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Faux Binding


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That guitar, like PRS guitars, doesn't have a routed channel.

It's actually the natural wood taped off and shot with clear.

I plan on taping around the area I want the binding at then shooting clear over it.

Then I can tape off the clear coated binding and proceed with dying the top and painting the back.

This way, if you get any dye or color on the binding area, you can scrape it off without cutting into the wood and altering the shape of the edge.

I think Myka has a great pic tutorial on how he does it. :D

Edit: I found Myka's tut link

Edited by VanKirk
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That is so easy and convienient it's almost painful!

I have a Stew-Mac video (Dan Erlewine) who shows how to do the natural edge binding thing, and he does it with an airbrush and 2-3 coats of lacquer, which is the way I always figured it should be done. OK by me, I have several airbrushes and use them a lot, no biggie.

But thinking about it, just using a brush is sooooooo easy! OMG! Hahahaha!!!

Tremendous tip!


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I've always thought this was a cool look, and I've seen lots of references on how it is achieved with masking, not routing. BUT ... have any of you considered routing. Like to an already finished body, use a router to cut the edge down to bare wood. I've seen pictures of Hendrix with a sunburst Strat with faux binding. Obviously, he just scraped the edge, and it looks sorta rough but still cool. It seems like it might be possible for a body with a thick finish and a small edge radius.

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I would never route anthing on an already finished guitar. What if you get chip out, deep scratches, etc, etc? Finishing is finicky enough without introducing unecessary refinishing steps. The thicker the finish and the worse it will look. Have you seen Gibson's with scraped binding on their solid color guitars? It looks awful. (I mean they should keep it up since that's the sort of detail that keeps people coming to me for custom guitars!)

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