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Neck Angle

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i recently bought the book "make your own electric guitar" and it has help me lots o times. well it dose mention how some guitars need a neck angle in order to have the strings at the right hight. it then descucess about the angle. It also has a pic of a mid 1960 Gibson SG with the fingerboard raised above the body that elimintes the neeed of an angle. well it dosent give a ceratin amount that u need to rasie it. dose any one out there know how much i would have to raise it in order to not have to have an angle? Ive also read that u can recess the bridge, how deep would i have to go in order to do this right?

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just angle the neck...anything else is just a cop out really.i have been figuring out ways around neck angles for the whole time i have been building,but the one i am currently doing has about a 3 degree neck angle,and guess what...

it's super easy to do.just figure out a jig that works for you and "get er dun"

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just angle the neck...anything else is just a cop out really.i have been figuring out ways around neck angles for the whole time i have been building,but the one i am currently doing has about a 3 degree neck angle,and guess what...it's super easy to do.just figure out a jig that works for you and "get er dun"

Hey wes I have been recessing the bridge's on my 7-string's for a wile now and I do it because I love the way it look's,feals and play's and I realy love how I can bear down on it to and I find with my 7-string guitar's that not recessing the bridge

just dose not feal right it's my playing style I think, Peavey's been doing it with there 7-string Predator for some time, so I dont realy think that it's a cop out,

at least not for me anyway B):D


Edited by !!METAL MATT!!
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I recess my TOM bridges as well, I made a template to guide the router , fast and easy, I like the strings to be close to the body, it's a personal feel, I have a hard time playing on Gibsons LP or SG.

Anyway I did angle a neck once, but changed method right after.

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