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Everything posted by StratDudeDan

  1. form of ninja. tally one up for the good guys!
  2. way to stick with it there, cap'n. lol. i understand totally, i have so many projects i've just "screwed" and set aside until i knew more of what i was doing...
  3. and pain... occasionally a big black spot on or near the palm of your hand...
  4. my night is dedicated to figuring out what i like now. question, however... wait, now that i think about it, you have already answered it, question revoked. thanks for all your help again, btw!
  5. drawings or schematics are fine, either pm 'em to me, or post 'em here if you think some other schmo is gonna try something odd like i prefer to. however, i'm going to bed now, so i won't see 'em 'til the morning. thanks for your help thus far. gave me a "to do" list for tomorrow. well...added something, at least...
  6. k, that's what i was thinking, but i had no idea to be sure. so basically, i could just set my pot to a place i liked, measure it, then drop in that rating? also, what i was hoping to get was a way to "switch it off" and go with zero tone adjustment (or another setting for something different. keeping the same pickup setup and switching from rythm to lead on 1 single coil, for example...tee hee). would i do the same thing and just drop in a switch to route it through the two different tone settings?
  7. the whole trimmer thing lost me. sorry for sounding like a total newb, here, i feel bad for "wasting" the time of experts...
  8. is that just a pedal for an effects loop, or some sort of weird splitter? i'm confused... could it be used as some sort of direct box?
  9. in essence, yes, and i don't like pots, but love switches (the second drawing was my attempt to re-create my brain's idea). if i'm using a pot, though, i plan on keeping the impedance the same, as i said, just so 50% is truly 50% and all that jazz.
  10. no...as i said, very rusty... the problem i'm having w/ find schematics is that i can't...i've looked all over the place for a high cut/no cut schematic, but not even (who i have deemed the "wiring gods" in my browser favorites) DMG has one... so i tried to through something together that would make sense. if you've got an idea of your own as to how this would work, that'd be cool, too.
  11. i don't know how right i am or anything, i'm trying to figure out a high cut/no cut wiring thingamajig here, and i might be off on some part (which i think i am in several areas...) first question would be, do i need both capacitors? one circuit is wiring parallel, the other series (obviously), i was hoping the parallel one was correct for a high cut/low pass area, while the series would create a no cut/no filter thing... would i need the other capacitor, or could i find it's resistance (somehow, i know there's a forula out there somewhere) and just drop a resistor in the no cut/no filter line to balance out the impedance (i want to make 50% of the pot exactly 50%, and i don't want a volume change for the switch idea) or does that not affect it at all? also, what ratings should i use for the capacitor(s) and pot? as i said, i would like this to be a "high cut/no cut" setup for one pickup, possibly something i could integrate into a 3 single coil pickup setup in the future. it's been almost 5 years since i last took an electronics course, and a lot of my stuff is real rusty, so bring on the help in the biggest heaps you can hook me up with, please. i'll take the "dan, you're an idiot" with it, if i have to.
  12. former squire before modding: even the headstock got redone for this one:
  13. fatter is better to me, though on my bass, it's a slim neck, so i guess that doesn't make much sense...guitar though, i like a lot of space to play, with a relatively straight neck (not much difference between string spacing). classicals play brilliantly to me.
  14. you are the man! the verdant page turned up his works, and i found the moonflower on there. awesome! thank you good sir.
  15. k, a really long time ago (back before i knew anything about guitars, even...) carvin came out with a short run (i think only 8) of guitars called the AE185 Moonflower. i've searched everywhere for it, but i haven't been able to find it anywhere. i was wondering if someone had some pics or info on this beauty, as i'm going to be doing a project a lot like it soon (as my memory recalls it, at least).
  16. the biggest issue for instruments i see in the future is no where near guitars actually. as i've said a couple times before, my dad is a band director, and has been for 17 years. it used to be, grade school, you decide what you want to play, you go to the music shop(pe), you buy the instrument, you learn it and live it for the rest of your high school life at least, and then either give it up or go into it professionally. the quality of the instrument you bought your 5th grade year was good enough to get a good start on a professionaly career, and if nothing else, get you a decent head start in college. now, even Walmart is selling band instruments. when they made guitars, i wasn't worried a bit. i knew that serious guitarists wouldn't be buying them up and playing them every weekend, and it was giving younger players a cheaper faster way to start. with the wind instruments, however, the local music shoppes (especially in my area) can no longer go out and service these instruments because they were so poorly put together in the first place, walmart replaces them for less than the repairs, and that has closed 3 of the 6 music stores in my area alone... yes, kids are getting an earlier start, but they're not learning what it means to own a Bach Stradivarious trumpet or a King Nickel trombone. they can't take care of their instruments, and are laughed at if they ever show up to an even remotely semi-professional gig with them, discouraging them of ever playing anything in the future. so instead of being a one-time, life-long or close to it investment, playing a wind instrument or orchestral instrument now is becoming an amazingly expensive way of life, and in turn, a thing of the past. schools are closing their music and arts programs down, no longer supporting the creation of age old music, and everyone would rather suffer through modern day "pop" instead of a classical piece anyday. k, not everyone, but a lot of people, and at least 95% of the youth that 10 years ago would be picking up an instrument instead. heck, even on guitar, no matter how much of a punk/classic rock fan i am, i can't appreciate the stuff today anywhere near as much as a timeless classical guitar piece from the early 1700's. alicia keys just doesn't cut it for me once i turn on Alfred Bredel's interpretation of Beethoven's 8th piano sonata. ah, sorry, [/rant mode]
  17. i gotta bring it back to the one fact that a single ninja could easily sneak onto any pirate ship out there and kill the entire crew before and of them even had the slightest idea what was going on. not only that, he'd be able to do it invisibly in broaddaylight, and he'd of course do it where the ship was least accessable to help, so if he were to be caught he would willingly be sacrificing his life to the pirates. now...who in their right mind would do that. obviously, there would be no doubt in the ninja's mind that his mission would be successful. therefore...ninja rule, pirates drool. EDIT- plus, i believe no one has ever heard of the teenage mutant pirate turtles...enough said...
  18. gotta answer this question fast, ya see.
  19. well, i can't completely answer any of your questions, but welcome. as for the solderring iron, i have a 25w as well, and it works fine. as long as it liquifies the solder and doesn't do any damage to the components, i'm assuming it's gonna work. solder, i use a 60-40 acid based.
  20. they make an... oh wait...not in the rant section, blast!
  21. where's any of the nicktoons? i bet you would all laugh at the Fairly Odd Parents, no matter what you think of watching a "kids" program. i'm 19, and i love it. and King of the Hill? Beavis and Butthead? you're giving Mike Judge no credit here...B&B was brilliant, KotH is even better. i guess of the three, the least lame would have to be Simpsons, though... then...there's The Tick!
  22. have we found another female that admits it on this site? cool...i know two if so.
  23. mr. pickle, i too, am a long haired male. i wear a bandana at almost all times. my hair's not like, uber-long or anything, but it does get in my face a lot and i have many issues with sight and comfort. i started wearing headbands when i played tennis, just 'cause it was conveniant, and i always have a bandana w/ my bass to wipe down the fretboard and neck when i'm done playing (i get all sweaty most of the time...) so i just started wearing it during shows, and then i'd wear it to the party after the show, then i started wearing it to dinner before the show, then classes the day of the show, etc, until it grew to just be part of me. i've also found that i can "style" a bandana many more ways than i can do my hair, so that', cool, too. as to the debate, if you're an orthodox christian, jew, or catholic, then don't wear it indoors if it's on the top of your head. headbands (around the forehead only) are technically fine. they take off head coverings so god can look down upon the top of their heads, and blocking his view is basically saying "you're not good enough to see me" to god, so he gets all pissed or something like that. if you're just a normal dude like me, wear it all the time. no one really cares. if you feel concious about it, just take it off. if someone does say something, take it off. otherwise, don't bother pleasing everyone else if they're not going to appreciate it.
  24. yeah, definately seeing an amazing project coming from that one...
  25. take that back...my dad is nearing 50 and has very little hair. he shaved his head for the summer last year, and his shiny white dome just looked bad...
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