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Everything posted by zeppelinchld

  1. wut are you painting it w/???? spray paint or something else. i can probably help if its just rattlecan.
  2. isnt it supposed to b like that ????????????????
  3. sorry but thats actually a bass. but it still looks comfortable
  4. could you get me the scale length for that???
  5. Leave to ted nugent to have a pretty ergonomic guitar. At least i would be comfortable playing this
  6. ive taken apart a bronze series assasin before and i think it had knobs like these http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Knobs/Dome_kno...es.html#details which have a little thing that you actually screw out. usually the knob doesnt screw off of the pot though. if its like a strat or les paul knob you can just wrap something under it , like a shirt, and pull on it. some of the older guitars are harder to get the knobs off, but i dont understand how the could install the pot/knob unless they come apart. pictures would b nice
  7. due to the popularity of my ergonomic guitar thread i thought an UNergonomic thread would be pretty cool heres one i found thats got to be pretty damn heavy even if its carbon fiber or wutever they make surfboards out of
  8. im thinking they airbrush the dyes. ive seen some pretty cool finishes come out of the jackson custom shop because of the artists they have
  9. im interested in making a new coil-less design and wanted to know if anyone knows how the lace sensor alumnitone pickups work?
  10. before we get to far away from the hex pickup idea again, Did any of u see the new strat in guitar player that has a roland hex pickup in it?
  11. can anyone give advice on how to test a piezo? i got one a piezo transducer from RS and i think that it works as a pickup but im not sure?
  12. i realize that there is no perfect guitar. and i realize that everyone is different, i just wanted to know what was the best for you specifically.
  13. i want to use jerry garcia tiger wiring but i cant figure it out so i thought i would do something simpler
  14. does anybody have a schematic for H/H/S wiring? it isnt that common for some reason.
  15. did that hex pickup ever work and how? i would love to try to make one.
  16. i really like the design of that TBR. i might incorpate some of that w/ my next guitar.
  17. im guessing that the strat style bodies will be a popular choice? have you seen any ergonomic v's? i want to build a v but i dont know how much i would use it because most of them arent designed well in my opinion
  18. What do you guys think is the most ergonomic guitar u have ever seen. in terms of playabillity and ease of use when sitting or standing. i know that most of you hav seen THE ergonomic guitar, im talking about other guitars. personally i think that ibanez jems are very ergonomic because of the bigger horn areas near the lower frets.
  19. im starting my first build soon and wanted a neck through. is it even a good idea to use a neck through for my first build? but i dont know if i should build the neck myself or if it would b easier to buy one because its a neck through?
  20. would it be possible to adapt a normal humbucker to a humbucker driver, using the same technique as the single coil/driver?
  21. tubaboy, i think that you could technically put it anywhere. but i believe the best results were in the neck position but its easier for the magnet to pick up the strings, and you need to keep it away from other pickups. i would put it in the neck pocket and preferably dont use a pickup in the middle, but if you need one in the middle, put a single coil, a humbucker would be to close to the sustainer. you do this because i believe it has something to do w/ EMI. i might be wrong though so i would wait for another responce to your question. while im here i would like to ask why we are trying to make a humbucker sustainer? whats wrong w/ the single coil. i think that the humbucker version looks way cooler. i like the look of avalons by the way. i know that you guys hav been working a different humbucker styles, but why? is there a major flaw w/ the single coil? i dont think it hums or anything does it?
  22. heres some cool guitar that hav a knob situation similar to urs. coincidentally both are rick nielsons this one shows that you can hav a lot of knobs, and i atleast think it looks pretty cool. one tone and one volume for each pickup i believe. and a on/off switch for each of the six single coils http://www.firstact.com/webapps/calendar/04Apr.asp this is rick's five neck and it only has 3 knobs. so you can do a simple wiring setup no matter how many necks. http://hpc.isti.cnr.it/~diego/mitcag/image...tars/cinque.jpg
  23. i think the shape might b okay but to me a starcaster is even lower quality than a squier. if you like the shape then keep it but i think you could put your own custom decal on it.
  24. i think you should do something about that headstock. thats a cool looking guitar but i see the headstock and start to think its just a cheapo guitar. mayb you could just carve it down, but stick to the retro look.
  25. whoa whats up w/ that cavity? mayb a slanted humbucker look?
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