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Buget Tools Online


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Because I do this as a hobby, I figure I can get buy without buying Name brand tools that cost a fortune. I have been totally happy with everything I have bought at harborfreight.com. A 2 piece spoke shave set only cost me 9 bucks plus shipping. My 1.75 hp plunge router I go on sale for 30 bucks and it came with a 1 yr warrenty. The high speed cutter bits work great for inlays, and I got 25 bits for 6 bucks. Clamps, saws, sandpaper, extra long drill bits, files and rasps, even a spray gun, were all inexpensive and work great for a hobbyist. Im sure if I did this for a living, they wouldnt last long, and I would end up buying everything from dewalt, but just figured I would offer it up as a suggestion.

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One of the woodworking mags did an article on cheap tools, including many from horror freight (sorry, I've had bad experiences with the company). They sampled a dozen power tools or so ranging from sanders to chordless drills. They found that all in all it was a mixed bag. Some tools worked well, while others weren't worth it. For the most part, I think their hand tools are all ok and I haven't had a problem with any that I own.

If I need a tool and I can't buy a good one new, like when my wife says she'll divorce me if I spend any more money, I try to rent it, borrow it from a friend (always return it promptly if you want to borrow it again), or buy it used at a pawn shop. If I can't do any of that, I use what I have and plan on purchasing the tool at a later date if I think I'll need it again.

Man, I really miss all the tools I used to have access to before I moved. I gave some of them away as compensation for helping me move. I hear some of them ended up in the pawn shop to support a gambling habit. :D I came really close to picking up another table saw two weeks ago, but bought a Strat instead. Oh well.

Remember the Alamo, and God Bless Texas...

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Ive been to HF a few times and its been tough to walk out of there w/out buying some sort of tool but being that I am in college and have no money I figure it's better to buy once and spend a lot than buy several times and end up spending more. I will say that my HF C and f-clamps are awesome and at $1.99 and $1.64 respectively I always feel like I stole somthing when I pick up a few. The arbor presses are nice too, that will be my next purchase. Otherwise, I havent been impressed with anything else there really. Like GBTexas said, its really hit or miss there.

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