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Everything posted by Page_Master

  1. the headstock i designed is huge. it is longer and nearly wider than that of a gibson les paul/sg headstock. i didn't really want a big headstock at first, but it just turned out that way i guess.
  2. oh ****, don't you hate that. i just wrote a really long message in the fast reply box, then i accidently pressed the add reply icon above the fast reply box instead of the add reply below the fast reply box. i am nowhere near up to the stage of building the neck joint. preperation and research is the key to building perfection. thanx for the example rhoads, it really helps. i will only need a slight angle of 2 degrees to get the effect of rhoads example, because it is a flat top. neck angles are mostly associated with set neck guitars with tune-o-matics. but mine is going to be bolt-on. i am going to create the angle on the neck, not on the neck cavity. so the neck cavity has to be as straight as humanly possible. it is done this way on set necks too.
  3. what is thread highjacking? if it is what i think it is, i do it all the time, and i'm sorry. btw: i like your inlay idea Al, the sample looks excellent. perhaps you should put some wicked mocking birds on them instead of some **** prs doves. what ever design you end up doing, that hologram material will make it look sweet no matter what.
  4. my friend told me about those internal string benders, also that apparently kirk hammet used one as well. anyways, i love your axes dude. i wish i was as talented as you.
  5. hi wes you are probably right about the agathis not being the same as a Kauri Pine. i am not sure, but they might grow a different species of agathis in plantations in asia. for really cheap guitars that are made in indonesia, they usually harvest the trees really early, so then they just glue enough pieces together to get a 4-7 piece body blank and so on. they do this with many other woods too like alder, basswood and mahogany ect. i suppose it goes hand in hand - there is good agathis, and shitty agathis. just like there is good alder and shitty alder. as for swamp kauri, i have never heard of it before, but i am sure it is a very beautiful tone wood. but you must remember, kauri is a common name for a species of wood, just like alder, mahogany, basswood and poplar ect. [some people even call African Limba African Mahogany, when infact it is not mahogany at all.] Agathis is the genus name of a plant. [like calling Mahogany - Swientenia > not many people call it this.] so in actual fact, the people who decided to call Agathis Agathis could be just using it as a trade name and it could be a completely different tree [or generally a really shitty tone wood] compared to real Agathis. [common name: Kauri Pine] anyways, did you know that Gibson made a limited quantity of guitars out of African Limba. [trade name: Korina. < name invented by Gibson.] if you go up to a wood dealer that has no knowledge of axe building and say: 'i want Korina!' they are going to say: 'hahahahaha, did you make that name up yourself?' [ this actually happened to me. ] a lot of people might already know this stuff, but for those who don't, i thank you for reading. Page.
  6. yeah dude, i have been studying and drawing this stuff on paper and cad for months. i would like to show you pictures of my project, but it is going very slowly at the moment. [did i mention i have little or no wood working skills at all, i am just good with my hands. ] i have only cut out the body and i don't have a digital camera or a scanner. i will sort this out when i have time. but i should have a website running in 2-3 months. but i am not going anywhere so sorry, you have to wait. Page.
  7. hi again just one other thing. if electric guitars were invented in australia or new zealand, perhaps Agathis would be the equivalent of say Alder or Basswood. all in all, if we don't let our personal opinions get in the way, you can't really say Alder is better than Basswood or Basswood is better than Agathis, they are different tone woods that produce different tones. and it is for this reason to say that Agathis is not a bad wood at all. if it was a bad tone wood they wouldn't use it at all. BUT I STILL THINK MAHOGANY IS BETTER. see, that's my personal opinion getting in the way, i just prefer the tone of Mahogany over Agathis. That's All Folks! Page.
  8. hello everyone funny you people talk about agathis. some dude from the bank came over tonight to sort some **** out with the mortgage. now he plays guitar as well and he is from new zealand. anyway, i told him i am building an axe and showed him my progress, he was impressed. he then told me he used to build guitars beck in new zealand out of Kauri Pine, a native tree to New Zealand and Australia. Kauri [a Maori name] is the common name, the real name is Agathis australis or robusta. now the name might have australis [as in Australia] but the Agathis australis is the New Zealand species, and the Agathis robusta is the Australian species. he built guitars for 15 year out of this, so i think he knows what he is talking about. he also said that Kauri makes very beautiful tone wood. he said: 'it sounds like nothing i have ever heard, it is gorgeous'. [i don't necessarily agree with him as i am sticking to what i know. mahogany, maple and ebony] i then asked him, 'why are cheap guitars made from Kauri then?' he said: 'yes, it is quite a very cheap wood to buy, as there is somuch of it, but it only has a bad reputation because guitar companies have used it on their cheapest models of guitar and bass.' so there you go! Page.
  9. yes you are so very right. i wasn't really thinking when i asked that question. i wasn't very specific in what i meant too. i meant could you glue the steel ends of the rod inside the channel - so it doesn't move? if that last question was stupid, how would you recommend installing a hot rod so it is secure? Cheerz! Page.
  10. this is not really relevent to the topic, just an idea i would like to share with everyone, however i have copied it. i think deep dish jack plates on the side of guitars look really neat and comfortable. that is what i want to do for my project. i stole this idea from ESP Guitars, but they steal lots of ideas from guitar companies, so as far as i am concerned, it is ok. Page.
  11. hi everyone i am building a bolt-on baritone w/ a neck to body connection angle of 2 degree w/ tune-o-matic bridge and an angled headstock of 13 degrees. from my research, i should not get any neck tension problems. [i have seen many guitars with this set up] does anyone have any objections? Page.
  12. just a question for Setch on the topic. can you epoxy Hot Rod truss rods inside their channel? Page.
  13. the bad horsie 2. i have used it in the shop like 6 times and i love it, i don't have one though. but if i had a spare AU$450 i would get one, either that or a digitech whammy pedal. i have put it against the dunlop crybaby, hendrix and dime and i still prefer the horsie 2 over them all. just my opinion. i am not a vai freak, but i still love the tone it produces. Page.
  14. perhaps you could hack up an old VCR remote or an old walk man and use the battery holders in those. just a suggestion. there are a few electronic shops in australia like radio shack, tandys, dick smith electronics and jay car. and if you can get these really easily in australia, you must be able to get them very easily where you are. Page.
  15. you might already know this, but you can buy pre cut circle abalone at stewmac. Page.
  16. well i did mention seinfeld so yeah, it is an argument about nothing. Page.
  17. stupid debates i have with my friend. they are always questions like that - really thin bordered i call them. it kind of reminds how in seinfeld, george and jerry's bald friend [no, not george, another dude] fight over a car park in front of jerry's apartment, they are there for hours arguing over who was there first. even the people around them start arguing over who got the car space first. anyway, thanx for the help, it is always appreciated. Page.
  18. hi all i am have an argument with my friend about retainers. now i am saying retainers are necessary on floyd equiped guitars, pegheaded or straight headed. and as they are present in most floyd guitars. now he is saying they are pointless. what does everyone think about reatainers on floyd equpied axes? Page.
  19. well sorry for being a real ****ing prick to you. i haven't had a good week at all. [car accident last week, ****ed up neck and back now - it might be permenant too.] i have been really touchy with everything. by what you wrote, it just looked as you didn't appreciate the suggestion i had offered to you. and the "i don't plan" bit seemed like attitude because my little ****ing smart ass brother always says that to me. that's what i hate about the internet, you talk to someone and the write something down, and the person reading it can easily take it for something else. [like what has happened in this case] that's why they have emoticons i guess. sorry dude. Page.
  20. did you check out the link: http://www.projectguitar.com/tut/heal.htm seriously, what's the point of hollowing a strat - all that for an f hole? it isn't made of mahogany so it isn't exactly heavy. plus for what you want to do, it's not going to sound anymore interesting - unless you did what bear did. btw: you are a really rude person. i try to ****ing help you and you give me ****ing attitude.
  21. hi keith yeah dude of course you can do it. Ed Roman does it as a Strat mod and also does it to his Pearlcaster series. i don't think you should hollow your guitar though. i think you should research that a little more. i believe that Bear did this to a Squire, the project proved very successful. i think you should talk to him about doing such an operation. check out this tutorial created by Brian: http://www.projectguitar.com/tut/heal.htm it is basically what you want. indeed it still remains the same as a strat bolt on heel, but it is thinner. i would only attempt to do an all access neck joint [present on the newer Ibanez RG and S series] to a strat body if the bolt on holes on the heel weren't drilled yet. but if you you really want that, i think you should get a cad file of an RG body and look at the dimensions to get an idea of what to do. if the holes have already been drilled, i think it would not interfere with the tone if you just glued dowels in the holes of the drilled holes. what ever your decision becomes, good luck in your project. if you have further questions, you know where to go. Page.
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