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Everything posted by DaveK

  1. That's what I am talking about... Although that one is WAY more expensive that several others I have seen! Any experience with one of these? Dave
  2. A buddy of mine who builds antique furniture was telling me about a device called a "Duplicarver Machine" From what I understand this is a also known as a Pantograph Router This a very low tech but effective concept. Apparently you can accurately duplicate any 3D object I guess the way it works is that you guide a stylus over your original master and it removes the excess stock from your duplicate So, in theory, you could make exact copies of any type of Guitar body, neck, headstock, etc Has anyone heard of this or used it? I would be interested in hearing about your experiences Thanks Dave
  3. This one is going to be the one I can afford to screw up I am going to get you the stuff that I need PRO work done on! Dude, you HAVE to show pictures of the stuff that you do, so that the members of the forum can see you AMAZING quality of work!!! Man...With all the talent on this forum (You, Brian, Bear, Jeremy and all the others) it is SCARRY !!! Dave
  4. Hard to tell yet... The possibilities are endless!!!!! I am thinking of possibly doing a Quit Veneer & doing this finish Rattlesnake I will ABSOLUTELY be looking for someone to do the Monkeygrip & Lionsclaw I will be scalloping as well I will probabbly be powdercoation the hardware..I am getting pretty good at it! I am open to thought & sugestions! Dave
  5. Just thought I would share.. I just SCORED a RG 550 for $75 bucks at a small hole in the wall music store This is now my "PROJECT GUITAR" It included the case & has BRAND NEW SEYMOUR DUNCAN PICKUPS (a Blues Sareceno Trembucker!) Lesson learned...Check your local music stores for deals!!!!
  6. I have been hearing quite a bit regarding the use of lasers for inlay techniques From what I understand, it is relatively easy & posibilities are limitless So much so that you can scan a image & have an exact copy done It sounds too good to be true Can anyone shed some light on this subject? Dave
  7. Although Eddie V.H. is the king (even though he has been M.I.A for to long), I am really getting into Butch Walker (former Marvelous 3) as well as Ronnie Le Tekro (TNT)
  8. Not my cup of tea....but a sweet deal! GODIN BODY
  9. what does HVLP stand for & what is it?
  10. O.K...... I may be getting in over my head, but I wanted to get your feedback A pal of mine is a cabinet maker that just ordered a 20 inch planer I have access to a KILLER flame bookmatched maple set He has an old "beat to hell" les Paul (not so old that it is vintage, It's an 85) I am thinking if I planed down the top of the les paul, I could add the flame maple top & carve the top to make one AWESOME looking Les Paul The only problem is...how do I remove the "set neck"? Anyone have any ideas or tips? Dave
  11. Go to Stuart Macdonald's website (www.stumac.com) They have a self adhesive mylar Very thin & easy to apply I have it on my Larrivee acoustic & it works! Dave
  12. O.K. I did it...I went & bought a 3 hp air compressor & I am going to learn how to paint (regardless of how many screw ups I do) What gun would you recommend for painitng? Also, where would I be able to find NEON BLUE paint (or any "off the wall colors for that matter)?? Thanks Dave
  13. I just bought one For that price, it's almost silly not to try it I will let you know how it works on my "Test Neck" Dave
  14. Jai & Scott: I hate the fact that Exoticwoods.com doesn't show any pictures of their woods What are their prices & do you have any pictures? How easy were they to deal with? Thanks Dave
  15. Jaspete: You were right, that site is GREAT & they were VERY nice The problem is, they don't do quilted Maple But, If anyone is looking for AWESOME flame & curly maple, this is the place to go!!! Dave
  16. jaspete What were the prices like? Also, do you have any pictures? Thanks Dave K
  17. I am trying to get some high quality big leaf quilted maple to do a re-top on my newest project Other than Gilmer Woods..who is a good (and RESPONSIVE) supplier for guitar woods & tops??? As always, I apreciate all input Dave K
  18. Kevan: Nice gear!!!! Is the US Flag guitar a mod? As a matter of fact...What are mods & wich are stock? Thanks Dave
  19. DaveK

    which one?

    They will work like a charm in your RG!!! Dave
  20. DaveK

    which one?

    It all depends on your definition of "Screaming Metal!!!" Us old-timers, who used to play in the 80's would tell you that the JB is the way to go That was what ALL the 80's metal guys played (59 in the Neck....JB in the bridge!!!) It was standard equipment for the Lynch, Demartini, & other 80's Shred guys! Dave K
  21. RUB DOWNS are THE way to go... I have never been able to find a supplier that has rubdowns that can be used from a Lazer printer or inkjet V.H.......you got a source?????? Dave
  22. yes, it can be done check this out. Is this what you had in mind? warmoth Dave
  23. I was not even thinking about sharing this with others. I was thinking of it for my other guitars I don't want to do anything illegal Dave
  24. how much for enough to to a strat with a 3/16ths top? (10 top, AAAAA grade)
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