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Need Photoshop/cad Logo Help!

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All right I give up!

My body is now finished and laquered, my neck needs only to be fretted and lacquered and this should happen this week-end.

I've been working one year on this bass and I STILL can't make a proper logo for it. I've tried coreldraw and all kinds of other crap. I just don't get it!

The logo is the last thing I need to do. Is there a photoshop / CAD superhero-champ out there who could make me a logo in 5 minutes (or more)??


I want the logo to look like what I drew but as shown on the right side so I can color on the inside myself with coreldraw, in vector format please.

Is anyone cool enough to do this for me?

In compensation for your time i'll be eternally grateful... and send you a christmas card :D

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I'll have a belt at it this afternoon (once my boss has buggered off).

I will need the maximum external dimensions.

BTW has the typeface changes for everyone on this board or did the IT department just balls up my computer.


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:D easier said than done.

Our IT department is actually a company that comes in to sort it all out. I was supposed to be getting 512MB Ram but they ordered the wrong one and didn't realise until hey took the back off. Since then everything has been a bit funky B)

Wouldn't bother me too much but the bloody thing keeps loosing drawings.

The absolute worse thing though is the guy has to come back on Monday. He's like the carisma police, he's so boring that you can feel it when he walks in the room.

Still, it's the weekend (Boing Boing Boing) so I'm not going to worry about it, the girlfriend has gone away to see her little sister and I'm left at home with some freshly sharpened chisils :D hopefully have my inlay done by Monday.

Either way, everyone have a good weekend......

......And Phil, I still want a card :D

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JFC, dude thats great!!!

Can I ask another favor?

Can I have thinner less cartoony letters?

EDIT: I should've looked at the coreldraw file before posting a reply. The first and third images are perfect for what I want. You da man!

You earned yourself my eternal gratitude and a christmas card!! :D

Thanks a lot. This was seriously frustrating for me.

Edited by Phil Mailloux
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