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Les Paul Wiring


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I got a Hamer Les Paul-type thing from a guy a few days ago that wanted me to change the pickups for him. When I opened it up, I found a rat's nest (factory), so I tore all the wiring out and started over. Before I did this, though, I noticed that the pickups were connected to the outer lugs on the volume pots so that turning the volume down on one pickup with both pickups selected cut the output completely. Not being a Les Paul guy, I figured this was a mistake (it wouldn't be the first incorrect factory-wired guitar I've seen). When I replaced the wiring, I connected the pickups to the middle lugs on the volume pot, "jazz bass style," to eliminate this problem.

Anyway, I happened to be playing an Epi Les Paul the other day, and I noticed it was wired the same way as the Hamer originally was. Is this how Les Pauls are generally wired? Do Les Paul owners prefer this operation? It makes no sense to me, but I don't want to give the guitar back to this guy and have him tell me it's wrong. What are the benefits of having the two volumes interact strongly when the switch is in the middle? The guy has been out of town, so I can't ask him what he prefers. He said he would pick it up tonight, but I still have plenty of time to change the wiring if need be. Honestly, I think it's better this way, but if you guys think I should change it back, I guess I will.


Edited by fookgub
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Most Les Pauls and SGs and 335 types are wired so that the volume controls are interactive - turning down one completely cuts off the other.

There is a slightly different sound and not really a total loss of mixing capability with the interactive wiring. If you think about how the guitar is wired now, you can see that turning down the non-interactive volume pot also loads the pickup down as the volume is reduced - even with single pickup selection. The interactive wiring can stay brighter longer.

Plus, if you use treble bypass caps on the volume controls, when both pickups are selected and you turn one down you are placing the bypass cap for one across the signal line for the other with the non-interactive wiring.

It would be best to ask as it really amounts to preference.

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Thanks for the info. I'm going to leave it like it is and explain what I did. I can always switch it back in about 5 minutes if he doesn't like it.

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I'm probably the odd man out here, but I hate the interactive volume pot setup! If the treble loss is an issue, a treble bleed cap will solve the problem without any loss of functionality. Life is too short to put up with volume levels that don't stay where you set 'em! :D

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I'm probably the odd man out here, but I hate the interactive volume pot setup! If the treble loss is an issue, a treble bleed cap will solve the problem without any loss of functionality. Life is too short to put up with volume levels that don't stay where you set 'em! :D

Well, the guy said he had never noticed the volumes interacting. Apparently this is his first Paul. I assume he, like most people, just runs the volume wide open, in which case the two circuits become essentially identical. I ended up leaving the wiring.

By the way, the pickups he had me drop in were a DiMarzio P.A.F. and a Super Distortion. Sounded pretty good... better than I thought they would. Very 'rock'. He's got a set of Evos that he wants me to drop into his Ibanez next. I've been wanting to check those pickups out, so I'm looking forward to it.

Edited by fookgub
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  • 2 months later...

Newbie to wiring here so if there is a thread that I can't find please point me to it and I won't bug you.

I have a 2004 epi that I want to add a SD 59' and JB to. I am replacing the pots and adding a push/pull coil split on one of the tone controls.

I personally have never liked the way that one volume shuts the other one down. I found a wiring diag on the SD site for 2 HB 2 volume, 2 tone.

sd wiring diag

My question is - do most people rip out all of the stock wiring (I can't figure a way to use it on the new design?

If so should I look for wire that is grouped together or just run separate wires for each path?

I obviously have a lot to learn and would appreciate some real simple advice.

-- Thanks

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