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It's cool looking the way it is... but IF you are going for authenticity, I would say that you need to make those points sharper, and that the base of the body is just a tad too bowed out.

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I think this is more what your going for, I got this pic from BRT-Real metal guitars!! you should check it out he has some realy cool stuff!!

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...tar20Bodies.gif your's is close so with some work it will work out

EDIT>-sorry that's the wrong link this is the right one but I cant get it to link right.



Edited by !!METAL MATT!!
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it is smaller than a normal explorer since i dint use a template. As far as the wood it is a cheap peace of plywood (pine?oak?) and its only 3/4 thick. i have plenty of this wood laying around my house and i use it mainly for templates. what i ment to say was that if i could get 40 bucks for that shape of the explorer.

PerryL - thanks for pointing out that the grain was in the wrong direction, i really didnt take that into mind that it has to go from left to right (wood shop all over again :D ), u also saved me some embarrisment if i were to cut the alder with the wrong direction of the grain. thanks again

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I have checked that site out, and to behonest i have no cule on how u get it to print or even get the messurements right. Also at the school i go to they have a palsma cam machine that runs off of those type of files useing a CAD program. the only problem is that only the kids in the drafting department are the only ones allowed to use it since they have experince. but i get to use it by the end of spring :D

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