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the third eye

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Everything posted by the third eye

  1. if you say "that relic looks like ****" is it a compliment?
  2. vai's main axe, EVO has become a relic basically now too it's that beat up!!!
  3. that's cool, have you seen Vai's 'melted' universe?!
  4. HAHAHA!!! seriously i like the idea of beating a guitar til it bleeds for a different look but i wouldn't do it to a jem unless i had a shitload of them
  5. if you were to go rack you only need a pre and poweramp to play but depending on what you want it's usually a good investment to get some kind of FX and a midi switcher
  6. Ibanez RGT42FMDR AAA Flame Top Dark Trans Red Neck Thru
  7. not many people really hate any pickups as the only reason to change your view of one is to compare it to something else but IMHO sometimes there can be big differences between pickups i've played a couple of trs trems in shops but mostly on friends guitars 5 or 6 different guitars probably to be precise i didn't know the 470 was made in japan I tend to wrongly assume(not because of jemsite but cos of ibanez trends) most ibanez guitars 4xx and under are korean made so thanks, ya learn something new everyday
  8. yeah definitely play atleast something similar before buying, as for the TRS personally i have played many trs and many edge equipped guitars so it's not as if i don't know what i'm talking about i have definitely seen specs of the s470 that say it has the trs2 GEdwardJones, you said the s420 had a trs, did you mean the 470? pickups are definitely personal preference, my advice was simply based on what in my eyes has been in the majority the thing is because models tend to change over the years certain things can change like place of manufacture, bridges..etc PS: yes jemsite is biased toward high end guitars, but i've still learnt a lot of factual info about low end guitars as well and yes, korean made ibanez guitars are mostly disliked but it's not without some sort of justification the fact remains that the japan made guitars generally feel a hell of a lot better just my
  9. you should checkout www.jemsite.com the forum over there is host to the largest group of ibanez lovers.. probably in the world
  10. Welcome bro!! i finish college this year too i have never built a guitar either but i'm mainly here to learn about the finishing and inlaying side of things...... ....for now anyway
  11. well it's korean made, 22 frets, lo trs2 trem or Zero rocker trem(2003 models) 22 frets- comes down to personal preferance, personally i love those extra 2 on the 24fret necks because even if you still only go to 22 you have much better, more comfortable access if you use the trem a lot you really don't want the lo trs as it's weaker cheaper and less stable i have no idea what the zero rocker is like the ibanez edge and lo pro edge are awesome and are standard on the (before 2003) higher model s series, jems and Universes and RG5xx and higher also ibanez pickups tend to be crap so you may want to consider changing them some(signature models and others) already have custom dimarzio...etc pickups anyway as for being korean made, made in japan is much better(quality and attention to detail and just feels nicer) but the korean guitars are still very good japan made guitars include RG5xx and higher, jems, universes and many others personally i'd look for something better for $325 you could get a nice RG5xx actually i'm in the process of buying an RG7620 for $300 at the moment and before i decided whose to buy i had about 5 people offering me RG7620s for between $300 and $400 incase you don't know the RG7620 is a japan made, Lo pro edge equipped 7 string hope it helps
  12. oh ok, thanks i gotta learn sometime or another right?
  13. but that's my point- isn't the sanding sealer moisture based anyway??
  14. but would the paint's moisture really matter? the body has obviously been wet by something near the paints consistency before(when you put the first coat of whatever on the body)
  15. i 'm thinking of swirling a 7620 myself a question i've had in my mind lately is if it wasn't completely sealed(it would be anyway but just in case you missed a spot or something) wouldn't the paint on top of the water add a layer before the body touches the actual water thereby sealing it from the water anyway??
  16. let's talk to some people high up in the food chain over at ibanez!! i've a few suggestions for them
  17. i've only ever heard one song and it wasn't even them playing it it was a college jazz band that covered it last year other than that and a few references overheard in conversation.. that's it so what makes them so popular, what are they like? :ph34r:
  18. finally heard a song off st anger don't know what song though, it wasn't st anger.... anyway............. ....oh god........ ......................total shite!!!!!!!!! i can't believe a song like that could be written by one of the greatest bands ever ...i'm so disappointed even after everyone saying it was ****, i thought it could be ok, i might like it ........ i still want to see the live dvd though, surely their live show is still worth watching :ph34r:
  19. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi...9&category=2350 he says he payed just under $3000 Australian Dollars for this Jem555 this just makes me sad i got my brand new Jem7dbk for $2500 shipped and setup from Rich(Ibanezrules) for $3000 he could have just about gotten a 7VWH!!!!!!! i'm really pissed off about Australian prices lately seems like everyone's decided to double normal prices!!
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