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tele humbucker

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I heard from someone that not all humbuckers will fit on a tele... is this true?

Here is the deal: I am building a telecaster that is going to have 2 humbuckers and a string through traditional "strat" style bridge. Does it matter what kind of humbuckers I use? I mean, aren't they all the same size. I am worried that the strings from the bridge won't pass over the humbuckers right.

What do you think?


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You will have to rout out the cavities a little larger if it has standard tele routs. Im pretty sure you will have to use a pickguard to cover the rear rout. Where are you getting the body from?

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If you already have the body and it's routed for singles you'll have to route for Humbucking Pickups. Again, If it's already routed, you could always use the tele bridge that holds a humbucker and route to edge of the screw holes in the bridge plate. What someone said was probably that you have MINI Humbuckers and you have stacked Singles like Genbloke mentioned. Most HB pickups ARE the same size but you should wait till you have one to go by or at least make sure that a pickup ring is centered properly and you shouldn't have any problems.

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I am making the body myself...

Acutally it is similar to the tele that Melvin Hissock makes in his book. what i am wondering is if i should choose SPECIFIC humbuckers... because i heard that some humbuckers won't line up with the strings correctly. is this true? if so, what humbuckers should i buy? can i use gibson humbuckers?


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Since you are making the body yourself, you can control the fit of the pickups. I suggest choosing the pickups you want first before routing body cavities. That way, you know the exact dimensions. You can then check the dimensions against the specs for your chosen bridge. My guess is that if you are using humbuckers and a fixed bridge that you won't have any problems.

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Yeah, the pole pieces may line up differently on Teles. I would reccomend either getting a "Tele Approved" humbucker, or a humbucker with a blade-style pole piece.

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Hmmm...you & I are onto a Very Similar Project. And, well, there are many (many) options one could take.

One primary thing to consider is: What Neck? (in terms of the nut & heel width). The nut-width is more important, in one sense, as it will be Lined-Up with whatever bridge you choose. Iow, the nut's space and the bridge's (string) space are gonna give you: What The Pups Have To Line-Up With, right?

I've bought a Tele-style-neck (unfortunately, it's a Mighty Mite/ but too late now) that's 1 & 11/16ths nut-size. (Since my fingers are relatively short/ though my palms are big/ I opted for this narrower nut-size). This, btw, matches Gibson nuts (their standard nut width).

Gibson Tune-O-Matic bridges are 2 & 1/16th wide.

So I/we(?) have a couple options for: What Type Bridge(?).

StewMac sells "Hipshot" Hard-tails (heavy-brass designed, Strat/ 1972 Tele "thinline" compatible) for $44, I think.

Warmoth has "Standard" Tele Bridges---just like a regular Tele's but made for a Humbucker---with 2 & 1/16th" spacing (52.4mm) for $37.

Warmoth also can cut you a pickguard to size for this particular bridge (3 & 5/8ths wide @ bridge, as opposed to the regular 3 & 3/8ths)... and also make a Humbucking routing for the Neck pup.

So if ya want a pickguard, Warmoth would prolly be the way to go.

But you asked about "recommended" Humbuckers for Tele.

Here I've opted for a set of (matched) "Kent Armstrong" P-90's. They're NOT regular P-90's but "Humbucking-Size P-90's)---single coils---and are equally matched (@ 8 ohms) both having a 2" pole-piece spacing...which I've found will work with my other Gibson-Specs, so to speak. I researeched these and everyone who has got em, likes em (a lot). The Neck Pups is reverse wound to reduce hum when used with the Bridge Pup. And they're being "matched" as far as ohms/output goes....I dunno about you but; I kinda Don't Like That when you select the Bridge position and ya sudddenly get that "hotter/louder" thang. Why I chose these, among their excellent sound from all I've read.

I'm prolly gonna go with the Hipshot/ hard tail and make my own pup-rings from "electrical outlet plates" (that go around outlets & the turn-on/off switch). Here I have options of using: plastic, wood or metal.

Lemme know what ya think.

Maybe we can work-together on out Tele-Proj?



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On eBay one seller has "GFS" (brand) Humbuckers that are styled after the old Tele-Custom Neck Pup...and/or the '72 Thinline (Pups). They've got the olde "vintage staggered" pole-pieces but ARE NOT the Big Ol' Huge Fender Pups.

Iow, they're standard Humbucking-size.

All reviews I've read of these are "excellent" (as well).

Btw, Warmoth has (just) this "giant" Fender Neck-Pup....for $95.

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Going in a slightly different direction....

Routing for the HBs is easy. The other issue is which hard tail bridge are you going to use? They come in two sizes: Gibson, or narrow, spacing. And Fender, or wide, spacing. The difference is 2mm, I believe from, end pole to end pole, but if you want the strings over the proper spot on the HB, you have to match the bridge and the HBs.

For what it's worth, I would go with the Gibson spacing as there are more HB's available and at better prices than there are for the Fender spacing HBs.

Take care,

Guitar Ed

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Rick here,

So... I am going to (TRY TO) make my own neck. It is going to be a copy of an existing tele neck that I have from ALL PARTS. I just measured the nut width, and it is 1 11/16ths too!

So this matches the Gibson style? Are you saying that the Stew Mac bridge would be compatible with this?

I want to use a regular bridge rather than the traditional shape tele bridge because I am not using a pickguard and I think it would look a little weird.

So I am inclined to go with the Hipshot bridge then.

As for the P-90's, I really want to go with regular humbuckers right now, because I don't have a guitar with hums yet and I want to get a feel for them.

Anyway, we should keep in touch since we are kinda working on the same stuff!!

I really appreciate your advice!


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So yeah,

I just looked at that hipshot bridge. I am definetly going to go with that. It looks really nice.

As for my other specs:

Mahogany body,

contoured kinda like a strat

Spalted maple top

Mahogany neck, with ebony fretboard and abalone block inlays

That is all I have so far!


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I used the exact bridge Genbloke references in a Tele that I made. The bridge is expensive but very high quality and very flexible in its adjustment capabilities for action, intonation as well as string width and spacing. I also used a 1 11/16" nut width. If you are worried about string spacing over the humbuckers, this bridge is an excellent choice. I have Seymour Duncans humbuckers in the guitar - a Screamin Demon in the bridge and a 59 in the neck.

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This is not my guitar. It's from a web-search I did using "DIY Guitar" (I think). I found this: "Warmoth Tele Project" link and this is one of the guy's pics. I emailed him telling him I was gonna post a pic and informed him of Project Guitar should he wanna come and post the link & what have you. (I didn't link to his link as I thought he might get bombarded w/ unwanted emails).


That's "his" Tele-Copy, pictured w/ a Kent Armstrong P-90 (reverse wound, humbucking size, 2" spacing) in the neck position. The bridge pup is a Carvin which the guy has since replaced. He was/is truly "amazed" at the KA P-90 sound.

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Oh yeah. The Guy put another Kent Armstrong P-90 in the bridge position...I didn't ask if he got their one specially "matched" to the neck pup, but assume he did. His Tele-Copy is all Warmoth except for the neck (which is a used Mighty Mite he got for cheap on eBay). The "Tele-Custom" style pickguard; this fella had em route it to fit the Humbucking-Bridge (there's no extra charge for that OR the regular humbucking-route at the neck). However, Warmoth doesn't guarantee a "fit" for bodies that ain't theirs.

Genbloke & johnsilver-

Right. That Schaller bridge was one I considered. It sure looks well-designed and has that adjustable spacing (from 1 & 29/32nds---thru---2 & 1/4). I'm prolly gonna get the Hipshot if I go Strat-type hard tail as I'm undecided to use a pickguard? or pup-rings?

The Schaller would solve any string-spacing problems (a definate plus). I want to go "thru-body" as I think it might enhance overall tone.

FYI (anyone); Carvin pups would solve the string-spacing dilemma as they have the "extended" (22 altogether) pole-pieces....(for what it's worth). I have Carvin's Allan Holdworth humbucker in my Bolt-on Kit (Carvin Strat-copy). It sounds ok enuf but it's hard to say what it would sound like in another body. (The Bolt-Ons are routed for 3 Humbuckers....almost a "hollow-body")!

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(as I'm hogging-up the thread)....

Right; the Hipshot. Q: where did you "view" it? At Hipshot's site (where they have all the exact specs)? or at: Stew-Mac? There are two types of these, ya know. Both have the same basic design but one has a "thicker base." Just what one Stew-Mac has, I dunno. You'd prolly have to call em as they don't say which. StewMac's is much less expensive (same thing)....

Hipshot Home

Then, "Guitar Bridges" and the second from the top. (You have two "floor thicknesses" of .125 and .175, repsectively). I'd go with the lower one offhand but can't say fersure. Stew-Mac prolly sells the most "generic" (or adaptable size)....???

And, yeah, we oughta keep in touch on all-this-stuff (here seems like a good spot for it)!

Re: routing for pups.

Some others (here) have said things about that. What I "know" is that the rings that came with my Kent Armstrongs; the neck one is too small. Iow, part of the existing route would show if I used a Strat-type (the Hispshot) hard-tail. So, if I used a regular Tele-Style (for a 'bucker)...it would cover-that. I'll make a pup ring for the neck to solve this, I think I already mentioned. As a side-note on these KA's; the rings are "angled" and I'm not sure if I like that (???).

Re: Yer choice of woods

Mahogany body & neck....hmmmm......(pretty well much LesPaul-ish then). One thing about Yer Pups would be getting some that aren't "muddy" --- that have adequate mids & highs.

My body's a "Musikraft" ash. I'm not sure but it sure looks like hard (baseball bat) Northern Ash. My neck's one piece hard maple. (Soon I'll have a camera to post pics, whatever).......

This isn't "my" thread. So I'll shutup now!!!


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ooops.....jch4v, ps........

Yes. The 1 & 11/16ths nut and the 2 & 1/16ths Hipshot should be AOK. One way I "tested" these specs was to go to my local music shop and actually measure some guitars (the widths, etc., while the salesguy wasn't looking)..... :D

One "Samick" Tele-Copy was exactly the same as what we're working with. 1 & 11/16ths nut and: it had a Strat-type tremelo....string-spaced at: 2 & 1/16th.

Then I went & measured a LP. Same nut size & bridge (width). The bridge pup was 2" spacing --- a perfect string-over-match ---and I'm not for sure if the neck was the same (2" spacing). It may have been 1 & 15/16ths. And I need to follow-up on this or if anyone else could help (???).

The concern here is: if the neck pup would line-up OK (with my 2" Kent Armstrong). I've guessed it will be fine...but may be very slightly "smaller" than the pole-piece spread itself. Better a tad small than too big, no doubt!

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Sorry about my: mega-posting but I just have to share this:


hyunsu, a korean luthier guy

Dude's Awesome (and also likes Kent Armstrong pups)..........

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*jchv4v--slash-- rick_here BUMP*

Because we're working on very similar Projects and are sorta "shy" about it (as newbies).

Also, we (both) just met here @ PG.

PLZ forgive us if we go off into any "tangients" as it were.

So, are you there, jch4v?

(I hope you will be, soon)...I need your help!

Getting Verklempt,




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