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Posts posted by KnightroExpress

  1. Ah man, I know! He's got a unique talent for whipping out gnarly technical doomy riffs. I'm really happy with how the guitar sounds, it's properly mean and nicely defined. 

    Every guitar part was recorded with this guitar. He uses an Axe-FX II XL (which is pretty damn amazing) and a bunch of other stuff I don't know about, but I know it's high-end software on the computer side of things. I don't think he even owns a traditional amp at this point....

  2. @Prostheta I'm excited to see what you come up with! I ended up with the dot trios after some sketching and messing around and I like them a lot. I'm not sure when this one will happen, but I'd like it to be sooner than later. I'm halfway tempted to jump on this over the 8... this is a bit more interesting (electronically) and a lot less expensive (hardware-wise).

    And you're totally right, my Voyager is very similar to his Northstar. It's a case of parallel evolution, I think.  

    @ScottR Yeah, this shape is definitely my favorite of any I've designed so far. It just feels right to me. 

    @103801061982- Thank you!

  3. You're exactly right- this is still warm, right out of the laser.

    With my last set of templates, I noticed that the etched centerlines were deep enough that I could get positive engagement with a feather file. That got me thinking.....could I use laser etched lines as a guide for cutting fret slots? So basically the plan is: use my feather file to follow the lines, which should make them easy enough to follow with my fret saw. I had a tester made in Richlite, which I'll be messing around with before I try it on the maple. 

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