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ok, i know its not much compared to what you guys have done, and i have seen some very cool stuff on here, but its my first project, its not 100 percent done yet, im changing the pickups, eventually, but the paint job is done. here it is, my Canadian Stra.


my new project is a hollow body that i am refinishing, and changing the neck, i have a post in the acoustic and hollow body forum, but here is a before pic.


im probably gonna keep it all origional except the neck and pickups.


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hey welcome to the froum I like the paint on the Strat so any way what kind of neck are you using for the hollow body and are you painting it or staying with the same finish



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i dont know what neck yet, i posted it onthe hollow body forum, but no one seems to help much, i want to put a longer scale neck, the current one is way to short, and has a fret right bellow the nut, which only creates buzzing. none the less go to the hollow body page, and you can see more pics of this "antique" and thanks for the welcome, are you a canuck as well?? asumming so by the flag. take care


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I think you'd have to move the bridge for that not that hard but it will take some time and Iam a Canadian I hail from saskatoon :D:DB) and I will take a look at those pics and i will try to help


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The scale of the guitar is distance from the nut to the bridge of the guitar. If you put a longer scale neck on the guitar, you will have to move the bridge further back as well. Your pickups will be out of their harmonic sweet spots, too.

If you can get the neck adjusted properly, you shouldn't have any buzzing from the zero-fret. Short scale necks are the bane to most semi-hollow players with big hands (like me), but the whole guitar is designed around the scale length and modifying it without destroying it and starting over is difficult indeed.

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im not shure what type of guitar it is, got to


thats in the hollowbody section. there are more pics of it, the body looks like yours bluespresence, but the rest defenetly does not, like i said find the post in hollowbodies forum, and youl get more detailed photos. but thanks anyways.

if it is a Teisco, what would it be worth, and what should i do as far as pickups, and the whole neck thing. i defentily want a new neck, since i am a very big guy, it looks bizzar on me. it is a small guitar.

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Hew there I finily got a chance to look at those pics and I like what I see first off

you have the bridge off and thats a good thing if you still want to put on a new neck on the guitar but I like the old neck but I agree it is a bit small and iam a big guy too so I know where your comeing from and I agree with bluespresence it sure look's like a Teisco to me at least it look's like his oh ya by the way puting on a longer neck might make it neck heavy and a MOD like this will be hard work but fun for sure so how much did you pay for it if it was a lot leave it alone if not much go for it!! keep me posted hope to hear from you soon.


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if it is a Teisco, what would it be worth, and what should i do as far as pickups, and the whole neck thing. i defentily want a new neck, since i am a very big guy, it looks bizzar on me. it is a small guitar.

CS, I'd almost guarantee it's a Teisco. They were made in Japan from the '50's to the '80's and bore the Teisco, Teisco Del Rey and Kingston logos (some say other logos were private labeled but built by Teisco such as Crown & Kent). The label full of Japanese type is also a dead giveaway to its origin....that's a good thing.

I'd also say yours is a pre 1965 (as is mine) based on the plastic pickguard. The pickups, control layout and trem are definitely Teisco and the imprint on the headstock looks Teisco but it's real hard to tell from here. The headstock design is the same as other Teisco's I've seen but it is also similar to the Kent....but the logo imprint does not match a Kent which was a rectangular plate.

Anyway......the hollow bodies bring a variety of prices. Original mint ones can fetch $300 and up, decent (90%) can bring well over $200 and most bring between $100 and $200. Ebay is the best source I know of but you can occasionally find them at rummage sales, flea markets and pawn shops. Those three are your best spot for a bargain (be prepared to spend $20 or $30 for one at those three outlets - LOL)!!! Ebay fetches the better prices if you are selling, even if it is refinished.

Regarding pickups.....listen to the ones in it first if they work - you WILL be surprised at how good they sound. I have a cheap solid body Teisco that sounds better than a MIM Strat!! Of course it doesn't stay in tune for more than 15 minutes.......

If you have the other pickup I'd slap it together as is and see if everything works. If it does I personally would leave it original and keep it as a wall hanger and occasional player - you should see my walls :D You can find the pickups on ebay if you're missing one, just search Teisco and you'll get a bunch of them. Right now it looks a bit slow so you may have to check for a month before you find something. Usually there are 50-75 on at any given time but today I only got 16...........and thanks for making me look...I just bought a Kingston classical guitar while I was searching!!! :D

If you don't like the neck you'll probably have to build one from scratch and match up the neck pocket, but like metal matt said it may get neck heavy.

OK....I'll stop now....too much coffee today I guess...... B)

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wow, that was a lot of info, thanks a lot, umm, how do i build a neck from scratch,(web sit totourials, or books i can buy) and how would i go about refinishing the body? it has bindings, and i really dont want to ruin it, or can i just sand it down a bit and put a nother layer of gloss to cover up the scratches? i havent touched it at all.

where would i be able to get the teisco logo, since i want to put it back on if i decide to keep the neck, 1/2 of the logo is worn off, and the pickups are missing the plastic mount that goes around them,


i want to replace that if im going to keep the pickups (which is now what im thinking im going to do.)

thatnks for all your help, and i will keep you guys posted.

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eBay is going to be your best source for parts. You just have to check it every day or so and hope what you need comes up for auction. I did see some pickups with rings the other day. You may end up having to buy the set, keep the rings and re-ebay the p'ups.

Neck Tutorials on PG

That link should help with the neck. On the main tutorial page you can also find many tut's on refinishing.

Good luck!

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