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How Long Does It Take You To Build A Guitar?

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35 hours of classroom work to build the guitar should be enough, as the consensus on this forum goes. However, bear in mind that you'll be doing a lot of homework yourself. I remember my shop teacher staying behind for hours helping students finish projects or even just tidying things up a bit. There's always going to be one body or neck that comes out screwed up that you'll have to pull an all-nighter on rebuilding yourself so the student can stay caught up.

Even if you've allotted 35 hours in perfect little time slots, teaching anything is never just a day job. You'll probably wind up spending another 35 hours in your own shop fixing little mistakes and rebuilding key parts. Just be prepared to make your students and THEIR guitars a priority if you're willing to take on the responsibility of a teacher and mentor.

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It would be in the students' best interest to have something to study when not putting in shop time. Got a manual?? B):D And it certainly wouldn't hurt to let them know about all our fabulous online resources if they aren't aware of them. I usually won't start a project until I have everything right in my head and on paper. :D

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G'day fellas

all in all without all the puncing around waiting 4 parts i probably would have spent inexess of 1000 hrs maybe, im not too sure, but i spent alot of time sanding and finishing. nice to hear from another aussie, this place is overrun by yanks (i mean that in the nicest posible way)

380, Hayden u beast :D

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