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Samba Pa Ti

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Everything posted by Samba Pa Ti

  1. they only count if you're using somone elses !
  2. very informative, like i said i always wondered this and i guess now i know : )
  3. thats a nylon one, in a different shape i think
  4. yeah its a pain, i cant edit any of the poll either :S putting it on 1 big list would be best
  5. thought id see what plectrums people use or have used, if ive missed any out post them in here. personally i use/used the dunlop gator and california clear ones Its multiple choice, so you can choose more than 1 plec . Edit (eep just noticed when trying to add a vote, you have to choose 1 from each section to submit a vote...)
  6. http://www.emginc.com/downloads/wiringdiag...kers_active.pdf
  7. welcome! i have been meaning to start a build for a couple of years, but ive not really had the time with renovating my house n stuff, i spend most of my time reading and admiring peoples guitars on here
  8. every guitar ive owned uses 500k pots (teles/strats), i really cannot tell the difference between 250k and 500k since i dont use the tone/volume controls all that much, its a trivial matter unless you are going to be dipping the volume a lot i cant see how a 1meg/500k/250k would matter (if its full up/set to 10 it wont be changing the guitars sound anyway).
  9. that link is bad, just a link to make a post lol "Guitar Center auction process in advanced stages, source says[/url" edit , maybe this is it http://www.ft.com/cms/s/1f069b14-0f7a-11dc...0b5df10621.html
  10. i like dimarzio's i havent tried any of the others though, ive got a super 2 pickup in my tele right now has a lot of distortion and mids and sounds very 80's when played with a fuzz pedal
  11. +1 this is definately the best course of action for any situation.
  12. this just sounds like what Pc world does (in the uk) awfull service, salespeople who dont know what they are talking about, rude staff and corrupt managers..
  13. what about using a brass or copper plate instead, wouldnt this aim all the magnetic field up (using magnetic pole pieces), ive got a telecaster bridge pickup with a brass plate on the back and i always wondered why it was on there.
  14. it seems similar to a varitone knob (just a rotary switch with lots of caps soldered to it) http://alexplorer.net/guitar/mods/varitone.html
  15. send it back, best thing to do. its a PITA but it seems everything i do ends up like this, lots of patience and it seems to turn out right though (shame i have no patience).
  16. does the bass have Preamps inside it ? it sounds like the electronics are getting hot and then starting to sound a bit crap, i cant be sure though just a guess. it could be the other active electronics if they are getting too hot.
  17. brian may and a few of the others mentioned.
  18. the only reason i can think of to use a itrip type transmitter is to go into a tapedeck(or pc/minidisk whatever) and record, just a novelty, although a mic would sound better.
  19. i agree tubes are not the holy grail of guitar sounds but i still find it unacceptable that theres Fakery (SP) going on, personally i think its nice to have a Good mix of solid state/tubes for the best sounds, even if it means using different amps its still nice to have the option, i wouldnt want to buy somthing thinking it was tube driven only to find this was a big scam just to sell it to people thinking they are getting a tube sound. also offtopic slightly my favourite plane http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mig_25 uses/used Tubes/valves so that it was resistant to EMI and EMP from its nuclear payload, a little bit sinister, at least if nuclear war breaks out our tube amps should still work : P
  20. i guess its ok if the tube is actually being used, but if you took it out thats just not on... why even put the tube in there if its not doing anything... on a sidenote is there a decent website for building effects with Tubes ? is that amp forum anygood for it ? id like to mess with some tubes in a guitar effect before i build a full blow tube amp (seems a lot simpler building a preamp on its own)
  21. i guess you're right, but its a pretty lame effect if that is the case, i want my tubes to glow !
  22. i was lookin around for effects pedals with tubes in them and came across this rack device with a tube in it, when i decided to google it i found this page : http://www.record-producer.com/learn.cfm?a=2838 im pretty shocked that they would add Led's behind the tube to make it look like its glowing... im wondering if anyone else employs this tactic in their valvey effects :S
  23. when the switch is in the middle every posistion is linked (with an on,on,on switch) http://www.guitarhq.co.uk/toggleswitches.html some basic info.
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