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Everything posted by RGman

  1. Has anyone used merbau? I have an abundance from my house (used to be used for skirting boards, doorways etc..) A lot of it looks fairly boring, but a lot is figured too.
  2. Take it slow and you will be fine, paint errors can be fixed though. Anyway looks awesome, i seriously cannot wait to see this finished!
  3. I played a Gibson that did that today, in fact every les paul i played today played like crap for the price they charge. Quality control is getting more norlin-like again.
  4. Agreed, i love bound necks on my jackson and my RG's, feel nicer and looks nicer.
  5. The route between the p90 route and the neck, well its not really big, but big enough.
  6. Do i see a slight gap between the tenon and the pocket? And what is with that huge route at the end of the pocket? What effect on sound would that route have, it looks like an empty pocket?
  7. BUT dont you need the nut to keep the strings from falling out of the notches in the nut? I think you lack understanding on the subject. I said you DON'T need a locking nut, you don't need to change the nut at all. Just get locking machine heads, much less annoying. And you don't need to route for a FR, just change the neck angle.
  8. They are almost all the way through, i glued the blank up yesterday, should have most of the routing done by today. It cut from the same stuff i used to make my LP jr body (where ever that thread is), which was mistakingly marked as Elm, later finding out it was cherry.
  9. i'm guessing they all have a veneer as they paint some solid, some transparent, who knows?
  10. Well that settles it, it will be done. Unfortunately the black cherry i have has weird stains, may have to be a solid finish
  11. Has anyone here used black cherry for a guitar body before? I have about enough for one body, seems like a nice tonewood. Also, has anyone ever made a guitar with a body such as maple or black cherry and use timbers like Mahogany and similar tonewoods for the neck? *sorry for any grammar errors, big night last night*
  12. I wouldn't make a neck blank out of your wood, maybe some bodies. Your timber is not maple, but is Ash or Sen or similar, not neck woods..
  13. Definitely an improvement, but I'm agreeing with Tim about the horn. As long as you like the guitar your building, thats the main thing!
  14. Yes, but get some sperzel locking tuners instead of using the locking nut.
  15. You really have to take that stuff with a grain of salt...people say all sorts of things with no real basis for it.I really believe the quality is the same,but jackson is also trying new options and finishes lately,which is a good thing.they are one of the few manufacturers that still at last check don't offer a model with emg pickups...time to catch up. I saw a DK1 the other day with EMG actives, a few Japanese dinky's come with EMG passives. I think the pre-fender and fender built guitars are pretty much the same, i have played both but only own a fender made jackson DK2, still a great quality axe!
  16. If there is ever a big meet up in Australia, i will be there.
  17. Quick question: Would i be safe to assume that the body uses the same dimensions as a strat body?
  18. Always wanted a POD, i have the cash, never bothered though.
  19. Don't use old bosch routers, they will blow up when you say 'maple'
  20. Pfft...carpenters... Cabinetmaking is a much more underpaid job...who ever would wan't to be a carpenter when you can be like me and build cabinets, sand, assemble, sand, sand, sand, sand, load containers, sand, assemble, sand, screw handles into drawers, sand...it goes on!!! I, also am interested in this QLD maple, as i have a bit here with mottled figure that i wouldn't mind using. edit: I bet you can't tell what i did all day! SAND My hands hurt.
  21. I'm too lazy to help with finishing, but it seems you have the general gist of things, all i really wanted to say is that your guitar is ugly... I'm sure it's beautiful on the inside...
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