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Pod Pro - Soldano


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Has anyone else noticed that the Soldano emulation sounds a bit muffled? I use mine in studio mode if that makes a difference. One thing that I have found helps is to change the speaker emulation to something other than the default. The volume level seems a bit lower than the others also.

It sounds killer after making the changes but I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this. I like to use the Mesa Rectifier for rythm and the Soldano for lead. Unfortunately, I have not found a way to make a seamless switch (on the fly) - is it possible? Do I need two units to do this? I guess when recording it wouldn't be an issue but when playing live it just doesn't seem doable.

I love the POD though - it makes my playing seem much more professional in some strange manner. It has inspired me like you wouldn't believe!

Any other tips/tricks that you guys have for these things? I'm addicted to playing with it now - keep finding better sounds. B):D

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What chip version do you have? 2.3 is the best IMO. I never liked the Soldano patch much, it always sounded too dry and scratchy to me. I have the FB4 4 button footswitch for mine. I've never noticed a delay with it. I did have switching delays when using a midi controller though. (Behringer FCB 1010)

There's a pretty good Forum over at Line6

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since all yall have pods let me ask you a question. I want to have a nice overdriven "vintage tone". Would It be better to buy a pod or get like a peavey classic 30? (both the same price considering I would have to buy a poweramp and a speaker to go with the pod xt live (the only one I would want is the xt live)

So so you think the pod can do a better "just barley overdriven tube sound" than the peavey?

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I'm not sure what version I have. I looked at the panel on power up and it doesn't seem to give any clues. I skimmed through the manual at lunch time and didn't find anything on how to tell. Is it written on the back somewhere?

I think there's a way to check when powering up but I can remember how. It might have been to hold the save and tap buttons when powering up but I don't know for sure. Just pop the lid off and read the sticker that's on the chip.

PS I think I have a spare 2.3 chip around here somewhere. It's just a plug and play thing

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Thanks Scott - I'll give that a try when I get home. I didn't know you could upgrade the chips - that's real nice. Where did you get your spare?

I've been looking into the custom sounds on that line 6 site (something like customsounds.com - I don't remember exactly right now). Are these just combinations of settings that can be done via knobs on the front or are those made on a computer and loaded into the PODs? Have you ever tried them?

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