the day that your Strat build comes up for sale by some pirate on ebay. I still say that you should beat them to the punch and sell that write up you did. It's really good.
  21. Really nice work too from the looks of it. I feel your pain on the pictures. I only had my crappy old digital camera on hand. The missus has the good one on her trip this week. The old camera is okay, but everything is just a little too fuzzy looking with it. When the better camera (and the missus) gets home I'm going to take some better pictures and *gulp* sell the White Owl on eBay.
  22. I'll hold off on my vote for the moment. Nice work Godin. The only thing I would change is the "tone ports". It would be really classy with a single F-Hole. I can't decide which one to vote for right now.
  23. Totally agree. I couldn't build a full up guitar in a week, but a CBG, no problem. If we have future events like this, and I'm sure we will, a reasonable time limit for each task will vary. Like I said, one week for a CBG is fine. I'd need a year for an arch top, but like I could stay focused on a project like that for a year just for posting a few pics and 15 seconds of fame when the voting comes around. You are running out of time. There's only a few hours left. No pressure.
  24. I'm late for the party. How about some banana bread? Happy birthday guys.
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