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Hey guys,

Just to share my little knowledge (since I'll probably need yours when I start my 1st project :D )...

While i was looking Guitar/Bass Wiring and Switching Diagrams at www.mrgearhead.com I noticed that these are vectorial drawings, which means they could be read by standard CAD Software.The only trick was to find a way to convert these in .dxf since autocad can't do anything good with a .pdf. A couple search in Google later, I finally found a way... So grab a sheet of paper and a pencil, I'll give you the recipe B) !

You'll need 3 things:

-GhostScript (read pdf)

-PsToEdit (convert pdf to dxf, need to be installed in GSView directory. Check help file for info)

-GSView (you dont want to use command line, dont you?)

Install Ghostscript first, GSView second, then PsToEdit. Start GSView and open your pdf from www.mrgearhead.com (i'll show you with the old 50's tele). Edit/convert to vector format. Choose DXF. Save. Open new file with your fav CAD software(work great with autocad). Resize(use scale length as reference). Get rid of all useless info, save and/or print in 1:1 and Voilà! Perfect plan with all needed shapes/dimensions :D .

50's Tele dxf/dwg file

Have fun!


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Ok, I am trying to do this and you can call me not net friendly, I can't get it to work

I found this site http://www.ghostscript.com/ and I have been looking for a while and I can't fine a downloadable file that makes sense to use. I got TCAD2D, and it says that you can do this with the standard, I have opened Microfoft paint and converted a jpeg to bmp and then open this on CAD and convert it to dxf , but Ican't get it to open a pdf file. I will like to know if it is posible for you to post like a minitutorial on how to do this. FOR THE COMPUTER IMPARED!!!! PLEASE.

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Here's a minitutorial. I'll suppose you're running Windows (which is my case and probably the case of everyone here anyway :D ). So there it goes:

1. Download Ghostscript( ftp://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/ghos...14/gs814w32.exe ) and install.

2. Download GSView ( ftp://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/ghos...um/gsv46w32.exe ) and install.

3.Download PsToEdit ( http://home.t-online.de/home/helga.glunz/w...toeditsetup.exe )and install into the pstoedit directory that is in parallel to the gsview directory where gsview is installed. Usually this is something like C:\Program Files\Ghostgum\gsview. So pstoedit would go to C:\Program Files\Ghostgum\pstoedit. If you don't have the following two DLLs (msvcr70.dll and msvcp70.dll) already installed (you'll probably get an error while trying to convert if those files are not installed), you need to install them as well - either in the system directory or in the pstoedit directory. You can get them at http://home.t-online.de/home/helga.glunz/w...runtimelibs.zip

4. Start GSView, open the pdf you want to convert (File/Open).

5. Convert (Edit/Convert to Vector Format). If you installed PsToEdit correctly a window will pop. Select dxf, press OK. Select page to convert, press ok. Save your file (don't forget to add .dxf, like telecaster50.dxf).

6. Open .dxf with CAD Software, resize/edit/do whatever you want and print!

Don't forget this will only work with pdf containing vectorial drawings like the ones found at www.mrgearhead.com (especially those in fender section)! A pdf containing a standard pic (jpeg, gif, ...) can't be converted using that way.

For CAD software, there's TurboCAD like Maiden69 already pointed it out, Autocad offers a 30-days trial, and in last resort there's always the borrowed-copy-from-a-friend solution.... B)

If you need help/more details, just ask!

Have Fun!


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