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Yeh, i does have a RG/stratish vibe up there, but thats easy to get rid of, beef up the cuttaways, make the horns stumpyer, have more curvature to them. My take on the design was getting at the fact the body looks top heavy (to my eyes) technecly its balanced but most guitars have a narower topend then bottom end, thats what i was trying to get at. I agree, the 2d version looks miles beter than the 3d. AANJ would be cool.

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I think your on the right track, I do like the bottom half of the design quite a bit, and the top is good too but it doesn't seem to fit right together, maybe try some fiddlin' with the upper cutaway, if the cut didn't come out from the neck so much you might like it better. Another thing that came to mind would be to bring in the waist a tad, especially on top so that the upper horn cuts in a bit sharper towards the body, thus making the bottom of the horn a pinch thinner, and while doing that try to even the angles out like skibum mentioned, I think that would really make a world of difference. ANyways I dig it, but some fiddlin wouldn't hurt, nor would some bevels. Good luck and keep at it, I think your doing well so far.

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  • 8 months later...

Hi again!

The story for waking up this old topic is, that as i got my broken HDD back to work by exchanging it's electronics, I found some pics on my desktop and a browser bookmark to this topic :D

So I thought I'd do something with this design and post it here to see if I've got any better in the past time and also to show that I'm still keeping an eye on the forum B)

Well, it looks like i've at least found some of the possibilities of Photoshop, if not else :D

So gimme all them oppinions and critics :D

Here it comes:




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I'd squeze it inwards at the waist... it looks too fat to me

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