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How Do You Like This One?

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That's GOTM material right there. Very good work, I like it lot.

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Thanks a lot guys, those words, coming from people like you really encourages me!

Well, i guess I should talk about this one a little...

This bass i made for a customer. Actually, i have made a couple before this one, but i guess this is the one that came out the better (and i guess that always happens when you are learning...)

It´s my own esign, altought based on my infuences, like CT basses and D. Huff Basses, it´s 4 string, 34" scale, jazz bass circuit, 24 frets.

It´s made all from local woods (I´m from Argentina). In here we have a lot of very good woods, some very similar to the woods often used for guitarbuilding.

For example, the center of the body and the sides in the back are made of a wood called CANCHARANA. Wich is VERY MUCH like mahogany, but with a stronger red colour that is just beautiful. I used two different cuts of this one, to make the sides and center a little different from the back, you can see this here.


On top of the sides, i used a wood called GUAYUBIRA, a harwood with this beautiful shapes, a little hard to work, but it pays.

The funny thing about this wood is that it changes from one place to another, to this shapes you see in the body, to a clear, greyish colour, like you see in the fretboard, wich is made from the very same wood.

For the "little wings" on the body i used INCIENSO.

And for the neck, i used ZOITA, and two stripes of NOGAL for the PEGHEAD.


The whole bass is oil finished, that´s how i like´em the most to preserve the natural feel and look, and the body has a very thin layer of wax.

Well, that´s all i can think of now! sorry for talkin too much!! Please keep giving me your opinions!

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