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New Member Wants To Say Hello To Everyone

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Hi everyone...

I have been reading this site for some time now,

I am very impressed by a few things...

first of all I adfmire the intense passion everyone here has for creating their instruments, "I too share this burning passion for building guitars"so I it seems that I may be at the right place....

secondly the aura of openly sharing info is a very classy thing and a special trait that is shared by true artists and craftmen... I have learned a lot from just reading your posts here thank you all....

third of all it seems that there are some really experienced and talented people on this site. Hats off to this sites creators I am happy to be a member here now and hope to learn alot more from you gentlemen and share what I know with you...

I am a guitar "player" who has evolved into a guitar "designer builder" because most of the custom shop stuff I bought was not as spectacular as I had dreamed it would be... then I took a pen and paper and calculated the cost of parts etc and what I was payiny for this stuff and I felt like a fool....

Because I had very limited tool skills and was more a Player/ designer and development person I was stuck in my tracks until one day God blessed me with a very gifted friend. Destiny brought us together.. he is a master builder from Russia named Victor and we both shared a burning love for high performance electric guitars...

He could build but he wasnt a player or designer I was all those things but couldnt build so we were a match made in heaven... soon we started turning out prototypes that were really smoken... My goal was to build the perfect guitar I had in my mind "for my own use" (because I was still actively performing).... next thing we were turning out some great prototypes and each got closer to the guitar in my head...

Because we werent rich we sold those guitars to fund the construction of the next generation of prototypes.. well soon there was buzz about the instruments and when we finally succeeding in building my "perfect guitar" all of a sudden everyone wanted to buy it... so My friend and I found ourselves blessed by destiny to take a step towards a dream and create a "Guitar company".. and thats what we did and now 4 famlies make a living from this very small company that builds "very special electrics"...

We are based in Europe and our workshop is in the Ukraine.... our instruments are like offspring of "Starts that mated with Lambourginis" ... very high tech high performance virtuoso instruments with amazing playability but with a classic feel and familiar friendly aura....

Well we are still at the embreo stage but I must admit that I am very excited, I really love to build guitars....

And now we have discovered that we build killer basses too!....

So now that we slowly grow I find myself dealing with customers that want top dollar instruments equivelent to Ken Smith etc...

Our shop has 4 Luthiers with a masters degree in Luthiery and our registered company name is "Grand Master".... all of a sudden I need to buy 5A quilt from America and I had no where to turn for info and that is when I stumbled upon this stite.....

I looked over the info and contacted chuck from Durawoods and I will be his customer.... Now I just need to give the right dimensions.... none of my master builders speak english so its rough... "this probably sounds so funny to all of you :-)"

I want to order flamed maple to build the necks in "neck through basses" the basss will be 7pc neck through... We are building 2 of them a 6 string and a 5 string.... now I am asked by the guys at Durawoods "what dimemsions do you want"....

I really dont know.... :D how long a piece do ya think I'll need ? And how thick wide what ever? Can you please give me a suggestion on what I should order or ask for?

I know this sounds goofy, :D but my guys at the shop know what their doing and usually just get their own wood from the Ukraine "but now that I have to buy all this premier wood from the USA and I am having a problem figuring out the dimensions" I will use for these necks in these 5 and 6 string through neck basses.. Can some one please offer a suggestion for me?

Secondly I will be buying some quilted tops for these basses ... taking into consideration the long top horns in these Patutuuci stlye basses would a 22 inch top be long enough?

Please forgive the elementary questions... I am sincere but as I said these basses are not my area of expertice....

Here are a couple of guitars that we built that are my designs.... hope you like them....



that site is like a Turkish ebay site....

Any way hello once again I am happy to have discovered this site sorry for all the stupid questions but at least I had the balls th ask them, right? hee hee he

Nice to meet every one I think I will learn alot here....

stay well


Please feel free to contact me anytime by email at acgunduz@mynet.com

Edited by ACG
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Welcome to the site, nice guitars. I don't know what dimension you need, you should find out the size of the scale and size of the bigger bass you are building, double it for the 2 you are building, then add a little extra for error room. Good luck with your company and ask all the questions you want, but always do a search first because that can answer a lot. Again good luck! Jason

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First you need to get the plans out on paper. You need to decide how think each laminate will be. Figure out how long each piece will have to be. Then add everything up. So, if you need flamed maple for the neck, and each laminate of maple will be 1/4" (or equivalent in SI units), and you need 4 laminates, that would equal 1". I would probably get a piece that was at least 2" thick, that way you have plenty of room for error. All these measurements are hypothetical, however. :D

The key to knowing dimensions of the wood you need, like I said, it sufficient planning.

BTW, those guitars look INCREDIBLE! How much were you getting for them?

And welcome to the board! We'd love to see more examples of your instruments! :D

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When they ask "what size you need?" , I usually reply with, "What size ya got?" :D As mentioned, you have some realistic measurements to make to assess dimensions "per guitar". And it must be divided up in the most economical way possible without having to compromise the esthetic value. I've had to waste lots of wood just to get that choice pattern I wanted to see on a guitar. :D

Welcome to the board!

Edited by Southpa
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Thank for the warm welcome Gentlemen...

Like I said I am the design guy I have 4 grand Master luthiers who work at our tiny company.... they build the instruments... I am very limited in building and prefer to make the coffee and fine tuned fisnished instruments..

The Title Grand Master (that means that they have earned a masters degree in luthiery from thier conservatory of music) these guy build violins and lutes and harps!

I am a rock guitarist brought up in New York and am obessed with building "easy playing great sounding cool guitars"...

its so funny these guys in our company do everything buy hand and have the measurments in their heads... they know exactly what goes where and how to cut it... I feel like an idiot cause I cant even order lumber dimensions for flame maple through necks... :D

But our guitars are really cool.... I tell em "make this shorter and that wider" blah blah but it works for us... its a simple process... no one speaks english but me and I dont speak russian... when we speak we look like deaf people talking with our hands in sign language B) we are a bunch of weirdos..

But we are all guitar freaks... thats for sure..

to answer your questions at this moment are getting about 2K to 3k for one of our instruments....

They come with fiber optics in the neck so that the side dot makers light up and there are lazer LEDs under the fretboard dot markers... everthing is through neck... the guitars too.... I am so happy to be a part of this company and over joyed to build these high tech classic easy playing guitars.....

Once I figure out how to upload pics on to this site I will paste up a few more pics of our instruments..... I love to share.... inspiration is contagious....

I am also a fantical fisherman... did you know that there is a wood building art within the fishing sport called "plug building?" its big lures used to catch striped bass fish and the artisty and finishes of these home made custom lures are mind boggeling...

Check out this link I think you will get a big kick out of this site and its pictures... maybe these guys are latent guitar builders and dont know it like I did... :D


heres another one thats cool


its a simular desease to guitar building.... cool ey?

I'll be back with those guiatr pics later.. thanks for your warm welcome it is appreciated..

warmest Regards


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Hey man, I too am a fanatical fisherman. I am on a break right now though because I need a back surgery and am waiting to get it. Those lures are cool, have you heard of AC plugs, they are another great bait mostly wood, and is one of the best striper baits there is, it holds numerous world records, some of which are held by the inventor of the lure named Alan Cole I believe. He is constantly fishing and improving on an already great design. He does a lot of striper fishing near lake mead.

If you haven't heard of him check around on the web you'll be amazed at his catches and lures! But most of his striper fishing is in freshwater, and I think most of what you guys have in new york is saltwater. Either of them would be great fun though. So I'm glad to meet a fellow fisherman on this site. And especially someone that loves guitars as much as fishing. Cool links by the way. I'll look for some sites of the ac plug and just alan cole in general, and put the links up when I find them unless you have seen some already. Good luck with your guitars and just ask any question when you have them. Hope to see more of your work soon! Jason

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Making wood plugs is quite an art. I used to make surface "poppers" out of cork when I was a kid. Here is a pic I found a while ago, good place to share it! :D I don't know who made it but I've never seen a more realistic yellow perch in my life. I'll bet a pike would nail it on every cast.


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Wow that is really a great looking bait, in some areas I think that would work for bass as well, though I think the perch are more common further north than bass, but I'm sure they coincide in some areas. I bet your right about the pike, it would probably be a killer. I had never thought to apply my woodworking towards making lures but it indeed would be fun and I could end up with a great lure, the balancing and finish have got to be tough though.

Maybe I'll try to make a trout swim bait for the local giant bass we have in so cal. Probably be mostly wood for the front end and the back end use some soft plastic for the life like tail, my local shop has made many soft plastics designed by me. They require you buy at least 100 but it is not very expensive at all, well worth it, if you want something that hasn't been made or if they don't have it in a color you want it can be a great service. I got some custom made reapers made the last time. In my favorite colors and oversized as I feel that it works better oversized down here, where the bass are finicky, they tend to eat less but make their meals bigger in return.

Well tonight or tomorrow I will look for some pages with the ac plug and Alan Cole himself. I'm glad to know there are more fisherman here. Later guys! Jason

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Thanks for the heads up on Alan cole and I must say with all due respect that perch plug is absolutely breath takenly beautiful.. A true master made that pluıg.. what a work of art !!!!! I cany belive that detail..its sooo real!

I will post it on the striper site so the guys can freak out over it... now lets see if I can post some pics on this thread.... here my first attemp..

oh I see first you to post it up on the web some where then insert its address within the img brackets.. hmmm what happens if you want to upload from your desktop?

anyway I will post it up ojn yahoo and try to link it here... "gulp :D here goes...

well its not working... lets just do it the old way clink on these guys below to view some more of my companies axes...






I hope you like these gals....

hey great too see some fishermen on the site here... thats another desease alltogether :D

I have a GRand Master bass pic some where let me see if I can find it....

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here is our bass...

one of them any way...


hope you like it....

hey you guys wanna see some real craftsmanship? not us of course Im talking fishing.. have you ever seen these great guys who are "rod wrappers"? they can do things with thread that are absolutely mind boggeling check out these links below on a guy who freaked us all out with a pink rod wrap that was unbelievable.

check this out.. and ENJOY!


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Oh man that rod wrapping is incredible, I don't know if I could ever have the patience to do something like that. Very difficult I would imagine. Oh and I haven't been able to get your pictures to work. Have you made it a public account? Sometimes you have to change some options so that we can view them. I really would like to see them. If you don't have it public, it will just link to the homepage and ask for your password. Good luck and if you need anymore answers about posting pics just ask, if I can't help I'm sure others can. Jason

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Oh man that rod wrapping is incredible, I don't know if I could ever have the patience to do something like that.  Very difficult I would imagine.  Oh and I haven't been able to get your pictures to work.  Have you made it a public account?  Sometimes you have to change some options so that we can view them.  I really would like to see them.  If you don't have it public, it will just link to the homepage and ask for your password.  Good luck and if you need anymore answers about posting pics just ask, if I can't help I'm sure others can.                                                                            Jason

the pics are opening for me.. working fine... yes they are in a public folder..

how do you up load pics from the computer desktop?

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Oh man check out this site!!! It's all fish caught on Allan Cole's ac plug. Some serious fish, lots of largemouths, stripers, huge brown trout, and so many others. I think the lure hold a crap load of records, I haven't gone through the page yet, as I just found it. I just thought you guys should check it out, I have not used this lure yet, but I have one now. They are sold at most tackle shops and there are a good variety of sizes, shapes and colors now. So check it out and let me know what you guys think of the page and I'll check it too.

Sorry I'm having no luck with your pictures, I guess my computer has something to do with it. I guess I'll just wait to see if anyone has issues and see if they know why I can't get in. Anyway welcome and check out that page, if you like striper fishing you really need one of those lures in your arsenal. I hope the link will work, it should. Jason

Allan Cole's; AC Plug

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I grew up fishing the lakes and rivers of Ontario and Quebec. I used to like casting into a lake and not knowing what you are going to pull out for dinner. :D (pike, pickerel, walleye, sm & lm bass, catfish, yellow perch, carp, rock bass, bowfin, eel, burbot) My favorite lure was the Red Devil spoon (remember those?) and another type of spoon that was colored like a leopard frog (bingo EVERY cast). One day I took a cast and my line caught in the reel (backlash) and "snap" I watched my favorite spoon go flying into space, it sure went far!

Anyway, I live on the west coast now and the main saltwater game is salmon, rockfish, lingcod, etc. To even get near those fish from shore you need a bit of weight to get down deep, especially when the tide is on the move. Here is what everyone uses around these parts. I've caught most of my salmon with the pink pearl buzzbomb. It slides loosely on the line and 'flutters" down when the line is slack.

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I spebt some money on yahoo and got a premium service it seems that how you share your files.... dity dogs they get ya to spend dont tehy.. hee hee hee..

anyway try these pics now





here is my personal guitar a GRAND MASTER " Hope" model


here is one of our basses


well what do ya think?

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Sweet!!! I'm so glad I finally got to see them! Excellent stuff! Thanks for setting it up so I got a chance to see, I was wanting to see them badly! Again glad to have you here, I'm sure you will make a great addition to the crew! Have fun and enjoy yourself! Jason

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thanks everyone...


Thet are nade in out own shop... we first made them because its cheaper than spending big bucks on name brands and then people really liked them and we stuck with them ...

we now offer any p,ckup wanted on our top instruments and it is bAROLİNİ FEVER NOWADAYS WİTH THOSE GREAT PREAMP CİRCUTS...

I will post more picks next month when we finish our 2 new basses...

warmest regards


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