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Everything posted by angry_jeremy

  1. Balls. I have 2 jpg's but I don't know how to post them...
  2. Hey, I'm having the same type of dilema. I'm making a Rhoads V, not a neck through though. I have the two body halves cut out and was thinking of something like this as far as a clamping surface. Lay out a 2X4 or whatever at a right angle to the center line and mark two lines on the 2X4 where the body ends giving a board that would look something like this: --------------------------- | / \ | | / \ | --------------------------- Then I would just cut along the lines and use the 2 outer pieces for clamping. Either that or if the two oustide edges of the body were close to the same angle from center (which I they should be), you could just make one mark and then flip the other piece over and the angles shoule work out to give you something like this: || || / \ __/ \__ |_/ \_| / \ I know the drawings are kinda really shitty but you get the idea.
  3. Oops, sorry for the double post. I got a little impatient...
  4. I think you can get pre-cut nuts from Stew Mac or Allparts or Warmoth. I'd imagine that the Carvin guys could cut the nut slot according to whichever nut you get.
  5. I think you can get pre-cut nuts from Stew Mac or Allparts or Warmoth. I'd imagine that the Carvin guys could cut the nut slot according to whichever nut you get.
  6. Yeah, that's what I've read, as close to the 12th fret as you can get.
  7. Good call. The first time I tried to use one was to route a neck pocket. Thankfully I figured it would be a good idea to practise on a 2x4 first. I used a plunge router and used the depth stop but stopped at the full depth of the pocket! I was randomly plunging away like a bat out of hell, until the smoke started...
  8. I'm looking for ideas for either inlaying over the entire fingerboard or maybe just something cool for the 12th fret. I've checked out tattoo sites and they have some cool tribal looking things.
  9. What?!? I gotta pay for it? Come on, this is the internet! Just kiding, I don't mind paying for some stuff if it's gonna be useful. I only make as many guitars as I can afford at a time (in the ballpark of 1 every four years, ha!)
  10. No case eh? Won't that look kinda REALLY dorky?
  11. I just don't get the whole handle idea. What's the point?
  12. Check out buddy's tribal thing on the "What do you guys think of my first design?" post. Bad ass for sure.
  13. I see some guys having drawings in .dwg format. What do you make those on? Is there a downloadable version?
  14. Yeah, I had checked out the posts on dremel vs. Stew Mac router bases. I think I'll go with the Stew Mac when the time comes. (A big tip pf the hat to my fellow Canadians)
  15. Yeah, I read the last project of the month post but unfortulately only discovered it on about the 24th. I've tried to look it up in the archives but it only goes up to like July 2003 or something rediculous like that. Setch, I did see your photo essay on guitar.com but have a few questions. 1.On the space from bridge to the neck is there 2 separate angles? Or is it one from bridge to neck, one from neck to end of body (according to bridge height)? 2.I see how you introduce a few angles from the top to the sides and work from there but how would you make a concave portion like around the very edge. Like if you were making a kind of "s" shape. Not going below the binding but not just a convex curve. Is that where you use scrapers? That was a sweet post btw. Thanks. (Little animated Canadian flag that doesn't exist in the emoticons list)
  16. What is the best way to go about carving a top, Les Paul/McCarty-style? I've seen a few router methods and some stuff that's done with files and scrapers, etc. Any thoughts?
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