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Everything posted by RAI6

  1. Do you really respect the brand? What if your guitar turns out to be a complete turd...? Anyone who picks up that guitar are gonna go "W*T*F!?!?!?!? This is a Gibson? They suck!" Your "respect" just put a big dent in someones opinion about the brand. It looks like you know what you're doing, so step up, be proud, and put your name on it. Or at the very least, leave the headstock blank. Good luck!
  2. Now, that sounds interesting. I would love to see the pics of that!
  3. From the "F.a.q" on the Graphtech site: "Q: I was thinking about installing your Ghost pickups on a seven string guitar. Will I have to buy two six packs of saddles, or do you sell individual saddle parts? A: We can customize a set for you. Call us at 604-940-5353."
  4. It seems to me that what is mainly putting this neck at such a steep angle, is that the bridge is too far forward. At least, that's what it looks like to me. Is that truly in the right position?
  5. Poster board, a pencil, and a ruler. Start with that.......
  6. Even though a 1-piece or a lam neck in the end contain the same amount of wood, buying a bunch of smaller pieces (to some not worth much, as they are not big enough for anything), could very well end up being cheaper. This of course depends on the wood.....
  7. How about drilling holes in the laminate, so that the glue will actually go from wood to wood?
  8. Plug the holes in the neck, place it, mark holes from body, re-drill holes in neck. Done......
  9. The scale length and the bridge determines where you actually mount it. So, buy the hardware that you want, and add all its dimensions to your already existing full-size drawings (which you have, right?), and you'll know exactly where everything goes.
  10. The "multi-radius" fingerboards (aka compound radius) have a different radius on the first fret compared to the last fret. Think of it as being "cone shaped"...
  11. I'm quite aware of that, but as previously noted there should be no difference in a left/right fretboard when it comes to feel. There could, however, be a difference in the neck itself...
  12. A lefty neck could feel different from a righty neck, if the neck itself is asymmetrical....
  13. Maybe it's just me, but if they guy is that particular about the bass you're building for him, just getting some measurements off the web isn't going to be nearly enough...
  14. Well, screws are "OK". As long as they don't EVER come in contact with power tools. Then it could be really dangerous. So, I would never use screws in a situation like that. Dowels or biscuits would be the way to go, if you have to do it. The worst that could happen is that they show up when you route or carve...
  15. For the money, why not get a guitar that actually is what you want? $500-1,000 for a trem conversion, depending on quality of hardware and labor/finishing. For that ($1,700-2,200) you should be able to find a guitar that is already what you want. Heck, maybe even get a custom guitar built!
  16. Just so we're clear, scale and number of frets have nothing in common...
  17. I think the lower horn is OK. Maybe a little shorter, or just drop down the tip a little. Right now the lower horn feels like it's "pushed in" towards the neck...
  18. "Knockdown".... That's the word I couldn't remember! On that page, you'll see that the "California" version of this technique looks very similar to the JEM 90th...
  19. While I believe the 90th texture was created by sandblasting, you should be able to do a similar version yourself. To me, the surface of that guitar always reminded me of a texturing technique used on walls and ceiling of houses. You apply your "gooey" material, and then spread it out over the surface. By having areas of no material, when you spread it you will end up with voids.... The DBK looks similar, except the only applied a finish, without flattening it out.
  20. Most likely there is a kink in the string. Since it's under tension, you cannot see it, but it's enough to make a difference. Get a new string, and see what happens...
  21. You may also want to re-consider the order of your colors... It will be a lot harder to get the white to cover the red, than to cover white with red. Paint the whole guitar white, mask out your design, paint the red. Remove the mask, and your white graphic will appear.
  22. I seem to recall seeing an ad for the spinning "thingy" in GP, but it was a while back. It looked like it was a whole strap system, but it didn't show how the axe was attached in the back....
  23. So, pretty much like a Stick then? Playing standard would be a pain in the a**, but if you're going for the two-handed stuff, it should be nice.....
  24. The guy that sold the body gave up way too easily. All he had to do was get an over-sized trem cover, and he could have kept the body..... Oh well, better for you.
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