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Hey all on PG. Just wanted to have you all checkout my band Soulmod. We just recently finished up some studio work on a new EP (not yet mastered) and I wanted to get people's opinions on it.

For those of you who like heavier music (I figure it's most of you) Inside Out and Hideout are your best bets. If you like all sorts of music including pop-ish, you should like them all!

Lemme know what you think by listening.

Also if you have a mySpace account (for the youngers) add us!



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OK, it was my browser (yes, I was still in the 90's and using IE) My IE wasn't accepting Shockwave (or it wasn't recognizing it). I was having all kinds of problems viewing sites so i killed it and am using NN8 now. I tried FireFox a few months back but didn't like it but the new Navigator seems OK.

ON TOPIC (finally).......I like it. Nice clean bass line in "Inside Out". I'll listen to the rest a few times more but so far it's all good!

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i listened to sparkle. (only once, i'm on dial-up)

i like your singer's voice. (which is pretty rare for me)

but on a first listen, that's the only member of the band that stands out to me. all the other parts sound okay, but there's nothing that really catches my ear.

that said, if i saw you at a local show, i'd buy a cd. sometimes music takes a while to grow on me.

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i listened to sparkle.  (only once, i'm on dial-up)

i like your singer's voice. (which is pretty rare for me)

but on a first listen, that's the only member of the band that stands out to me.  all the other parts sound okay, but there's nothing that really catches my ear.

that said, if i saw you at a local show, i'd buy a cd.  sometimes music takes a while to grow on me.

You should have listened to Hideout!

Thanks everybody for the great feedback so far. We appreciate it, believe me.


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Ditto that!

Also, I assume you're the bassist... right? What's your setup? Your tone is superb.

Yessir, I be the bass guitar player.

My Rig:

1984 MusicMan Sabre

Ampeg SVP-PRO Preamp

Alesis 3630 Compressor/Limiter

QSC RMX 1450 PowerAmp

Eden 4x10 cabinet

Just got the bass about a month and a half ago, and I am much happy with it.


edit: :D a dream come true


ps - No autographed promo's yet. But when the disc is ready, we'll be more than happy to send out autographed copies to those who specify with their purchase :D

Edited by MKGBass
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