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Misrouted Tele Body

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i bought a tele body whose porportions are off. the pickup routes are too close to the heel pocket so that if i put the bridge on i dont have enough adjustment to intonate to scale 25.5. the saddles will be a 1/4 inch from the back of bridge. Three possabilities occurred to me

1) I thought of buying a neck made for 24.75 but not sure it would fit tele pocket?

2) other thought was can i take a cheap strat neck and cut it down at the heel to reshape it to tele square shape and maybe help with intonation.

3) i'm out of my mind and have some expensive firewood.

the other limitation is a tight budget



aside which guitars have bolt on necks that are 24.75 as i search ebay for used necks?

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i bought a tele body whose porportions are off. the pickup routes are too close to the heel pocket so that if i put the bridge on i dont have enough adjustment to intonate to scale 25.5.  the saddles will be a 1/4 inch from the back of bridge. Three possabilities  occurred to me

1) I thought of buying a neck made for 24.75 but not sure it would fit tele pocket?

2) other thought was can i take a cheap strat neck and cut it down at the heel to reshape it to tele square shape and maybe help with intonation.

3) i'm out of my mind  and have some expensive firewood.

the other limitation is a tight budget



aside which guitars have bolt on necks that are 24.75 as i search ebay for used necks?

Pretty much any LP bolt on copy or even most BC Rich have 24.75 scale.

Now from your description, your pickup routes are too far forward to the neck pocket..or too far back. I can't figure out which it is? :D

Reason in saying is if they are too close to the neck pocket than you should still be able to put the bridge where it should be (but will appear too far back) and be functional....or...pickup routes are too far back from the neck pocket where in that case...you've got a problem! The only way to get around that would be a baritone neck of some sort?

Anyone else have thoughts?

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sorry for the poor description. i'll try again.

if i fit tele neck into pocket,cover pickup route withe bridge and pickup, move bridge as far back as it can go without exposing the routing holes,move saddles as far back as i can i will just measure 25.5 from nut

hope that makes it clearer


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Fifty bucks for a template and fifty bucks for a nice hunk of wood and do it the right way yourself.  :D

Yeah sure, followed by:

Router : $200

router bits : $35 - $350

Sanding / Measuring supplies : $100

Knowing how to use all this stuff: Priceless!! :D

Drak does have a point, making it work incorrectly isn't very practical and you may just want to consider it a dud and move on. It's not that uncommon for a ceremonial burning! B)

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