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Everything posted by Prostheta

  1. I agree with bilious, and given that it will have such a low production run, the costs won't be recouped by a "normal" market price. Ibanez won't have speculated on this model like say an RG270DX, which we know will recoup R&D, retooling, etc. by the pure weight of sales and market position. Definitely one for the collectors, and an RG/JEM to regroup interest in the brand and model lines.
  2. It would probably be more practical to hook your hands over the top and play it like a piano, but then you're into Stick territory. <War for territoree! Dan dandandan dan dandandaaaa...etc.>
  3. It's interesting that the internal swirl materials are different colours under normal lighting and green when glowing in the dark. You can buy lots of different coloured glow in the dark materials which glow those colours in dark conditions. Simple idea well executed.
  4. So yeah, anyway - saving my cupped boards.... I like the addition of cows to this one. I approve. You two bumslappers get a room will ya? Given that the boards are fairly small and in small quantities, I think I'll go with your advice Rich and Mattia. The boards will be put in the workshop on a flat surface with stickers underneath (one at each end and one in the centre) and layer them up before weighting with a couple of concrete blocks. A bit of dampening "in" the cupped curve sounds like a plan. I'll advise on the boards progress. I'm not furthering the Mockingbird build until I get the fretboard anyway :-D
  5. I hate quoting myself, but I am always right of course. I'm a proper Oscar Wilde, me.
  6. ummm...laden means "full of"..maybe you meant "reality challenged" or "reality deficient"? because if his mind is "full of reality",then of course he would know bacon comes from pigs.. but here is one for you...is bacon made from pigs or are pigs made from bacon? I didn't mean to infer that KRK was ever in touch with it I guess. Besides, the water is made of rain.
  7. Does KRK still have a reality-laden brain? The guy probably doesn't know bacon comes from pigs anymore if you see what I mean!!
  8. Thanks Rich - really straightforward info! I'd best search on *how* to sticker and weight wood pretty sharpish considering I received these boards on Monday...!! BWAH!
  9. Thanks for the support guys. These boards haven't been tested for moisture content yet, but that's a priority so I know what I'm working with. I accidentally left them standing against my cab and rushed off to work before popping them into the workshop. The sun hit the leading boards and, hey hey, cup goes the weasel. Since these boards are about 10-12mm thick (7/16" > 1/2") I think I'll need to re-read the advice in this thread (just done a once-over relevance check as customary!) and get a plan of action into my head. I actually want to thin one of the sets out by either re-thicknessing the non-bookmatched side or getting somebody to resaw and open out a new bookmatch on each piece. Given that in a perfect world I'd end up with two 4mm thick boards, how flat would they need to be to get them resawn nicely, and how many problems can I expect with the wood stabilising immediate after cut (I know this has been mentioned previously in the thread, will re-read) and during the re-equalisation process? If resawing 1/2" boards is impossible or has potential for the boards becoming write-offs, I'll ignore this path and get them thickness sanded. Either that or hold my horses and get them flat and stable first. Anyway. Motives clear mind open etc. The other set will be going onto a carved top instrument of some description. No point in planning this too much lest the buildbug bite. Wood must settle Daniel-san.
  10. If the link doesn't work, try this: http://www.btinternet.com/~faymarine/index.htm
  11. Acrylic and perspex can be wet sanded and polished through the grits same as wood or clearcoat. You can even scrape it - think of how we do this with binding man!
  12. Sounds good to me. Would it be a good idea to periodically "re-treat" the concave sides to relieve residual movement pressure?
  13. Since it is possible to bend wood over drop tops using heat and water as a buffer, can cupped tops be brought back into line? Specifically, I have two bookmatched camphor burl tops which I would really like to save the match on so is this possible? I was wondering whether a good night in a water soak followed by heavy compression against a very flat surface (such as granite) for a good long while. Obviously if the wood wants to move, it will I guess.
  14. Well, Froggy has that crazy thing that metal drummers don't seem to be gifted with enough of - dynamic! I key on the kick and snare and to a degree off the hat so having them forced through the monitors is a lot better than relying on the (most usually) unnatural balance of a set acoustically. Plus we like to crank the amps a bit anyway whether they're mic'ed or not. If you have a 300w bass amp and the guitarists have two 100w halfstacks, then why have them mic'ed at lukewarm bedroom levels? :-D
  15. I would recommend printing out the template I sent you onto paper, and creating an "inner template" for the curves at the sides and running a roundover bit around the edges, then using the template to run a round end bit on the inside of those raised outer curves. Much better than doing it by hand like I did on my mahogany prototype :-D Those mono bridge will look hellaciously cool. Any news on inlay choice?
  16. Yeah, that's me. Thanks Drak.
  17. You have to be kidding me....Dev is possibly the least serious metal musician around :-D
  18. Better than not hearing them :-D
  19. Yeah, we don't actually have a singer Greg, we just drafted you in to cover for Leigh. That Rohypnol works wonders when you need a bald person to compliantly shout whatever you want for forty-five minutes. I think that must have been "The Ghost Of I Before" or "Media Cattle" since I was front of house. I dropped back so I could hear the drums in the monitors after the first two in the set.
  20. Wes, Jed is the guitarist of Strapping Young Lad, Zimmers Hole and TENET. I think you'd best check out TENET's "Crown Of Thorns" if you can donate me 3-4 minutes of your time. :-) Personally, my favourite guitars of Jed's are his Koa ESP Explorer and white ESP V. They're shown in Jed's pics section. Simplicity well executed. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...friendid=732246
  21. I'm waiting to see what Jed's new V looks like from Bernie Rico Jr....
  22. Hahahah....the curls grew out eh Goat? :-D Here's one of me when I was 30. Oh yes, I'm still 30
  23. I would consider relieving the edges as it makes the guitar look a bit tubby. It's actually VERY scary that I dropped in this thread as i'm halfway through a very very similar project. I won't let the cat out of the bag yet, but it's special.... I think you've discovered what *not* to do when fretting! I think you'll have a hell of a time getting them dressed to be playable and then setting in a reasonably low action. What hammer did you use? I think you might need to invest in a soft faced hammer to protect future fret installs :-D I presume this is going to be a bolt-on neck?
  24. Good to hear it all resolved itself nicely. Great post :-D
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