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Mosrite Copy


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my next project, hopefully starting tomorrow, is going to be a mosrite copy. i started drawing the template in a cheap CAD program. you can download the file at:


what do you guys think of the drawing. any advises???

i will use alder and maple neck. havent thought about the rest. i was a little spontanious this time. well, thats it for now. hopefully have some news tomorrow or friday. have a good night everybody.

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well, started the work on the body today. it seems soo huge.

It'll feel more manageable once you get the carve done...the only time I've held a real Mosrite was once when Johnny Ramone asked me to hold his for a minute, but that was too long ago, I don't remember how heavy it was (I was in a state of awe, you see).

But I have a Univox Hi-Flyer bass, same body shape, although the Hi-flyer isn't very thick. And I had an Eastwood Sidejack for a little while, and yeah, that one's a big and heavy guitar.

This is going to be one cool project to watch though --what's your finish going to be?

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I will follow this build with interest. Love Mosrites. Love Ramones.

the only time I've held a real Mosrite was once when Johnny Ramone asked me to hold his for a minute

What can I say.

You lucky b*****d!!! :D

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what do you guys think of the carve??? i dont really know how it's supposed to look. any suggestions??? thanks.

Well, what kind of carve look are you going for? PRS/Les Paul-esque? Or something a bit different?

Right now it's got a similar carve/vibe to Matt's (GuitarFrenzy's) red Swamp Ash November GOTM entry. If that's what you're going for, sure. Different strokes for different folks. I prefer a smoother, more 'traditional' carve on my own builds. This is the best shot I've got: http://www.xs4all.nl/~mvalente/guitarpics/pat_body_39.jpg

See if you can dig up some pictures of mandolin plans, or better yet, go to a store and fondle some carved top guitars :D

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got the lower cutaway up to the "ass" done today. didn't do it like on real mosrites. a little different. but i like it better this way. will show pictures tomorrow.

btw, if anybody has questions, heres my icq number: 105727833

the wood is red alder aka european alder. usually it doesn't have to dark spots in it. i wont use a translucent finish though.

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the wood is red alder aka european alder. usually it doesn't have to dark spots in it. i wont use a translucent finish though.

Depends on what you want. If you really want a solid color, go for it (they're great too...just around here, people turn up their noses at anything without a massive flame thing going on).

Personally, I like the looks of the darks spots and all...think it gives the wood some character. And I think you'll find they look even better once you've sealed it. So if you really wanted translucent, I say go for that.

Just don't forget the pickguard!

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