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Book Suggestions


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Following on from the new guitar, I've decided to learn a bit of theory and generally work out everything I've forgetten from years ago. I've printed out a chord chart and I'm going to have a look at some tabs over the weekend.

What I'm after is a decent book going through theory, scales etc etc. Basically everything I need to progress away from House of the Rising Sun :D Really needs to be a book so that I can read it when she's watching EastEnders.

Cheers guys :D

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Back when I was looking for a good theory book, I sat in a book store (The Tattered Cover in Colorado) and flipped through an entire shelf full of them. I eventually settled for "Improvising Jazz" because it seemed to be the right level of detail for me. I wanted to know what made scales and modes what they were.

It's available through Amazon... Improvising Jazz

It reads like stereo instructions at some points, but it does go into theory with the mind set of playing over different chord changes. The author is a clarinet player (if memory serves) so there's a non-guitar focused way of looking and thinking about music.

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Cheers guys.

Unfortunately the web sites are out as I don't have the internet at home :D

Cheers for the book suggestions too. Sadly, out here in the country there aren't too many music shops for me to sit down in and have a flick through books, so I was hoping to order one. I think what Jehle said makes sense, I'll have to have a flick through a load until I find what I need. I'll have to take a detour next time I go to a meeting :D

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Cheers guys.

Unfortunately the web sites are out as I don't have the internet at home :D

Cheers for the book suggestions too. Sadly, out here in the country there aren't too many music shops for me to sit down in and have a flick through books, so I was hoping to order one. I think what Jehle said makes sense, I'll have to have a flick through a load until I find what I need. I'll have to take a detour next time I go to a meeting B)

That's the only way that I can find good books at times. Amazon is great and everything, but each publisher and author have their own style of presenting information. If they don't think the same way I do, I have a really hard time learning from it.

I tend to like books that have a "learn by doing" approach. Nearly every guitar building book has to fall under that category since it involves working with your hands and building something. No problem there. Music theory is a different subject though. It's an intellectual art so there are going to be many ways to approach the subject. It'll be important to find the right book for yourself that launches into the heady subject of music theory from a perspective that you can relate too.

Let us know what you find during your search. You might find some good reading that the rest of us can use. :D

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