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Who's That Lady?


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Well, one of the things I did during my 2 WEEKS IN PARADISE :D was to finally hook up some effects I have bought over the past few months to hook up and give a thorough tryout.

Well, one of the things I bought was a Captain Coconut II (from Dave Foxx at FoxxRoxx).

It's basically a 'Hendrix/Trower/SRV-in-a-box' effect, utilizing an Octavia, Fuzz, and Vibe all in one big mean black box. I'm sure most of you are probably aware of it.

I had that plugged in like this: Drak's Floyd-Bird (Super-Strat based guitar, EMG controls, SL-20 pkps)>Boss EQ>Morley Bad Horsie>'The Captain'>Tc Electronic Chorus/Flanger/Pitch Modulator>Boss Reverb>1973 modded Fender SFDR 2-10.

So anyway, I'm trippin' out to theMega-Thromnombulator-like vibeness I'm getting between the CC's vibe unit and the TC's chorus function.

So I'm doing some 10,000 Maniacs, Police (Walking on the Moon), The Ocean Blue, any songs I can think of with REALLY HEAVY CLEAN chorusing on it. And every once in awhile I kick in the fuzz (on the CC) to see what's happening with that. I didn't have any of my overdrive or distortion units chained in, just the fuzz from the CC.

So I'm just playing around adjusting in between these two vibe/chorus units, hitting the fuzz very occasionally, and absolutely loving every minute of it, not thinking about Trower, Jimi, OR SRV at all, More like Peter Buck-land.

So OK, I have the TC set for one thing, the Captain for something else, and I HIT THE FUZZ!



I mean, OUT of the freakin' blue comes the squishy '70's 'Who's That Lady' lead tone like Mr. Isley was in the house! I was blown away it was just so 'right there' perfect-like-the-record. :D

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That's one sound I've been looking for for years! Thanks, now I know where to look for it!  :D

Yeah...in X^A-dimensional parameter space, where X=number of knobs and A=10 (all knobs go from 1 to 10).

Sounds cool though. :D I thought I was all set for effects....maybe not.

Drak, you want drippy old-school Police wash, try "Bed's Too Big Without You" and "Voices Inside My Head"...man, with a good drummer & bass you could jam on "Voices" for 20 minutes and not get bored.

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That's so funny, because I wrote a song with some lead lines like that in between the choruses and verses. And that's the LAST type of sound I wanted for it. And when I was recording, I tried a few different things. To make a long story short, I got that steak sizzlin square wave on the top end of the notes. The only problem is I didn't want that at all. It just mysteriously appeared, and although it was a little hidden, it came out even more after mastering.

So I think what we've discovered is, that sound can rear it's head out of anywhere, whether you want it or not.

If I can find a way, I'll package up the essence and send it to you, cause I don't want it! Or...Hmmm..maybe it just travels around, one guitarist at a time. Maybe you have it now. In any event, I have to re-record those darn solo tracks.

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Yeah, it's kind of cheesy in a way, but not as bad as the fuzz tone in 'Easy Like Sunday Morning' (Commodores) Man, THAT is some cheesy sounding fuzz!  :D  :D  B)

Player: "I need a sound something like a 9 year old passing wind?"

Engineer: Walks up to speaker cab and puts foot through the cone, "There ya go! Next time let me know sooner, this cab's already 10 years old." :DB)

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