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A Hello From Singapore

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hi all forum mates,

firstly, a merry christmas and happy new year to you and your love ones!

i am a newbie in singapore looking to venture into electric guitar-making. if possible, i hope all of you please tolerate my questions. looking forward to all your help, advice and opinions!

cheers and warmest regards!


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Hey welcome to the forum daniboy B) and a merry christmas and happy new year to you aswell and hey dont worry about asking questions that's what this place is all about :D but I will give you one head's up, it's a good idea to run a search first before asking/posting any questions, that bit of info should help you out other than that just have fun :D


Edited by !!METAL MATT!!
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Hey Dani! Welcome to the Project Guitar.com Forum.

I hope you have a fun time here and learn as we all have. Don't forget to use the Search feature, because a lot of questions are already in threads.

BTW- I'm glad to see someone from Singapore online. I know that with the tsunami things have been tough lately. I hope the rest of the region recovers quickly.

Enjoy the forum!

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thanks for the warm welcome matt and kevan!

the tsunami thingy is causing alot of pain and havoc in the region. saddest thing is that most of the countries hit and locals affected are relatively poor in terms of monetary and resources. se asia is doing all they all they can be it monetary, medical supplies, daily necessities and manpower to tide things over.

what a tragic way to usher 2005. my prayers are with the families who has lost their loved ones in this disaster.


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Hi Dani, I'm glad you introduced yourself. I'm from Singapore too. I added you to my contact list.

So far, to my knowledge, there are at least 3 singaporean members in this forum. Could be more though.

As you probably have found out, there are lots of nice people here.

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