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Everything posted by travismoore

  1. That loosk awsome =) I have a question do u ever do any 6 strings because iv see you do alot of 5's and 4's but no 6's?
  2. Looks really good i cant say im a big fan of fenders but this one looks really cool =) nice work!
  3. Wow that looks awsome! Cant wait to see the it in progress =)
  4. lol ok thanks i was thinking once its strung up it might be alright but i wasnt really sure.
  5. Any help would be good please cacn anyone aleast tell me if this means my neck is completely screwed or not?
  6. Hey guys, I have a protentially big problem i think and i need some opinions on it. I was looking at the fretboard the other day and i noticed the it twists at the end which it didnt do before. I tryed to get some half decent pictures of it. Neck twist 1 Neck twist 2 Neck twist 3 Can it be fixed? Is it fixable? What may have caused it? help please, Travis
  7. ya i was thinking of making the cavity abit longer then normal just to help with this abit. Il also remember to put those channels in next time =) thanks for the help wez, travis
  8. Thanks every one the help is much appreciated. Travis
  9. Hey, Just thought i would give a quick update and ask a question aswell. Pick-up holes are done now, i know its not lots of progress but iv been busy with coursework etc. And my question is how do you guys drill from the cavity in the back to the pick-ups because i dont see how its possible to get the drill to go in at a decent angle because of the size of cavitys. all the best, Travis
  10. Wow thats an awsome looking guitar! What wood is the body made from it looks really nice?
  11. It's a lapsteel. We don't need no stinking fret access! This maybe a retard question but whats a lapsteel?
  12. I think you fret them before you finish it but it may depend on types of finish ect so best get someone elses opinion aswell.
  13. WOW mental woods and a cool design! CAnt wait to see it done =)
  14. Looking good =) Im not a fan of the headstock but i really like the body shape. Nice work!
  15. Looking good looks like a pritty cool peice of zebrano you got there =) Nice work!
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